The Daily - Friday, July 2

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  • Good morning and TGIF for those of you at work. Today seems so much like Sunday to me after Canada Day. I nearly got organized for Church but realized it's a jeans and t-shirt day.

    Sarah comes at 8:30 this morning. We are going to weed and fertilize the Village and Fairground planters. I'll clip back plants and pull weeds while she lugs water and mixes fertilizer. My wrist is well enough to handle that but the darn right arm is still screwed up! (I may have to break down and go to the doc next week.) Two park benches need to be scraped and painted but we may leave that until next week as there are lots of tourists in the Village and I'm sure they'll want to "set 'n rest a spell"!

    This afternoon, I will spend some time researching for my Millers' Wives presentation which is a week from Sunday! Somehow it snuck up on me. I have to flesh out one script (Amelia) and start from scratch on Carolyn, the second one. The announcement will be in the local paper today so I really can't get out of it now! Does anyone have a size 18 Victorian costume I can borrow? I'm pretty darn sure I won't be making one!

    A pretty day is starting up without me so I'm outta here.

    What's happening with you and what are your weekend plans?
  • Ruth, I'm so sorry your arm isn't healing quickly.

    DD and a friend walked up to Parliament Hill last night to see the fireworks. DH and I stayed home and had some fireworks in the backyard for DS.
    Today is Mom's birthday. She was going to come into the city for breakfast this morning, but Dad had a bad day yesterday, so my sister and I will go out there for a visit... I haven't picked up a gift yet, so I think we'll hit Winners on the way, and I'll get some nice bath stuff for Mom.
    I'm so tired.

    Hope everyone is well...
  • morning everyone!!!

    ruth you busy, busy woman you. just reading like i am off to weed and fertilize the village...... lol you have way too much energy!! keep it up though you totally guilt me into moving around daily

    ellis well 1 op day turned into 2 and i am going for 3 today!!! i am going to do my best this weekend and not fold in to peer pressure while we celebrate the 4th. so it is chicken breast and water for me, and goodies and beer for all my fat friends have a good visit with mom and dad!!

    happy belated canada day to all my canadian friends!!!

    well i had a great day yesterday, took the day off work, took the kids swimming, and i totally felt relaxed for the first time in a long while. my slight depression seems to have lifted and i am again feeling good about being me. thank you all for your support!! you are all such wonderful people just knowing you are here is what has kept me going in the right direction these last several weeks. i have to cut this short since i actually have to work my 4hours today. see you all on tuesday!!! have a great weekend!!
  • Morning ladies!

    Sipping on my coffee trying to wake up.

    Ruth So sorry about your arm, you should definitely go get it checked.

    Ellis Sorry to hear that your dad is struggling. You are in my thoughts!

    I have a ton to do today in order to leave for vacation tomorrow morning. Our flight doesn't leave until noon, so that gives us some time to finish up in the morning if needed. I cannot wait to see the ocean!!

    I scheduled a playdate for DD this morning, probably not the wisest thing, but if I can get her good and worn out she will nap well this afternoon. That increases my productivity!!

    Have a great OP day!
  • Morning Jodi!!

    You can so stay OP this weekend and on Monday you will feel fantastic. Plan, plan, plan!!
  • Good morning, ladies!
    (Why is it that when I type that I hear Robin Williams in my mind?)

    It's so nice to read that no one has any real drama in our lives. A few days, there were medical tests, impending surgeries, all kinds of things. Now, a few days to smell the roses.
    I'm comfortably into my second week of Phase 1. Last night, I came close to eating the entire cereal cabinet, but I can do this for a few more days. I think tonight I'll get some more sugar-free jello, and give myself a real treat.
    We are getting Miss Krista ready to go to horseback riding camp for 2 weeks. She always comes back slimmer and really happy, and really smelly. She actually cleans out horse stalls - how come I can't get her to clean her room?
    Voice in my head hears my mother saying the same thing, but I actually did my chores without being reminded. And I didn't like the poor old horse standing in muck, while I did pick up my clothes eventually.

