Which country are you?

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  • Take the country quiz

    My results -

    You're Sudan!
    Every time you get a headache, you reach for some aspirin, only to realize that someone destroyed it. That's just how things are going for you right now... it's hard to eat, hard to sleep, hard to not have a headache. You try to relax, but people always jump on you about something that doesn't make sense. If you were a goat, you'd be a Nubian.
  • I'm GREENLAND! figures as I have to pass it to go back home Although people think i'm warmish i'm actually cold and forbidding Did'nt think I was that bad
  • I just HAD to be Iraq, didn't I?

    Great, just great!
  • This was fun! I'm Brazil!

    "You're athletic, charming, and probably a good dancer. Unfortunatley, you don't really mind chopping down the rain forest, and you probably consider homeless people expendable in certain circumstances. Of course, your personality is so diverse that it's hard to track down exactly what you're like. You definitely like Pele, the World Cup, and shouting "gooooal" at the top of your lungs."

  • What I want to know is what is liking sheep got to do with it? just cuz I said something like "i'll have to get a sweater" i'm all cold and forbidding
  • im egypt apparently goes to show what they know i hate bloody cats
  • Linus! How could you say such a thing!!!!

    I'll send 'em round to you.....
  • I keep doing this quiz and first off I was Texas! Since when has Texas been a country I ask!
    Since then, I've been Spain and the Vatican? I'll keep doing it until I like a country I think...LOL!
  • I'm now

    You're Cuba!
    How bad can you really be? So many people have said so many bad things about you, but you know they can't all be true. Not even most of them. You went a little crazy for a while, but now you're just getting older and tired of all the nasty stuff people think about you. You could use a little more money and you really wish people wouldn't keep leaving you for richer people, but other than that, things aren't so bad. You really like used military clothing.

    So true!
  • i dont hate cats that was the wrong way ti put it my family used to breed siamese nd burmese cats and they always look so superior and think they know something you dont and the one across the road has deceided that if she sits just where the dogs can see it then they bark whine and try and jump off the balcony but if the dog actually gets near it i have to save the blooming thing so lets just say i think they are sneaky
  • ps how comes i only answered 4 questions before it decieded i was egypt
  • Think I only answered about 4 too and I really don't LIKE Cats
  • You're Vatican City!
    You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and it's hard to say whether you're right. You have a lot of followers, most of whom will do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car. Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone around you. You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.

    well If I don't like wrestling, spicy food and have a good quality life I'm vatican city?

    this quiz is lots of fun!

  • You're Pakistan!
    You used to ask people what they thought about things, but quite recently you've decided to just do stuff without asking nicely. You really want to go to the mountains, but for some reason, people won't let you, mostly because they won't let acquire any nice sweaters. In the meantime, you're avoiding alcohol and pork and trying to balance eating right with not falling behind in your competition with your next-door neighbor.

    this bloody things mad i dont like curries either
  • Right, I am sending a pack(?) of cats around to Cat90!

    Linus it isn't just Siamese etc that think they are superior - even Alley cats put on airs! I know what you mean about cats teasing dogs. One of ours would go right up to the fence so next door's yappy Jack Russell would see her, then turn round to me in amazement as if to say "look, here I am all innocence, just standing here, and this dog is yapping at me".

    Well, I am p***ed off. You guys get to be Cuba and Egypt etc. I feel very alone as Iraq!