
  • I'm just wondering how all of you make it through the weekends. During the week when I am at my family's business, it is pretty easy to stay OP. When the weekends come around I have a huge problem. For those who don't know, I am a wedding planner which makes it hard on those weekends. On the weekends where I don't have anything going, I tend to always want to go off the diet. Maybe it's because I get lazy when it comes to cooking? Or maybe because DH wants to go get Big Macs at McDonald's.

    All last month, I'd lose during the week and gain it back on the weekends. This month will be another terrible weekend month since I have 2 weddings, a wedding show and am going on vacation to Minnesota from the 13th-20th. I got my butt back into exercise this morning and recommitted myself in my head. There are 2 days this week that I have to go to the county fair because we are sponsoring 2 cars in the demolition derby and I hope to make my dinner and eat before I get there. Oh, how oh how will I make it through this month?????
  • Planning, planning planning. Lots of the ladies here have talked about cook ahead meals. In my case, I think about cooking on Sunday for the week but for you maybe its cooking during the week for the weekend. On Friday night you put together lunches for the next 2 days, etc.

    You can do this!!