Stay at home Mom's # 202

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  • Welcome to a thread devoted to those who have the ultimate job of taking care of their family. Here you will find wonderful women raising a family and trying to find time to take care of themselves and their weight too. So if you are a SAHM jump right in and say hello and to all you who have been here before I look forward to a new day with you!!
  • Well, I attempted to keep up with some of what was going on in the last thread- but me being a bear of little brain, coupled with a hormonal computer- needless to say, that is not a good combination!!!!

    So, I am here to say hello and wish everyone a great Saturday. I had plans to take Ds and Dd to the lake this am (it gets really crowded if you go later) but just as the weather channel had predicted for us, it is still raining a bit and very cloudy. Tonite is supposed to be beautiful- and I hope to take them to the carnival and fireworks in town. (not sure if that is such a good idea, as there have been 2 robberies not too far from us........and unfortunately fireworks are well attended here (not too many place have them anymore) that leaves a wonderful opportunity for a thief. Dh and Dd are at a softball tournament (so what else is new?) and should be back........but then they might join us........guess I'll have to think this one thru.

    Penny- thanks for posting that info on weigh of the reasons that I like to attend the same WW meeting.......and for that morning go thru the same routine even with regard to what and how much I eat before I WI- so that I know that a super heavy breakfast or tons of coffee are not causing a bogus weight gain.

    Lisa, Spryng, Nikki, Diane, Geri......hope I did not miss anyone.....hope you have a great weekend!!!
    I'd better scoot and try to get something done around this pig sty.
  • Leigh, Michele and Ellis......guess I missed you! Please forgive me, I am all too prone to short quick posts and cannot always personally repsond (feel like a creep for that!)

    Spryng- did I read that Tanner is already a year?????????? (time flies........)
    See ya!
  • Good morning all!

    Just another quick post from me. I should be getting the kids ready but I stopped in here for a sec.

    Ginny, yes Tanner turned 1 yo on the 24th! Can you believe it?? You're right, time does fly. How was your dd's graduation?? I'm so glad you are back. Have you lost more weight since the last time we heard about it? I got stuck on a big plateau for awhile, I think I would have saw a loss this week if it's wasn't for TOM.

    Geri, that is so scary!!! I would really panic too. My kids got out of my yard one day after we first moved to this house. We have a fenced in back yard but they climbed it and escaped and when I called them only my dd came back and said she didn't know where ds was, that he went walking down the street. I freaked out. I was like 6-7 months pregnant and couldn't really run but I did. I found him down the street in someone's yard sitting on their swing. He could hear me calling him but was igoring me. Ugh. I could have killed him. What got me though, I was panicing and running around and neighbors were outside and I was screaming "have you seen a little blonde boy around here?" and they were just giving me blank faces and turning away from me. So much for neighborly love huh? lol. O-well, turned out well but it got scary. Hug that child to you and I'm so glad he is fine. Life has been hectic for you lately. I hope things get better. (((((HUGS))))))

    OK, wish I could stay longer but I really have to scoot. I'll check in again tonight. TTYL!
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Wow! That is really scary. How old is your son again? Does he understand what could have happened to him. Poor guy.

    Have a fun time today with the sale!

    Thanks for starting the new thread!

    Have a great day ladies! I think I am gonna run to town and get all the stuff we need for the cabin for Monday.
  • Good Day
    Good morning gals! I ended up using my flexpoints for dinner and dessert last night, so it's back OP today for me. I have a question - I eat a very high fiber breakfast . . . bread with 6 grams of fiber and cereal with 4 or 5 grams. I usually hold off and eat around 8 or 9 am - close to when I'll be walking. But no matter what I do, I am starving at 11am. I guess my blood sugar drops right around that time. What can I do about this? Are there any low-point/low-fat type snacks that will fill me but stabilize my blood sugar around 11am?

    Lisa- THat's terrible! I mean, I'm glad Sean was fine, but I would have been a complete basket case. OMG!!! I can only imagine how scared you were! to you.

    Nikki- Hi! I know what you mean about not wanting to be overweight and pregnant. I keep saying if we decide to have another baby, I definitely will be more careful than I was with Liam. I think I'd stay on WW, but just ask my doctor about adding certain points/servings of stuff per day so I wouldn't gain too much. Of course, if I had just gone on WW right away - like in November or December, I would have lost the 30 pounds by now Good job on no cookies- you have a great attitude

    Geri- aghh! 45 degrees?? Guess I'll have to pack both summer and warm clothes when we take our trip for 4th of July. We're going to Muskego - have you heard of that? When you take away Will's toys do they stay away? I mean, I think eventually, if you keep doing that, he'd have no toys left to play with and it would sink in then? I'm not sure.

    Di- how are you holding up? I'm still thinking of you I'm glad Ethan is fine.

    Spryng- glad you're understanding about the pound. I know you will be down again next week! Did you sell the guitar? What did it go far (if it's not rude to ask!)?

    Penny- I know what you mean too - when I finally get rid of baby stuff, it will be very sad for me! What did you do with your "me" time? Hope it was fun.

