Weekly Weigh-in 7/11-7/17

  • Down to 179 now. It's miraculous.
  • At 140 I don't know if I am up or down because I haven't been consistent with my weigh-ins.
  • I'm back down to my pre-vacation weight: 159. =)
  • 35 lbs total gone as of today! Wow!

    My hard work has paid off already, and I'm down two lbs to 166!

    Woo HOO!
  • As of Sunday, still at 161, hoping for a loss of at least 1 lb this week.

    Congrats to Jenicra and Deeloser on your losses!!

    35lbs!!! Way to go Spillthebeans!!!!!
  • Well, it is friday and today is my offical start over date.
    I am 185 even today. We'll see how well I do next friday.