    I really lost my temper with her last night - she's sitting at the computer, instant messaging her friends, while her dad and I are folding t-shirts, checking packing lists, getting clothes out of the drier, etc. When I blew up, both she and her dad looked at me like I was overreacting - Gawd. She's 14 - a young 14, with ADD, but still, her dad spoils her way too much. It's 'cause he wasn't spoiled at all. So he meets ALL of her little wants, because NONE of his were met. We talk about how there should be a balance, but as soon as he gets into action, wham, we've overindulged her again. She admits it, cheerfully pointing out that this is why she always goes to Dad first when she wants something.
    My, I didn't know I was that worked up about that.

    Have a good day, may check in later.

  • I just realized this morning that it is only 2 weeks until my son turns seven! Where did June go so fast? I have been after him to tell me what kind of a party he wanted and kept getting no answer. This morning he saw coupons for Chuck-E-Cheese and decided to have it there. I guess I better get busy. At this age all the boys want to do is play the arcade games.

    I am hoping they let us out of work early today. Usually we get out early before a long weekend. This was a crazy morning. I dropped Brian off at day care and realized I had not packed a sack lunch for him and they are leaving for a camp at 9. Ran home to do it and found out my husband had parked too far forward in the garage and the door wouldn't open. Had to yank open the gate into the back yard (gate is falling apart) and walk through tall grass (been too wet to mow) to get into the house. Oh, well, it didn't delay me for too much.

    My husband says he has called fencing companies for estimates and they have not called him back. I think I am going to have to start calling if I want it to get done - but he is home all day so why can't he do it! Oh, well, I am not going to turn this into a rant. Better finish up my reading and get to work.
  • Morning ladies --

    Ellis -- sorry about your father - I too am thinking of him.

    Ruth -- break down! You don't want it getting any worse, you know?

    Jodi -- glad you are feeling better! I get into those bouts too. Relaxing always seems to do the trick!

    Kiko- Did I miss it? Where are you going? As long as it's a vacation, enjoy!

    I am going to be having a rather busy weekend, as it's shaping up to be. I went to the Mystics game last night [women's basketball] and they actually won. Despite being the most losing-est team in the WNBA, they have the biggest fan base. Anyway, they won! There were twins playing one another [one on each team] and at first it frekaed my friend and I out, until we realized what was going on. We thought the player for the Mystics got traded!

    A BBQ party tomorrow night and a pool party Sunday [weather permitting] and I am taking a trip with friends to the Spy Museum on Monday! Aside from all the laundry I have to get done and some shopping I must do.

    I am going to get to the gym today for the first time in 2 weeks. I have to...I feel like poop! But I did get on the scale and found some good news!!!! Down almost another 2. I like this -- now I have to keep it up!

    Have a super weekend all! Happy belated Canada day and happy 4th! I still don't have a computer at home so I won't be on.

  • Jenn Yup, a vacation! We are going to Nags Head, NC for a week on the beach. I have family in Ohio and the DC area that will be driving down. We rent adjacent beach houses right on the waterfront and hang out all week. It is a blast!! I will be meeting my 9 month old niece for the first time. My DD has been running around all week excited to see her cousins. DD and I will be there for the full week- my husband can only get 5 days off of work, so he will return early. FUN IN THE SUN!!!!
  • Kiko -- make sure youwave on your way through my neck of the woods!!!! And have fun!
  • Hello all
    You sound like you are going to all be having a fun 4th. I love fireworks! Last year we visited my oldest 2 kids in Tennessee a few weeks before the 4th and brought home fireworks. They actually have firework malls everywhere. Well, I'm sure I was a pyromaniac in my first life because this little Idaho girl hasn't seen anything like that before. The fireworks we get to do here are nothing compared to that. Well, being the rule keeping person I am brought home some of those fireworks from Tennesse.....well, a lot actually. They were spectacular.....and I didn't get caught. (I work with a bunch of firefighter/paramedics.) I just told them I was having a "controlled burn" This year I don't even want to buy any fireworks from here...boring.