    Ginny - Hi! Sorry the weather hasn't been very coopertive. Hope you still have a good time with the children

    We're going to a cookout at a friend's this afternoon, but I will stay OP, of course I'm bringing baked chips and they're grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Depending on what my points are then, I'll figure out what to eat TTYL.
  • Hi Penny- you posted while I was posting. Hope you have a great day, too!
  • Leigh,
    Have you tried eggs for breakfast? I believe they are the most filling and last with you longer. I always do one white and one egg.

  • good Morning girls!!

    Ginny its so great to have you back!!

    Lisa I would be freaking out, totally would need some valium at the end of an ordeal like that, so sorry you had to go through that!

    Spryng I hope you have a great day at your sale!! Sounds like you made some good money yesterday

    Leigh How is Liam? Did you lower his crib yet? I'm sure you did! Did you get in a workout? I also eat high-ish fiber for breakfast, I have bran flakes and .5 cup of milk and I just put half a banana in it and that can tide me over til 5 pm lol but try a piece of fruit it may help!!

    Geri how are your lil devils? I miss hearing about them!

    Penny whats up girl?

    I couldnt get on to post last night because we were having really horrible thunderstorms and kept having power outages so I gave up and just went to bed. I have my nieces birthday today it is a luau theme and should be a blast!! Teagans going to wear a little sundress with a palm tree on it and taylor is going to wear her little flowered bikini with her grass skirt!! Even hubby is wearing his hawaiian shirt!!

    Well I better get my house cleaned before we have to leave, TTYL!!
  • Penny- I do notice that when I eat eggs, I am full much longer. Do you think it's because they are so high in protein? Anyway, I wonder if using eggbeaters or just egg whites will be just as filling - I'll give it a try. Thanks
  • Hey, Michelle! Sorry - missed your post in my other reply to Penny. I hope you take pics of the girls today - their outfits sound adorable Maybe you can post some pics if they come out cute. We did lower Liam's crib, which is a very good thing because he pulls himself up and walks around the edge of it now. He's a little pull-up fiend! Are the girls doing anything new? I'm going to try and take good pics of Liam at the cookout today.
  • Good time to post...AGAIN! Just hello

    Have a great day!!
  • Lost the Post
    I lost the post and it was long. Anyway, I will try to recap. Sister is in town so it has been busy. My bike came in, so I am going to have to learn to ride all over again.

    LA increased my food plan bc they think that my weight loss has halted bc I am not getting enough food.

    Nikki - Welcome! I am Melinda, 30, mom to John Wesley. We are going to start trying in Aug and I have not lost the 30+ pounds I want to lose. I have a real problem with the actual number on the scale. I eat well and exercise and I don't feel the number is representative. I gained 60 pounds with 1st preg, mostly water weight, and it came off easily. If I am to get preg, I will just continue to watch what I eat and workout. Like Crystal says, make it the healthiest preg.
    Oh, We spent 2 weeks in Australia for our honeymoon. Incredible place. We had a fabulous time.

    Di - I hope Ethan is doing well. That is the thing. We can not watch them every minute. JW is crawling circle around the house and I barely catch him before he hit the stairs.

    Penny - I needed the article. Thanks for posting it. What is your picture of? Mine is not clear. Is it a baby on someones arm. I am going to try to make it to TOPS on Tuesday in conjunction with LA. I need the group support.

    Lisa - I am so glad Sean in all right. My heart is still pounding thinking about it. Way to go on the inches lost.

    Leigh - Eggs in the morning are really filling. I buy the Egg Beaters Southwestern, gives it a little kick. I do not like plain egg. They have all kinds of flavors.

    Spryng, Geri, Ginny, Michelle, Crystal - I hope all is well. I am drawing a blank on the rest of the post.
  • Hey Girls!

    I have been SOOO busy, but so have all of you!!! So many posts! I will never be able to remember everything, so forgive me in advance for not even trying!

    I have just had a totally OFF PLAN week! I never could have imagined how busy it was going to be and planned in advance. So there were alot of fast food meals and very little water drinking. So I am starting fresh on Monday...not today because my friend is taking me out to dinner tonight and tomorrow is another hectic day. TOM did visit, so that might explain my moodiness and the 3 pound gain. This is my first gain, but it was to be expected after the week I had. I am sure it won't take much to get back on track and drop it again.

    I will try to get back on and post again soon.

    Congrats to all the losers this week, Hugs to those having a hard week whether it's with the plan, with the kids, or whatever! I am feeling for ya!!

    Love to all!
  • Good Morning Girls

    Sorry for being away. Been busy on my other thread. But I do check this thread every single day .

    Leigh, Hi I am Julie I am a Sahm of to 3 and a five year old. I wanted to address your question about feeling hungry by lunch time. I have stomach problems so I am trying to up my fiber to 40-60 grams a day. It is really difficult. I feel I do better losing weight on lower carb diets but I can't seem to ever get enough fiber. But anyway I try to add a little protein with breakfast if I want to feel fuller longer, maybe you could make an egg sandwich with your high fiber bread, or peanutbutter. Maybe this will help? I know in rural areas of the world they eat on average 60 grams of fiber a day and have less disease rates. The average american gets 10-12 grams of fiber but I believe it says you should shoot for 25-35.

    Well hello to everyone everybody's calling me at once and mom just stopped by! Julie