
  • so how much weight loss and how fast? I was on low carb, nothing but veggies, meat, etc..and in a week, lost 4 lbs..i've been doing SB for a week and lost nothing. Just curious. My typical menu is breakfast: scrambled egg whites with 1 carb ketchup, snack is triscuits, cheese, veggies sugar free jello. Lunch has been a sandwich with low carb bread, or salad, or hamburger patties with cheese. Diet soda and water, and crystal light to drink. Then for dinner it's been a veggie, meat and salad. I occassionally have a couple pieces of SF candy during the day and at nite ...a bowl of low carb ice cream. Can you lose weight eating like this? Doesn't seem possible
  • You CAN lose weight on Sugarbusters....there are some big losers on this board to prove it. Looking at what you say you eat, I would say you may not have the SB diet down yet. First, if you are going to eat carbs, you have to watch fats more. So SB recommends eating lower fat than say, Atkins. Is your cheese low fat? And while hamburger has no carbs, SB is not really a 'low carb' plan that allows all you can eat protein. How many hamburger patties are you eating? You don't have to use low carb bread, just 100% whole wheat. Make sure you are only have two or three servings of whole grains or starchy carbs a day. If you just switched from Atkins to SB, it may take a week or more for your body to adjust to the new diet. I know a number of people who have broken low carb stalls by switching to SB. It DOES work, so if you find you are not losing, you may just need to start tweaking to see what works for you.

    Do come join the rest of the group in the weekly support thread. Most of us post in there using the reply button.
  • Hi there:

    I think the first obstacle is to get the sweet stuff out of the diet and then gradually add it back in. When you are eating a lot of the "artificially" sweetened stuff it keeps the body craving sugars.

    I did Atkins for 2 months, and lost about 10 pounds; went on vacation and gained 8 of it back. I started SB, and within 4-5 months lost 32 pounds (more than I ever anticipated), but I was very strong-willed and strict in the beginning. I am 5'4", and I weighed 152 when I started this venture, and my goal was 130#; I said I'd settle for 135# though since I'm in my mid-30's, and have had two children. Well, I am now at 120# or so, and have maintained for 6-8 months. I did not eat any sweet stuff in the beginning, and I started working out as soon as I started this woe; so it was a combination of the diet & exercise for me. I now make SF desserts and indulge in other low-sugar goodies from time to time, and it doesn't make a difference since my metabolism is where it needs to be.

    I don't take anything now, as far as supplements, but I did take Chromium Picolinate (sp?), and L-Glutamine in the beginning to help curb the sugar cravings.

    Remember that you are not counting carbs, just sugars. A lot of the lo-carb stuff is full of fat, and SB encourages lower amounts of fats. So, as Monet stated, make sure your cheeses, sour creams, cream cheese, meats, etc.. are low fat. Buffalo makes an awesome beef replacement, or you can get the lean beef or even ground turkey. There are a lot of recipes on this board that you can make & enjoy. Make sure you stick to whole grains & whole foods as much as possible, and you will do great!

    Good luck, and please come on over and ask questions anytime; we'd be glad to have you.

    Take care & God Bless,
  • Everything I eat is pretty much low fat. The hamburger patties are lean ...i only had 2... I eat low fat all the time because my dad had heart surgery, and since im staying with them while my husband is mom cooks using a heart friendly diet. I don't eat a lot of artificial sweetners...and the reason i have low carb bread is because i bought it before i started this woe.
  • hi y'all:

    I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is looking at the number of the scale and automatically assuming they haven't lost body fat... ESPECIALLY with low-glycemic diets, water weight and muscle gain are factors as to how much a person weighs.

    I'm not an ad agency or anything, but maybe get your body fat checked someplace (usually $20 or less), and it doesn't even have to be 100 percent accurate. Then try again a couple weeks into Sugar Busters... THEN you'll definately be happy with the numbers.

    you should also be noticing changes on your body, for example putting on clothes. anyways, STICK WITH IT CAUSE SUGAR BUSTERS IS THE ANSWER!
  • I totally agree you with you, nowhitestuffplease! Sugarbusters is the best plan out there. Its so healthy! Even if you don't lose, you will be better off following it. (I can say that is all truth, because I have all kinds of metabolic problems, and thyroid problems, and losing is almost impossible for me, but I feel so much better on SB!) I hope you will join the larger group in the weekly support thread. That is where most of us post regularly.