Friday on the Beach - April 9

  • Yes, it's 4:09 AM here and I'm up. So silly when it's a holiday weekend but nature called. The Girls are still snoozing downstairs.

    I'm going to cruise the Boards (haven't caught a spammer for a while) and then read for a while before coffee.

    Keep on sleeping except for chick_on_the_Beach who is online and halfway through her day!

  • Good Morning Ruth, WOW you're up early! I'm feeling sluggish this AM, probably the wine I had last night. "Girls Nite Out" was fun, and the restaurant had a wonderful grilled shrimp and roasted vegetable salad that I ordered. I passed on appetizers and dessert - came home and made myself a chocolate mocha ricotta creme, so I felt satisfied.
    Gotta find time to shop for groceries today. Jake has plans for me to paint 5 doors while he's finishing up the walls. I'm so pleased with how everything looks, almost like a new home!

    Jodi - Hope you're feeling better today. Sounded like yesterday you should have just stayed under the covers.

    Everyone - Enjoy your Friday, and the beginning of a holiday weekend!
  • Good Morning SBers!!!!

    Just got up and trying to read posts and sip a little joe. I am getting very frustrated with my allergies, sinuses, and bronchitis. After going to the DR on Tuesday, I expected to be better by now but the pressure inside my head is worse. I called the DR's office yesterday and they never got back to me. *sigh* They better today cause I want to kick this thing and GET OVER IT!!!! Don't they realize it's SPRING?!?!?!

    Ruth~ Good Morning, sorry to hear you had to get up so early. Maybe you can catch a little nap later and catch up.

    cottagebythesea~ Glad to hear you enjoyed your girl night out. I haven't done that in . . . . . .lets just say several decades. The grilled shrimp and roasted veggies sound heavenly though. YUM!!! Have fun painting the doors and finishing your NEW house.


    HAPPY EASTER to ALL!!!!!
  • Happy Friday!
    I got up early today as well on my day off. planning my days meals and getting ready to go for a nice long walk. the weather here looks like it may cooperate for a change.
  • Good morning chickies. I guess I must have fallen out of bed because I am never up this early.
    One of my teachers at school has got me kind of bent out of shape. I take onlne courses throught the Art Institute and you have to post on the threads every day. She sent out an email saying please don't start new threads, only respond to the ones I start. (There is a special thread for questions etc) The format is different on it though you can see all the threads from the main page and little arrows come off the main threads and show you the replies and then you click on the post you want to read. So, I have NEVER hit the button that says "start a new thread" I have always clicked on her email and hit reply, except I change the subject line from re:blahblah to my own, but it IS STILL A REPly. You can tell because the arrow comes off of her thread, just like everybody else's. So she sent me this nasty email and said "Do we have a communication problem, or do you just not understand my instructions? Why do you continue to do this?" OH MY GOSH! She's my computer literacy teacher for Christ's sake! She should KNOW the difference between starting a new thread and replying to one. So I sent her back a not nasty email, explaining what I was doing, and said that I apologize if she doesn't want us to change the subject line. I am still waiting for her reply.

    Thanks for listening to me rant I feel better!

    Hope you chicks are doing well. I don't have as much time anymore to get in here because I spend about 6 hrs a day on school work.

    Talk to you all later!
  • Good morning to everyone. Its awfully slow in here today.

    Looks like the weather is going to cooperate today. Yesterday I walked my parents dog 3 times for a total of 2 miles. BF and I borrowed a couple of their bikes (they have 7 between the 2 of them) and took a nice 5 mile ride. They live right next to the bike path that goes along the river. I also moved everything out of the spare room I'm painting at their house and taped off everything and removed switchplates, fans, etc. so I can start painting today. If the weather stays nice, I might just go fishing instead. Have a good Good Friday, whatever your religion.
  • Ruth, if I had known you were online that early, I would have posted. I was on one of my nighttime prowls through the house; just can't sleep some nights, but SBD has helped tremendously. So I forced myself back to bed and slept until 8:45. I couldn't believe it.

    Cottage, I got hungry just reading about your dinner. I wonder if I can convince DH to run out for some shrimp?

    Sunshinelady, I feel for you with the allergies. Mine reappeared with menopause; like anyone needs a few extra problems then. LOL

    Have a great walk, Chilichick. It's sunny here as well, but downright cold out.

    Wouldn't you think, Jennie, that a nice note from her explaining things would have worked better? I discovered early on, while I was teaching, that nice beat out nasty every time.

    I'd better get busy around here and get something done today. Jo
  • Cottagebythesea... I'm near you, I think!
    I noticed in your profile you're from the western suburbs of Phila. So am I! (Downingtown). Are you my neighbor! (I made my intro in the next thread.)

  • I agree Jo, I am not a confrontational person, and I don't believe in arguing over dumb things. It's just not worth the stress or anguish. It's almost like she was trying to start a pissing match with me. Anyways, she sent me an email that smoothed everything over. She realizes that I didn't start a new thread, but she doesn't want us changing subject lines. OK, but she could have said THAT in the last 2 emails rather than accusing me of something other than what I was doing that she didn't like! The evil person in me, wanted to send back an email that said "Well, to quote YOU I guess we DO have a communication problem, too bad its one-sided!" But I didn't!
  • Quote: Good morning to everyone. Its awfully slow in here today.
    I know, and I swear it's always quiet in here when I am actually posting! It's like people see that I posted, and they're like "Oh, that evil Jennie girl posted, I'm not posting in there!"
  • Good afternoon chickies hope everyone is having a wonderful "Good Friday" mine is great although DH woke me at 6:30 ( ) A nice way to start the day but it was my only day to sleep in. Oh well I got up did my housework and we went for a drive to the next city an hour away and I had a great visit with my oldest and dearest friend. We have known each other for 30 years. Weird. We just got home now and I am just hanging til I have to go off to a meeting at 6:00. I am not doing very well on the eating plan... wish that I would smarten up. I think I will buy myself a bathing suit maybe that will get me back on track. Ruthie sorry to hear that you were up so early but hope you enjoyed the quiet of the morning. Jennie sorry to hear you a having a hard time with the computer queen but atleast you did not stoop to her level. Penny,chilichick,SDchick,sunshine,cottagebythesea, Ellis, and the rest of you chickes have a great day. I must go get my music ready for dance class tomorrow and get my basket of treats ready for the little darlings. We are dressing up in our Easter bonnets tomorrow so it will be a fun day. Enjoy your Easter week-end.
  • Afternoon chickies!
    I have been out of the office for the past week and just have not been able to post much. I think I'm losing some; but won't weigh until next week oneday. TOM arrived with a bang so I don't wanta depress myself. So I'm avoiding the scale for now. Plan on working in my yards again so will get that exercise tomorrow. I plan on starting some exercise ritual next week. Everyone have a Happy Easter!!