New to the South Beach Diet

  • I've just started the South Beach Diet and have some questions that I don't think were pointed out specifically in the book. Don't want to make any mistakes!

    I have been on the Atkins diet and found it very effective, but always had a problem with the fact that it condoned so much "bad fat". I find the SBD to be a much healthier version of Atkins, but am having some teething problems with the switch over.

    When it gives the Phase I "foods to enjoy" list, does this mean that you can eat any quantity of the those foods? I guess doing Atkins for so long it's strange to be able to eat as many tomatoes and other vegetables... particularly chickpeas that are quite starchy.

    And is skim milk and decaf coffee ok on Phase I?

    If anyone could help clue me in, I'd be grateful!
  • Hi Zealie. Welcome to the 3FC website. We have a whole forum on the South Beach Diet with lots of information and support.
    The beauty of SBD is that you can eat certain good carbs, even on Phase I. Dr. Agatston says to eat until satisfied. Yes, coffee, decaf or not, and skim milk up to 2 cups per day is allowed on Phase I.
    Come and join us! Here's the link to the main forum heading.
  • Welcome! Hope you love it here!