first week on SBD

  • I've finished my first week on SBD and I feel like a completely different person. I look at junk food and I don't even think about eating it. I don't want to eat it. It looks like garbage to me. One week ago, I couldn't stop stuffing my face with it. I thought that I would never be able to have control again. It isn't so much the weight loss, it is the feeling of control I have over food, that is brand feels my life has just done a huge 180.

    It is so much more important to me that I don't constantly think about eating, that I don't constantly wonder where my next sugary snack will come from than losing a ton of weight. I've decided to stay on protein and vegetables, mainly, for several months. Phase one feels great. Why should I add back fruit and carbs? Do we have to?

    Coming from someone who would buy huge bags of candy daily to feed her fix, who felt depressed and tired and anxious all the time, who had to hide to eat so that her husband wouldn't see all the junk, to someone who can go hours without thinking of food, who is dropping weight daily, whose skin is clearing up, mind feels alert, needs less sleep, feels more confident, clothes fit better, and husband has asked "what's up" and started SBD too....there's no leaving phase one for awhile.

    just some thoughts from a very happy girl after her first week,
    hugs and cheers to all chickies
  • Good for you, Moon! Keep at it, girl!!
  • Moon, you sound so happy and self confident. Keep it up! Jo
  • Wow, congratuations! Out of curiousity, how much weight did you end up losing?
  • I went from 163 to 152.5, ten and a half I assume it will slow down from this point. I was not at that high weight for a long time, just a couple of weeks, so a lot of it was water. I was running up around 160 for a couple of months though. I have a big cocktail party to attend on Saturday and it would be really cool if I was at 149 that day. Just for the psychological benefit. On that day, I'll have been on the diet for roughly 12 days or so. Its kind of amazing, this plan. I've never tried anything like it before.

    Sorry I talk so much about myself. I like to read all of your stories too so I tell mine Its fun to read how everyone's doing on it.
  • That is a really good weight loss Moon especially since you are not very heavy to start with. Your weight loss will slow down a bit now especially as you reintroduce carbs but this is a good thing as you will keep it off.

  • You go girl! Great loss!You are supposed to talk about yourself how else would we get to know you!
  • Thanks chickadees. You're all a great help.

    How did anyone ever lose weight without the internet???
  • Way to go Moonmirror Glad you are losing and feeling good about it.
    And it is okay to talk about yourself and your success as it inspires others