Help!!-Not strictly WW

  • I know I am generally a lurker, but I really need some help from you all. My husband suffered a mini-stroke last week, the Dr. has put him on 2000 mg a day of sodium. I like to cook, but I rarely have much time to do so. I need suggestions of sites for low sodium recipies or names of books I can get. All help will be greatly appreciated.
  • Hi sweetie! I posted some info how to lower the sodium in a diet on your post at BCB.
  • I grew up with a mom that had high blood pressure. As a result, we ate low sodium everything. I can tell when a food is served to me at a restaurant and has extra salt added. The biggest offender to my palate is soup. So when you eat out, at least stay away from soup.
    My Mom showed me a study that said that if you do NOT salt food while cooking, but let people salt there food at the table, people will actually use less salt than if you had lightly salted while cooking and lightly salted at the table. Maybe you could try that too.
    If you do not like to cook, perhaps you could find frozen foods you can zap in the microwave. All food labels say how much salt is in them. There is a brand of “skillet meals” (frozen) that is pretty good and easy to fix.