Stay At Home Moms #147

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  • Welcome to a thread devoted to those who have the ultimate job of taking care of their family. Here you will find wonderful women raising a family and trying to find time to take care of themselves and their weight too. So if you are a SAHM jump right in and say hello and to all you who have been here before I look forward to a new day with you!
  • Hi Ladies

    Sorry your scale is up .5 this morning but you know that is not a true gain!
    You will have a great loss next week!~~~~~~~
  • Me, too, Spryng although I must have misunderstood your post. I thought u said 5 lbs!
    I downloaded a Excel program off of one of the WW websites and it has an exercise points calculator. Do I get to add those points to my daily totol?

    I hope everyone is great. I've done real well with my eating the last couple of days. Its always easier to stick to the program when you start seeing results. I haven't lost any lbs yet, but my stomach is a little flatter. I've had 2 very large children(9.6 & 11.4 and I am 5ft) so I have no stomach muscles hardly. I went to the gym today. Good Workout! I am trying this program I found in prevention magazine that is supposed to work you up to running in 12 weeks. I love it.

    Well, I'm taking the boys to the strawberry farm. Tomorrow they are opening the pool at my apartments so I'll probably be dragged there tomorrow.

    Talk later
  • Up 2 pounds this morning. Definitely due to TOM and the Mexican I had this week. I have been up and down for the last two months. DH was so sweet and said maybe my body has retained fluid since I have not had a period and that next week the weight will start coming off. I have been getting my exercise in. I think my body is just immune to exercise since I have been doing it for long. Just have to get this eating thing down.

    Dh has agreed to start on South Beach again this Monday. When he is on plan it is much easier for me.

    Happy Weekend! Probably won't be on again until Monday evening.
  • Mary,
    I will post the page on our webpage on the exercise.

    I believe it is up to you if you want to add your exercise to your daily totals but ask Spryng or Ginny for sure!
  • Hey Melinda,

    You snuck in on me

    I am so sorry your scale is up! I just had my period a couple weeks ago and now I am bleeding again

    Hope you get back on the South Beach plan Monday

    Have a great weekend!
  • New Momma, new to this forum

    I'm new to this forum and to weight loss forums in general. I have a little guy, 8 months old, named Cole, he's my first baby. I'd love to say I'm just working on the pregnancy weight, but in truth I'm working on the pregnancy weight, the pre-pregnancy weight, and a couple of pounds I put on after losing some of the pregnancy weight. Anyway I'm looking to lose about 35 pounds. I keeping trying to stary eating better and exercising more, and at some point in the day break down and start eating like a crazed monkey. I always tell myself I'll start again tomorrow. Bottom line, I need some support and accountability, so I hope to join this forum and also keep a weblog on this site. I hope to get to know you all!!!
  • Good Afternoon Ladies!!

    So far so good on day 2 of atkins although I am having an upset stomach I dont know if it is due to the diet changes or what. I dont know if Im having TOM or what cuz I just had surgery on my cervix last Monday and I cant tell if Im bleeding from that or from TOM, oh well.

    Is everyone ready for easter? I went shopping for my daughters basket today and spent 50 bucks!!! And, wow that candy was such a temptation...but I did resist and instead had lunch (steamed broccoli, potroast, deviled eggs, water) and we have bought a bag of sugar free hard candy so it helps too!!
    Well I have a house full of kids and fights are starting to break out so I must go! Hope all is well!
    Take Care!
  • Welcome Jessi!! You snuck in on me while I was posting well you've come to the right place!! All the ladies here are really supportive and have helped me alot they got me through day one on atkins and today is day two and going well!! I know all about the pregnancy weight lol I have a 6 month old and a 2 yo I still havent lost the weight from the first pregnancy lol but I will now that I have finally cracked down on myself
    Again Welcome and I hope to hear from you again
    Take Care
  • Good afternoon all!

    Michelle, sounds like day 2 is going well for you!! Keep up the good work! Your stomach may be upset due to the diet... if your body is not used to mostly protein it may react in all kinds of different ways... but it will balance itself out soon. How is your DH liking it?

    Welcome jessievalentino! I am Spryng, mother of 3. Ava 4, joseph 3, and Tanner 9 months. I love that name Cole. Very male Are you on any specific plan? I am and have been on weight watchers for 7 months now and am very close to my goal weight, but every week it's a struggle. I think you have found the right place for support!! post often so we can get to know you better!

    melinda, mexican food is very high in sodium so I'm sure it had something to do with your gain. But you and I will get this weight off next week! We'll do it together. TOM is screwing up my life right now too, lol.

    mary, yes you get to eat those activity points your earn but you can't hold on to them, you have to eat them the day you earn them and there is no limit to how many you can earn or eat so enjoy!! I never eat my AP's though, of course I don't earn many either, lol Is it warm enough to swim already?? It's dreary and cold here today, and rainy. Ugh.

    Penny, thanks for starting the new thread!!!

    Ginny, how are you today? I'm sure you are busy and this thread is hard to keep up with at times.

    Ricci, hello!!

