
  • Hi all. I am hoping someone has read more about a product called Slim-Weigh ( They are heavily promoting it on our local radio stations, apparently it's marine collagen that you take right before you go to bed. This seems a lot different than all the other products Ive seen advertised, but I am not convinced. I'm not about to go buy it but I'd love some opinions on it from anyone who's heard of it.
  • All I know about it is thats its very VERY expensive!!!!
  • SlimWeigh contains Fish Oil, Marine Collagen, Aloe vera, and Beeswax.

    Hmm. I'm not aware of any of those ingredients helping in weight loss. Fish oil is a VERY good health supplement, but it helps our hearts and other aspects of our health, and does not assist in weight loss. You can buy fish oil capsules at any local store for a fraction of what SlimWeigh costs.

    Marine collagen - collagen from fish. I've seen this listed as an ingredient in a lot of face creams, but never as something to be ingested. I can't find any medical references to marine collagen and benefits to health - or weight.

    Aloe Vera - Berkeley said it best:
    Aloe vera, from the leaf of the aloe plant, has long been used in lotions and cosmetics and as a treatment for burns and wounds. The gel that oozes from the aloe leaf may indeed have soothing properties when applied to the skin. But we don't advise drinking aloe juice. There's no scientific evidence that swallowing it cures or treats anything.

    Two products come from the aloe plant: the gel from the leaf, which is thin and clear, and aloe latex, or aloes, which comes from evaporating the yellow juice of the leaves. The latter substance, with aloin as its active ingredient, was once used as a purgative, but has been replaced by less toxic laxatives. It can cause severe cramping, diarrhea, and bleeding. Some of its constituents may be carcinogenic. The trouble with swallowing aloe vera juice is that it could be contaminated with aloe latex and thus act as a laxative.

    Aloe vera drink has been touted for everything—from boosting immunity to curing colds and ulcers. As your Internet search revealed, there's money to be made in selling it and no restrictions on the claims. If you want to keep an aloe plant on the windowsill and apply the juice to burns, that's the only sensible way to use aloe.
    Beeswax - I'm assuming this is there as a binder for the other ingredients. It has no other value that I am aware of.

    Something odd about their guarantee - They tell you point blank that most people do not see weight loss during the first month, but only achieve weight loss during the second or third month of usage. However, they only offer a 30 day return policy, and you can only return the unopened bottles, so you still lose what you spend on the first month ($50+ per month)
  • And what is it with the radio DJ sales force anyway? First thing that comes to mind is...BODY SOLUTIONS from 2 years ago or so. Remember that? You drink the stuff three hours before bedtime and POOF! the weight just melts off while you sleep. Suuuure it worked great - those DJs promoting the stuff (who also got a nice little commission for the sales credited to them) just SWORE up and down that they had lost weight - while eating donuts. (Of course, since most people don't actually SEE their favorite DJs in person, how are we to know?)

    I found it quite amusing to see a photo of the guy who owned the company that produced that swill (Body Solutions) apparently taken at a baseball game. He was quite fat - apparently the product didn't work for him!

    And that marine collagen thing reminds me of...Seasilver. There's another scammy product for you. Or pond scum - also known as blue-green algae. Bleaggggh.
  • Thank you for writing back on this. I didnt think it was anything that would work, I'd never throw my money away on it.

    Or pond scum - also known as blue-green algae. Bleaggggh. That is too funny