help me get motivated and stay motivated

  • Hello all.

    I am a new member although I have been reading this site for a year or so. I think I need some help.

    I was always skinny as a kid, too skinny most of the time. Although I never had an eating disorder, I did keep my weight down by not eating much and being very active all through high school. College slowed me down a bit and I began to gain weight (don’t we all). After a year in a desk job I finally opened my eyes to my weight problem; I was 205lbs.

    Determined to get things back in order, I got a less desk-centric job, began to cut the portions, and tried to get out and do more. This worked to some extent. I dropped to 195lbs. I started going to the gym everyday and riding a stationary bike for 30mins on as high a setting as I could stand (and I was really struggling to finish that time at first) By the end of the year I was easily doing even the highest settings but I still weighed 195lbs. My boys assure me that I am smaller then I was before but I still have a lot of weight to loose. I started counting calories and rode my bike with my BF during the summer. I dropped to 191lbs, but couldn’t get below that. Motivation fell. I stopped going to the gym and although I have been eating better and drinking more water then before I an climbed back to 195lbs and have stayed there. I need support and motivation. Does anyone have some I can borrow?

    I would like to ride my bike for a hour a day and lift weights at the gym for 45min 4 times a week. I also want to get back to my dance class but I can’t do that until after their recital in Apr.

    I try to eat a low fat granola bar for breakfast around 8:30, lunch is a salad with roast chicken or lean beef (I have to have protein in my salad. It makes me happy) Dinner should be lean meat and lots of veggies but my boys don’t eat well so more often then not it is take-out and bad for me. Both my boys could stand to loose a bit of weight so suggestions on how to get them to be more interested in whats in the fridge would be gratefully accepted as well.

    Sorry for the long rant but I guess I needed to say it. If you are still reading, please help me.
  • That sounds like me!
    Hi there!

    I would love to buddy up with you - your story sounds like mine! I was thin-average as a child, but in high school I was very thin, probably borderline anorexic... I skipped a lot of meals and ate very little. I am 5'10 and at my lowest weighed 120 pounds, which is pretty underweight.. But that's another story ...

    Those days are long behind me, and during college and the few years after, I gained a lot of weight, and found myself at 215 pounds... and slowly creeping forward.

    So, I have now begun a crusade to return to a more healthy weight by watching what I eat and exercising everyday. The exercise is an important factor since I work in an office and spend most of the day sitting.

    For me, too, watching my calories is a little difficult, since my boyfriend is overweight and frankly doesn't care. I once caught him stirring a stick of butter into a pot of spaghetti sauce but that's another story. He's getting slightly more supportive as I've had some success, but it would still be easier without him and his constant supply of junk food. Oh, the things we do for love.

    Anyway, I would love to buddy up with you and exchange e-mails, instant messages, etc!

  • Me Too, or is three a crowd?
    Both of your stories sound similar to mine. I was thin as a child, I always thought I was fat, but now when I see pictures I looked like a skeleton. I didn't go to college and gain weight, instead I got married and gained weight. I am 26 years old and weigh 210 lbs. I do have three kids, I stay home. I don't have the money, time or the baby sitters to go to the gym or weight watcher meetings. I've tried Atkins and even though I had luck, I CAN NOT stick with it.
    And unlike the post previous mine, my husband tries to GAIN weight. He did find out that he should follow low fat low sugar diet, due to cholesterol.
    And let me add, about 4 months ago I found out my cholesterol was borderline high, this does NOT run in my family.
    I am a sugar-aholic. I love sweets. I love to cook, but you know how expensive it is to eat healthy. I don't always have the time to exercise. I have an exercise bike, but haven't found the best time to use it.
    I just need and want friends to talk to. I'm on the net ALOT and would like friends that are like me. Can we help each other?
  • I just wrote the following motivational email to my weightloss group members! I hope that it motivates you or anyone that needs it!

    We all know that this isn't easy and that we need to work day in and day out to lose the weight.
    But, picture yourself thin...or in something less than a plus size.
    Think of yourself in the 100's again.
    Think of not having to make 20 excuses to the nurse at the doctor's office on why you can't step on the scale.
    Think of tucking a shirt in again and having to find a belt because you "need" it.
    Think of being able to shop anywhere and not having to be concerned that the "Women's" section is a bad rendition of Kmart with Moo Moo's and tent style dresses. Who wants to dress like that..??..I know that I for one don't want to shop in those departments anymore. I want to look and dress my age and I am certain that you feel the same way.
    Think of people not recognizing you because you lost so much weight.
    Think of loving yourself again and not having to hide behind the rolls.
    Think of your inner thighs no longer chaffing when you walk in the summer.
    Think of being honked at again!!!!!! Or hit on! (And feeling confident that it isn't a figment of your imagination! You really are attractive!)
    Think of yourself actually cool on a hot summer day because you have the right about of body fat that your cooling system isn't in overdrive any longer.
    Think of chasing a young child and actually keeping up with them.

    I am sure that there are several things that you can think of yourself, all of them seem to be a fine reason on why we keep working each and every day. And though it is easy right now the rewards ahead of us are endless and something that each and everyone of us deserve. =]
