Week Of July 25th

  • Hi All,

    We just got home from the shore and had a blast! Not a lot of sun, but dry and nice enough! I'll catch up when we're unpacked and unwound!
  • Hi guys!!

    Thanks Lauren. It was an OK birthday. DH sent me flowers for the first time since Alex was born. That was sweet of him. We went to one of my favorite places, Red Robin for lunch. I had a coupon for a free meal. The closest one is an hour away so it wasn't exactly a free meal. It's a fun place tho. And there is MORE food than anyone can eat. They even give free fry refills. DH says he doesn't know how anyone could eat more than they gave you to begin with. I got fish and chips for Alex. He ate the whole darn thing, except for about three fries. Then he drank some of my milkshake. I don't know where this kid puts the food. Wish I had his metabolism!!

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday.

    Hello to all!!
  • Happy Birthday Karen!

  • Happy BIrthday Karen!!!
  • Happy birthday Karen!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a good day.

    Will write more later when I get some time

    Hello to all of you
  • Thanks guys!!

    Alex is actually in his crib again. We've been doing good for the last week or so. I hope this continues.

    Hope everyone is having a super evening.
  • Karen--I am with U on the metabolism thing..Kaylee eats like a horse...She figured out last week if she followed the big kids to the cafeteria she will eat breakfast for 7 and then the worker brings her back to the kiddie room and she eats with her friends again at 7:45...She eats all the time!!!R U still nursing as much also??She takes milk/formula only at night before bedtime..Hope the birthday was great!!!

    Kaylee is getting to be such a talker...SHe chit chats constantly and loves to screech and fuss while pointing her finger..IT is soo funny when she fusses and yells "sissy" and corrects #2..I just giggle...
    I am sooo ready to go on vacation on Friday!!!! Cant wait..Just have to get into the "diet mode" when shopping for junk to have in the car!!!!
    Haave a great day!!!
  • Hi All,

    RR, are you going for a week? Peter's a chatter box sometimes too. He'll just ramble on and nobody but him knows what he's saying, but he'll go 20 minutes at a stretch, just babbling on! Why is Kaylee stil getting formula, if you don't mind me asking? Does she not like milk, or tolerate it well?

    Karen, glad to hear you had a pretty good birthday. That's awesome that Alex eats soo well! And good for him sleeping in his crib! :clappy:

    Oh, I didn't post his 18 month stats!

    28.5 lbs. - 95th%
    34 3/4" - Off the charts
    19" head - I think that's what it was.

    He still has an ear infection though. So now we're on a round of Augmentin for 10 days. Going for a recheck on the 6th. Ped said if it's not gone then, we'll talk about an ENT. He asked if he says a lot of words, I said yes. He asked if he puts 2 words together, and I said not really, but he is starting to try. He pointed to my car and said something to the effect of mama's car. He said that's fine, as long as he's trying. He had what I thought was a heat rash, but daycare informed me that one of hte babies had coxsackie last week. He said he thinks it's a heat rash too, because his throat is clear, and while he could get it again the same summer, he didn't think it was. His rash/yeast inf. is clearing up slowly. The lotrimin type cream is helping. Of course he cracked the Dr. up by giggling at him when he listened to his chest!

    As far as eating, he's not a very good eater at home. He does great at daycare, but could care less about dinner. Most of the time, I'm lucky if I get 3 bites of something in him for dinner, and that's it! No wonder he eats great at daycare!
  • Lauren--Kaylee gets diarrhea if she drinks straight milk..I could give her Soy, I think it is called Silk, but she does great with 1/2 Nestle Good Start 2 and 1/2 whole milk..The soy doesnt have the calcium and fat that the mixture has and since she is almost 20 months and still not 25 lbs, the Pedi said it would be best to stick with the 1/2 strength..She had a run of the runs 2 weeks ago at daycare--8 diapers and I found out DH was mixing to 1/4-3/4 milk and it was bad...Peter is doing great!!! Kaylee was 33inches, 24 lbs and the head was still at 51cm(off the chart-but only 1 cm growth in 7 months)at her 19 month checkup..We get her immunizations Aug 11 with ear checkup when we get back..We are leaving on the 31st and returning the 10th!!

    Have a great day all!!!!
  • hey guys,

    internet probs here. gotta be quick. on and off access. alex is sick. fever 101 to 103. can't get it lower. . hope all is well with you,
  • Hi All,

    Still having a pity party for myself around here. Remember the birthday fiasco here...nobody remembered? Well, today is one of the other girl's b-day's and they decorated her cube in streamers and like 3-4 mylar balloons. They've got baskets set up in the kitchen for bagels and goodies, just waiting for someone to get here with them. Isn't that nice? > Screw them all, isn't it bad enough that I hate my job, but nobody even wants to talk to me?! I try to join their conversations and they just ignore me. I never did anything to these people. I guess it just doesn't help that I'm fat, tall, married, pregnant... Damn hormones.

    Karen, hope Alex is feeling better soon.

    RR, hope Kaylee grows out of the milk sensitivity. Have a great vacation!!

    Hi everyone else.
  • Hi guys,

    Finally, internet access again ! Alex is still running a fever. It's lower now (101.6) but still there. We've been trying to call the doctor but they aren't open yet. Sigh. I hate it when he's sick. Especially since I don't know how to make it better.

    Lauren: Sorry about the people at work. Doesn't it suck that grown people can be so clickish? I guess some people never grow up. How are you feeling otherwise? OK with the pregnancy?

    RR: Yep, Alex is a big talker. His favorite word is "NO". Said while shaking his finger at me. I don't shake my finger at him so I don't know where he gets it from. He will also sit on my lap and just babble away, while pointing at everything in the room. He thinks it's hilarious when I babble back at him.

    Hello to everyone!!

    Hope ya'll are having a super weekend!! (For some reason I typed headache instead of weekend. Where on earth did that come from? I don't have one and I sure hope you guys don't have one.)
  • Karen!! Hope you're not getting a headache! And I sure hope it's not super!! Have you tried alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen? They say that helps. And there's always icepops! Everything's going fine PG wise. Had my 17 wk. appt. Thursday. Everything's fine, I gained 2 lbs., for a total of 4 lbs. so far. She was fine with that. I am to, but I would like to have not gained anything yet...I've got enough fat stores! Took her awhile to find the HB, but just as she was about to throw in the towel and do a quickie U/S, she found it, way down low. Must be a girl...sneaky little witch! My big U/S is 8/18 at the hospital and next appt. is 8/26. I can't believe I'll be confirming it's a girl in 3 wks.!! Geez, I can't believe I'll be 20 wks. pg in 3 wks!! Where did the time go?! You better hurry up and join me!!