Hello everyone

  • Hello everyone....I just joined the site today.

    My name is Mindee, and I will be 22 next month. I am married and we have a three month old son.

    I was at my highest weight ever in my life four days before I had my son. I hate to admit it, but I had let myself go all the way up to 285lbs. Two weeks after having him, I jumped on the scale and was about 240ish. But since then I have been flucutaing between 247 and 250. I am hoping to get down to 120 pounds.

    I have been talking walks, doing sit ups, leg lifts, lifting weights. But this past Sunday, I kicked up another notch so to speak. I had my hubby bring in the exercise bike that we have had sitting in the garage since we moved in. So far I have pedaled almost 27 miles. (And I have done it on Sunday for about 4 minutes to get a feel for it. And then Tuesday, Wednesday and today, inching it up so I can really feel the burn.)

    From what I have seen so far this looks like an awesome forum. I am hoping to stay on here throughout my weight loss journey.
  • Hello and Welcome--

    Sounds like you've got a great workout routine started!!

    Glad to have you here and hope that you take the time to browse around and get to know the place. Just pop in anywhere and begin chatting or ask the question you may have or whatever it may be, just know that you won't be turned away.

    Good luck to you and once again Welcome!!!

  • Marti~ Thanks for the welcome! I will be on here more later. A friend of ours is coming over and since she is getting married in 9 months and only has the church and the reception hall booked, we are going to help her out!

    Thanks again!

    (BTW, it seems to be a goal to get down to my slimmer self by the wedding. And also so that the next time we get pregnant, I won't have as many issues as I did with Brandon. I was told that I had gestational diabetes with him and that he was going to be 7lbs. 10oz. When he was born, he came out at 6lbs. 13oz.)