    Well I got my tanning in this morning. Finally up to 14 minutes. I was the first person to use the bed so it was COLD!!!! But after a few minutes it felt great. Then I went grocery shopping and came home with two new beta's (fish) they are really beautiful. One is bright red and the other is dark blue. (don't worry they are in seperate bowls, lol) and I spent too much at the store. But even though I grabbed subway before I went I thought everything on the shelves looked good, lol. But I did buy some kudos bars, never had them before, I got a mixed variety box, anyway, I tried the snickers one and it was heaven!!!! Only 2 pts!! I also bought some banana nut bars for breakfast this week. Tonight I am having that crockpot pineapple chicken that Geri made a few days ago. I'll have it over rice or pasta and some veggies on the side. I'm going to try making two veggies at dinner now so I can fill up on them. But anyway... now I am tired and bored. I guess I'll go crochet. TTYL!
  • Yup, Spryng I am just busy, everyone is home and it is tough to keep up.....I just tried to leave you a PM- it got messed up and I do not have time to rewrite it. Hopefully I'll get here later and can try it again!

    Jessie - welcome!!!!!!! This is a great place for friendship and comraderie as we lose weight. Sorry I can't leave any personal info on me now, this is a drive by post.
    Sorry that there were some weight gains, Spryng and Melinda. Hang in there, it sounds like for each of you there is a good reason and should come off for next WI.
    Mary, Geri, Penny, Ricci, Michele, and anyone else I missed- hope this is the start of a great weekend!!!!
  • Welcome jessivalentino !!!

    I too love the name Cole, (my nephew's name is Colby )
    I too am still working on pg weight from my nine & 1/2 month old! I weighed 159 when I got pg and now I am still at 172 Getting there!

    Coming here is half the battle!!!!

    Let me know how the crock pot pineapple chicken turns out! I think I would have to saute it first before putting it in the crockpot, like Geri said, I don't like the chicken in the crock pot.

    BTW, the kids just got out of the pool here too! They have been in it every day since last week!

    If you don't mind, please let me know how much weight you have lost on ww. It is always nice to be inspired Sorry things are so busy!

    Glad you are doing so well on Atkins. I have been doing South Beach which is kind of the same with the first couple weeks. I lost a total of 10 pounds on it so far. I am trying to convert over to ww right now. I had the real bad headaches and cramps on Atkins when I first started it a long time ago. It is from all the withdrawals!

    Hope I didn't miss anyone else that posted!!!

    I brought the kids to Mc Donalds for lunch and stopped and picked up my godchild. She is 7 and was very well behaved!
    I did give in and have a combo! SHAME SHAME ON ME!!!!!!!
  • Good Afternoon
    Well hi there girls. Seems as though it's been alittle busy today.

    Jessi...Welcome. I'm Crystal, sahm of 3. Alisa 5 1/2 years, Ally almost 3 and Andrew 16 months. I'm 26, been married 8 1/2 years. I homeschool and am a Watkins rep from home. I've got like 65 lbs., well now 60 lbs. to go. Maybe more when I get there. My weight is pre pregnancy and pregnancy 1, pregnancy 2, and of course pregnancy 3. I've been a part of this forum for about 3 weeks now and I love it. It has been the best. Hope you stick around and wish you luck.

    Melinda- of course it's do to TOM. Everything you can, blame it on that.

    Mary- sounds like you're doing great. Keep it up.

    Michelle- you're doing good too.

    Penny- we all give in to our temptations. It was last Friday when I did so bad and I came around and still managed to lose 5 lbs. It will be alright. And thanks for the encore this morning after my post about losing those 5.

    Well, I am doing GREAT today. I didn't give into ANY temptations at my mom's like last week although I wasn't there very long and never really had temtations. I'm alittle worried about Sunday being Easter and all. We always eat at my dh's family and my family with the whole kit and kaboodle. That will definitely be all 35 flex points. Btw, I started WW today. I get a total of 26 points and have only had 14 so far. Hadn't gotten to exercise, not sure if I will. I gave that head cold to dh and he probably won't want to watch the kids. We'll see. I'm gonna spend tomorrow, after cleaning the house, getting as organized as I can for WW. I'm low on $ and that makes it so hard to make menus and buy all that extra stuff for new recipes.

    I hope everyone else has done good today and I wish y'all luck for Easter and hope you have a great one. I'll probably be back once tonight.
  • Good Evening Ladies!!

    Penny- thanks for clueing me in on the headaches I got a massive one today and was thinking it was from the diet changes too...Do you know if you get extremely tired on the first few days of atkins? I just zonked out today lol

    Spryng- Sorry bout the gain It'll be gone next week!!!
    Crystal- Great Job on avoiding temptation today!! I hope I can make it through easter day lol thats my fear with all the chocolates lol.
    Well my chicken is done Im gonna go have some supper. Have a wonderful evening!
    Take Care
  • Thankyou everyone for responding to my first post. I thought I would check real quick while I was at the computer and felt so warm and fuzzy when I saw the welcoming messages. I think I've come to the right place!!!