cheat question

  • hey people,
    as some of you know through another thresd i had cheat yesterday, yet i still am alright and going back on track with no worries, exept i am on the end of week one of phase 2. i did not cheat because of cravings i cheated out of I still feel fine but should i go back to phase 1 or should i keep on going with my phase 2? Al ittle advice will be appreciated.
  • Well, see how you do weight wise. If there is a gain, go back. If not, stick with it. I think the reason to go back on phase 1 after the initial 2 weeks is to lose any weight you put on by splurging.

  • I agree, I think that one lifestyle change that has to come from any eating plan is to get yourself right back on track when you slip. None of us can expect to be perfect eaters for the rest of our lives. It is when you allow a slip or one bad day to turn into several days, or falling off your program completely- then that is another problem.

    Get right back on, and chalk it up to a life lesson!
  • i think it does worse harm when you deny yourself of something you want. i'm not saying go out and eat a huge cake, but if i have cravings for something...i find that if i don't satisfy the craving, it sticks with me for a long time and then i get frustrated.

    am i making sense? lol