
  • I read somewhere in this forum a reference to "15 Tips to breaking a Plateau." Can someone tell me exactly where to find these tips. I need 'em! Thanks
  • Those great tips are located in The Library section of the forum. Go to the main forum page. It's the last WW forum. Lots of other good material there, too.
  • sorry to be a nuisance, but i've looked and i can't find it!
  • Now, someone COULD go "pull up" that thread, which means bringing it to the top by adding a post to it, but instead I am going to tell you what to do when you don't see a post you think ought to be there. These techniques will come in handy in the recipe forums often:

    1. You may have to change the pull-down window that says "show posts from..." Mine defaults to "last 5 days." Pull it down as far as it will go (a year?). Then you'll get (in some forums, although probably not the Library) several pages of posts. You will see tiny numbers showing you which page of posts you are on.

    2. If you don't see it on page one, click on the tiny 2 and keep looking.

    Now you are an expert chick!
  • Booty - Set your "Show topics from..." thing to "LAST 30 DAYS" Then it will be the last one... Hope that helps

    Lisa K.
  • Sorry...Bumby and I were posting at the same time...
    Don't know why I didn't think to just pull it up
  • Or ya'll could be nice and pull it up to the top or even post a link for it.......

    Another thing to do is to go to the SEARCH function in the forum you think it is in (you can't search all the forums at once anymore) and put in a brief word or two for it to look for and let it search for you.

    [This message has been edited by Kelly_S (edited 02-23-2001).]
  • thanx - tried the search, but obviously didn't search in the right forum or far back enough
  • It will only search the forum you have selected. I always just list 1 workd and have it check the entire thread instead of just the subject. The wider the search the easier it is to find something just like when you use any of the internet search engines.

  • You're right, Kelly--that would have been the nicer thing to do. Glad you did it. But you know the old saying..."Give a man a fish and he eats today, teach him to fish and he can eat every day" (or something to that effect). I suppose I could have tossed a fish in with those fishing instructions while I was at it, though!
  • That would have been the nice way to do it Bumby
  • But then what would have been left for you to do, Kel?
  • Bumby you are right again...I'd have had nothing to do! LOL!