    Ruth- Honey you need a break! Rest your arms a little. Let the weeds live!!!! SAVE A WEED! I bet you don't watch soap operas or nap do you?

    Ellis- Lovey, you need to buy some bath stuff for yourself too! You and Ruth need to get together and have some "quiet" time. Remember you must also care for the caregiver.

    justjodi- ya, Ruth guilts me into planting flowers and pulling weeds too. Glad you are feeling better.

    Kiko-Have a blast! No neighbors, no phone, no TV, it doesn't get better than that does it??

    Kristasmom- at least you lost your temper. Maybe you won't find it again. There is certainly nothing normal about them is there???? My nearly 13 year old is sending me over the edge. I don't get a few weeks at horse riding camp, but her grandparents did take her camping this weekend. I can't believe the house is so quiet!

    Barb- I recommend to just start doing the fence yourself. There's nothing that gets my husband going like receiving a phone call from me while he's at work when I ask "honey, where is the cordless drill???????"

    Jenne- Way to get a surprise from the scale! Motivates you doesn't it!

    I have 3 whole days off in a row! Really excited! We'll do the parade tomorrow and a sunrise breakfast at our church first thing in the morning. Then I'm driving up to the hills to make an appearance at a family reunion. I'd rather go to Jackson Hole, but it will be way crowded with the big weedend so I'll do that another weekend.

    Have fun, wear your seatbelts and be safe!
  • Good morning, everyone!

    I need to recommit to the SBD. Would somebody please explain to me why it is so important to do Phase I for two weeks? After all, if you can still lose on Phase II and this is supposed to be a lifetime plan, why do two weeks make or break it?

    I am going to Palm Springs this weekend (yes, I know, it will be 110 but not in the pool) and don't want to set myself up so I am not going to start again until I return on Tuesday. However, I am thinking that I can deal better with going right to Phase II where I left off rather than Phase I again for two weeks. It is just so restrictive that I can't bear it.

    What do you think?
  • Kiko- I'm so're going to Nags Head....I love it down there...I have family that lives down there year round!

    Ruth- I hope your arm feels better soon! Take a little break!

    Everyone sounds really busy this weekend. Last night I went to my little brothers baseball game...he played against my cousin's son...sadly my little brother's team lost...but they have a game tonight...if they win they move on...if they lose, they're out of the all-stars. Cross your fingers for him! I can't believe he's turning 11 this month! There's a 12 yr difference between him and me and there's a 16 yr difference between my little brother and my older brother! This morning I woke up and the scales just beckoned I hopped on....I've lost 3lbs! for a total of 17lbs!!! YAY!! Earlier I went for a walk with my oldest dog....I think I wore him out. We walked around my neighborhood for about 1.5 miles. He was tuckered out by the time we got home. I'm going out to the garden in a little bit to pick green beans...yummy! This weekend we're gonna have a SBD cookout to celebrate my oldest dogs b-day and the 4th of July....but they're calling for storms all weekend and all of next week. I hope we get to see the fireworks! I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!!!
  • Jenne,

    I read an article on the Spy Museum in the Smithsonian magazine a couple years ago, ever since then i have wanted to check it out. We only go your direction every couple years to visit my MIL. The trip is much easier now that my twins are 8 and the baby is 2.5, still difficult enough that we dont' do it very often.

    Day 6 is going great. Head aches are gone as is the tiredness.

  • Hey chickies just popping in to say good night. Yesterday was a real bad day. HANGOVER. I ended up sleeping for 3 hours then up half the night. I have done nothing but eat lately. DH told me today that I look like I have gained weight. Is it enough to get this butt back in gear?