Sunday! What happened to Saturday!

  • Wow! Where is everyone?
  • I'm here!!
    Hi ladies, I'm here. Just home from church. There was a nice sermon on Lust and Love. Had to come right home and see what DH was doing.

    I'm still feeling kind of out of control. I'm trying to figure out what my triggers are and what kind of emotions I should be having beneath all this food. I've ordered a Geneen Roth book - I like psychology (if I could do it all over again, that's what I'd study) and would like to get to the bottom of all this, then hand it over to HP to fix. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

    Holly - I'm so sorry about your knee. My SIL had surgery a few years ago, then went right back to running. I thought she was a looney, but she hasn't had any further problems!

    Bunna - hope you're feeling better!
  • tracy - did she have the same surgery as i am going to? (ACL) that's great - i really want to be able to do the things i can't do now: waterski, ice skate, trampoline, etc.
  • It was a torn ACL, Holly, yeah. She injured it in a skiing incident. So keep your chin up!
  • Holly - I didn't know you tore your ACL. My husband tore his playing volleyball about seven or eight years ago. The useless Navy doctors didn't even realize he'd torn it for a YEAR! He had one "doctor" flat out tell him that he was about to get in trouble for malingering. It took a sports medicine specialist who just happened to be attached to the hospital that week to get hubby the care he needed.
  • Hiya
    I'm here. My April break has started. Yay!

    Not too much going on here. Hung out with friends last night and will do the same tonight.

    Have a good day.
  • I have worked.
    I worked 15 hours Friday night and 13 hours last night. There has been alot going on at the plant and I am grateful to be off today.

    So thats my quick check-in I will be back after I journal!

    Miss Chris
  • i tore mine playing volleyball, too. and yeah, the emergency room said it was a SPRAIN, gave me vikaden and a leg immobilizer, and sent me on my way. i began to suspect it was a torn ACL after hearing about other sports injuries and ocmparing them to my symptoms. i didn't have medical coverage for awhile, so it was only now, 2 years later, that i was able to have that suspicion confirmed.

    sorry for all the knee talk!

    chris, wow, you work too much! i saw a greeting card with an old lady hula hooping on the front and thought of you.

    havea fun break kat!