Wacktacular Wednesday

  • It's 4:41 a.m. I'm entitled to be a little bit silly, wouldn't you say? I'm starting the thread earlier today because yesterday while I was yammering, I got caught posting (but not by a superior or anything, so it's not a big deal. I just didn't want to look lazy, but hey, why not let my true colors show?) Just kidding--I'm working my backside off over here (literally. The other day, Aaron said to me "Honey, your butt is GONE! What happened to it?". There wasn't a whole lot of butt to begin with since I carry all my excess weight through my waist and back...

    Anyway, enough of that.
    Kierie--Glad to hear about your interview. Not glad to hear about the lift incident. Is this something that happens regularly? What can be done for it? Did you have a good rest of your day, points-wise? Hope so!

    Belle--I'm glad to hear that you and DF are coping with such a difficult thing. It sounds like you've chosen the best way--positive, loving memories--to deal.

    KT--Glad to hear that all went well at volleyball with the ankle and whatnot. Did you say that this was your first time back since that happened?

    Thanks, guys, so much for all of your support with the breast reduction. I have a really great support system both here and in "real" life (as if this isn't real), and that makes such a big, big difference.

    Anyway, I have some work to do that should keep me busy until it's time to go home, so I better get scooting. See ya!!

  • hi girls i'm on hold with the doctors right now and i hace to leave in 10 min ugh
    todays going to be a long I just gave up on being on hold I have alot to do today but it will be good have a great OP day bbiab
  • Jess and Kier - guten morgen!! Jess - oh where or where has your little butt gone...oh where oh where can it be?? That is pretty cute....sometimes our men have a good way of giving compliments - they make us laugh too! Why the H&*L were you up at 4:41am????? Good lordy!

    Kier - congrats on your interview....bummer on the pain. I hope both work out for the best!

    KT - congrats on getting back to your V-ball I miss it too - I should get a league this fall, when things cool down around here.

    Well, looks like I have to let our other puppy go live wiht my sister until we move. She is on mat leave next week (she is 2 centimetes dialted now, so my new neice/nephew could be on the way!!!) and we move in 6 weeks....She has been crying all day and we had complaints. Poor baby, she misses her pal (barney). And last night DF was in Fort McMurry so she was crying bythe door for him. Today my mom is there with her, to keep her company, and keep me from a $250 fine!!! Yikes.

    Tonight is WI. I ate all my flexpoints AGAIN. But my scale still said I was down this morning, even with my clothes on, so hopefully that will happen for me at WW tonight.

    Keep fingers and toes crossed for me!!

    BBL - come out and play!!
  • Morning!!

    Today will be a busy one with meetings all afternoon but as it's not afternoon yet...I did OK at the restaurant last night with the ribs (ribs are good for you!!) I didn't even eat all my potatos because they were gross but I did have a roll and some M&M's at the movie but hey, that's what flexpoints are for!! No popcorn at the movie - I think that's a first. We didn't really want to eat after the ribs and seemed silly to eat while Jesus was being tortured on screen (yeah, we saw the passion and had these two women behind us who didn't have a clue! I felt like yelling at them "go read the book then come back!!") They had bizarre comments and kept repeating the words so they'd know what they meant the next time they were said without reading the subtitles. Sometimes I hate movies in public. One of the people with me had more fun watching the reaction from the audience than the actually movie itself. OK - that's all done and gone. The movie itself...I was surprised at how "hollywood" parts of it were but I felt like other parts were perfect.
    Jess - hope everything went well for you at work. Yes, Monday was the first day back at v-ball but I'm feeling good today so I'll go again tonight.
    Kier - That totally sucks about the lift - I hope you gave someone holy ****!
    Belle - your puppy will be OK, she just needs an adjustment period. Your sister will probably be a great help and then you'll be in a new place and she'll settle down fine. Let us know how WI goes!!!

  • Hi gals,

    Sorry I can't really post today, but I just wanted to let you know I hopped on the scale today and am down 3.8 since last week. It is only first week back, and I didn't stay on OP all the time, but I think most of that was water weight. I did exercise using The Firm 3 times this week, though and I wasn't exercising at all before.

  • Good job Lori!! - welcome back to points land. Don't worry if it doesn't all come off that fast though...the slower it comes off, the longer it stays off...

  • Hey girls
    color me whiplash but I'm raising some serious ****
    belle everything crossable is crossed for you!
    KT i hate ppl who talk in movies! tho I ***** at the TV
    LORI Woohoo woman you rock!
    I have to run out and do one more thing then its back to books!