Joined today. Love this site!

  • Hello everyone,
    Decided to join today. I've been lurking for about three weeks now. Just love this site and the great info I've been reading.
    Went for my yearly physical on March 5th. I knew I had been putting on the pounds, but when I actually stepped on the scale and saw what i saw . OMgosssh! Wieghed he most I have ever weighed and decided it was not going to go any higher. EVER!! At nine months pregnant, on my third child, I NEVER weighed that much!!!
    The next day, my sister and I decided to start walking toghether. As we walked and talked about our desire to get in better shape and loose weight, we started discussing how we would start loosing. First the walking. We started with one mile that day and at the end of it said, One more. So we were doing two miles a day right off the bat. Second week we moved it to three miles and that is where we will stay for now. Takes us 56 min. Walk six days a week with one day off.
    My sister had been on atkins a year ago and lost a lot of weight, but like all stories go, she had started to gain it back. I had read a few things about SBD on line and had been looking for more information. As luck would have it the more I looked and read. The more the SBD made sense to me. That weekend, after our walk, we both went out and bought the book. Everyday, I'm on the internet looking up sites and reading, reading, reading. This was one of the first sites I found and have been faithfully coming back and "lurking" everyday.
    The good news is that I am happy to report that I have been on SBD for three weeks now and have lost 14 pounds. I weighed in two days early, couldn't wait till Monday. I can feel the difference in my waistline. Finished phase one. I was never hungry. Allways satisfied. Infact, sometimes would not finish cause I was full. That NEVER happened before, and the cravings are gone. YES!! This week started Phase ONE and a half, that is what I call it. I only added oatmeal in the mornings, every other day, for a change and a apple for snack one day when I was having to go a long time between meals. We have been doing a lot of traveling during this time and had to eat out. Still sticking to the plan at every stop. Just have to ask for things to be made to MY needs.
    Sorry this is so long, but that's my story and I'm sticking to SBD!!! And i"m so happy to be able to meet everyone.
  • Welcome Kitten!

    Your success story is so awesome! Well done, you! I agree with this being about the easiest, most sensible way of eating to come along in ages. I just can't give up my beloved grain foods. I've really enjoyed treating myself to things like devilled egg sandwiches made with reduced fat mayo and the Atkins formula bread.

    I've lost 12 pounds so far, which isn't much, but I've been walking, also and I think I'm putting muscle where fat used to be. The way my clothes fit is a better barometer of how I'm doing than the scale. When people look at me and say "You've lost weight!" I just get this happy, warm glow inside me.

    Hope to see you around!

  • Welcome to The Beach! Keep up the good work!
  • Hi Kitten. Good job! I feel the same, that this is a sensible WOE. I've been on a 1.5 Phase for weeks now and am still losing. Keep up the good work. Jo
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! I am doing a phase 1.5 as well. Partly because I want to lose a lot of weight, partly because I am finding phase 1 reasonably easy to stick to, and partly because my weight loss diminished when I reintroduced a lot of carbs. Quite a few on this board seem to be doing this.
  • Welcome! You are doing fantastic already! 14 pounds???!!! That's terrific. It's nice that you have your sister to exercise with...for me, it helps to have someone that I can't let down! Way to go!
  • Welcome kitten, you're off to a great start, keep up the good work!
  • Welcome to the Beach, Kitten! You're doing GREAT!!
  • Welcome to the beach, Kitten! You've got a great weight loss so far, keep it up!