Friday Thread

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  • So I meant to weigh myself this morning but I forgot and when I remembered I was all dressed and had to run out the door. Guess I will have to start tomorrow!

    I am really motivated now to lose some weight since we decided to start a family soon. I've tried in the past couple months but wasn't able to stick with it and had a hard time losing the weight when I was able to stay with it. Its always harder the second time around right?

    I can't wait for the weekend. I get to see my new neice (she will be 3 weeks on monday!) and I get to relax for a day. Anyone else got plans?

  • Hey chiquita! I have to work all weekend. Congrats on your new neice! I have another one (not sure the gender) coming April 13! Hopefully I am not out of town on business when he comes (I am sure it's a boy). They are the best b/c it's nice to see them come...nice to see them go....

    I WI this morning just for fun, it says down 1# already, but I am not going to count those chickens....

    TOM isn't due for 2 weeks and yet I am spotting today, what is up with that??? GAH!!

    Well, I have a horrible meeting all morning with my boss - her mom is dying and she's been wingy and mean the past few weeks, so I can't wait to see what she comes down on me for next. Fun, fun, fun.....

    Tell me again why I work??

    Have a good one and BBL at lunch...three more hours.....
  • Morning!! Well allergy season has officially hit. I've been so tired lately and feeling "sick" but not really bad. I realized this morning that it's just that time of year. Unfortunately, my allergy meds usually make me retain water. I guess I'll work around it as best I can. I starting fast track again today because I've been a bit off with my sister being here. I was trying to be good but little things would throw me off. This way, there's a plan, and I stick to it, and hey, it works.

    Lori - I just spent 10 days with my sister and her triplets who are 4 months - holding babies is one of the best things in the world. Don't let your lack of WI push your start day off! You can still start today!! We're here for you!

    Belle - I hope your horrible meeting didn't go too horribly.

    OK - must get these things done. I have to run out at lunch so I will be pressed for time today. I'll check back in the afternoon.

  • Hi All,

    Just been overly stressed as of late and have had a nasty virus that has preveneted me from exercising in the last week and a half, plus my eating has been yucky as of late. I still am coughing and my head has been in the clouds since I got this bug argh! What sucks I was super motivated to do the Self challenge. I'll be starting again next week.

    My old roomates who still live together hate each other and they're both trying to pull me into their dispute and I don't quite know who to believe and it's stressing... Then there's a whole situation with my bf and our roomate... can I just fly off to the Bahamas and hide for a while (I'll take the bf with me though)?

    I had a job interview this morning, it went okay, but I know I messed up a bit on a couple of the technical questions... argh!

    I met my BF for lunch and was driving back and my muffler almost fell off (two guys helped me though)... More expenses argh!! Sorry to rant... I am definitely getting hungry to fight the battle of my ten extra pounds though... I WILL do this

    LORI!!! Hi and welcome back!!! Good for you on being married... I am shacking up now and love it!!

    Belle: Eek, I feel for you on the spotting... I get it every month and keep changing pills due to it... I am beginning to think my body isn't made for the pill (I take my pills at the same time and everything).

    KT: yeah, I am going to have to start reactine soon, especially since I'll be moving to the outskirts soon.

    Cheers y'all!

  • Hi everyone! happy Friday-I am working tomorrow but have no plans for Sunday exccept spending time with my baby MIL is here-she stayed home w/ baby today while DH and i went to work-she really enjoyed the little one. i am so tired-but I did manage to drag my butt to the gym(I blew it off yesterday) i did my arms workout and ran 2 miles. tomorrow is my tru day off from working out and then my week starts again on Sunday. Gym scale said i lost another pound...we'll see-I'm hanging in there-I go to Florida in a week! Aack-I have to be in a swimsuit in public!!!