Feeling entirely down in the dumps :(

  • I thought that I had REALLY been watching what I ate this week (except for a few minor indiscretions Wednesday) and was doing pretty well. I exercised once (plan to get the rest of my exercise this weekend... a group I'm with is doing Relay for Life, at LEAST a few hours of walking)...drank ALOT of water... and my scale says I've GAINED (although I do try to take what the scale says with a grain of salt, it's a MAJOR POS...need to get a new one)... so I don't really know if I gained or lost... a good scale is expensive... and I have to fit in my wedding dress... I just feel like crying right now...

    What plan do you all follow? I'm thinking of going back to counting calories (worked for me for awhile) or maybe to Weight Watchers... ****, I'm a vegetarian, and I'm even considering Atkins or South Beach for the short term, just so I can fit into my dress! I'm so sad... please cheer me up and give me any help you can. Thanks.
  • How minor were your minor indiscretions? Do you use Fitday or some other similar calorie / protein / carb / fat calculators? Those are great because they sometimes open up our eyes to the fact that our minor indiscretions are more major than we thought they were. Also, yes, the scale is a liar. Try a pantsometer and see if that says you gained. Either way, you will have your answer for sure.

    Additionally what I found that works for me is that I don't "plan to get the rest of my exercise this weekend". I do it almost every day. Then if I do exercise on a day that I normally don't exercise on, then that's a bonus. It's too easy to plan to exercise later and then have something come up and you miss it and then you regret not having done it earlier when you first had a chance.

    At any rate, don't beat yourself up about it and if you are a vegetarian, then don't change your eating plan to something totally opposite of what you are. Instead track your calories, make them count, exercise regularly and leave the scale alone.

    Peace. Tiki.
  • Awww Frogsy...

    Don't get frustrated...your body may be adjusting to your plan, your starting to exercise or the Wednesday indescretions. Could also be salt gain if you are salt sensitive.

    Don't give up and I really don't recommend Atkins or SBD if you are currently a vegetarian they are both meat heavy programs and might not be tolerable for your body if you are not used to eating meat.

    I am currently doing WW and it might be worth checking into as they are vegetarian friendly and focus on eating healthy well balanced meals. Are you following a vegetarian friendly program or just doing it yourself? There is a thread in the Veggie Chicks forum with some book reccomendations include Dean Ornish's books. There are also some good recipes in the Veggie Chicks and some addresses for vegetarian websites.

    Also sometimes vegetarian meals are not low in fat as there a lot of recipes I have seen that are based on pasta and cheese. Reducing the amount of pasta and rice that you eat and eating low-fat cheese and other low-fat dairy products may help. Also keep drinking your water. Planning your meals ahead of time for the week and incorporating healthy snacks into your daily menu might help you stay on plan a little better too - I find this works for me

    I found that when I was stuck on a plateau I was only exercising twice per week and when I increased my exercise I started losing again. What I did was I started gettin up 1/2 an hour earlier each morning and using a pilates DVD rotated with a yoga tape. This incorporated exercise into my morning routine and it doesn't seem such a chore to do it. I also belly dance twice per week for a cardio workout.

    Stick to it girl - you can do this!
  • Whoa, I remember being a bride-- it was ****! All that emotion, I was an estrogen-crazed PMS-like beast for months. It just seems to be traditional for brides to get stressed out. (In preparation for married life, no doubt, lol!) Is it possible for you to push off some of the jobs on the bridesmaids? After all, that's what they are supposed to be there for.

    I know every little thing has to be absolutely perfect, believe me I know, but it will be just as perfect if someone else handles some of the details. You need to remember how stressed you are-- stress all by itself can keep the weight on because you don't burn fuel as efficiently. You're also putting out cortisol, the stress hormone, and that can wreak havoc on your body.

    So my advice is to stick to your plan, but also delegate, delegate, delegate. Consider eliminating some details that won't really make a difference in the end. Let someone else decide between Times Roman and Palatino for the font on the custom matchbook covers. Or even eliminate the machbooks. You see what I mean. Relax deeply, relax often, and don't forget to breathe.
  • frogsy..

    I'm getting married in June and I still weigh 195 pounds. And I also have this deal where I try to eat well (at least toward the beginning of the week) and then have a couple of minor indiscretions, and then some more, and then I exercise maybe once, and then I get sad. You're not alone!

    I'm a vegetarian as well. I'm trying not to eat so much cheese but it's my comfort food, y'know? The plan I'm trying to follow isn't really a plan, as I refuse to obsess over food by counting calories or carbs or fat grams or points or If You Eat This, <$deity> Will Smite You. I'm trying to eat more whole grains, veggies, and fruits, and decrease the amount of dairy, sugar, and processed flours that I eat. But I've got no willpower. I think in a year I'll be the only one on 3FC that hasn't lost any weight. But at least I haven't gained in a year.
  • Frogsy, I hope things get brighter for you. I totally agree with tiki's advice. sometimes a "little" isn't so "little" . and weddings can be so stressful. lol this from the girl who put it off for ten years and then one day said ok let's do it. city hall here i come. i knew there was a reason i avoided it..
  • Hey Frogsy, are you feeling any better?