Wednesday CHAT - Feb 4th

  • Good Morning Everyone,

    Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood a wonderful day for a neighbor would you be mine ? don't ask.

    Sun's out today but lots of black ice, major accidents and people falling all over the place, I almost landed on my rear this morning...good thing I was wearing my hiking boots (or what ever you call these things lol).

    Not much is new, sosdd. Exciting life huh

    Watcha all got planned for today ?
  • Good Morning Gang!

    It's wild around here this morning! I sure did enjoy the sun yesterday, but this afternoon we have major rain storms coming in that are suppose to last thru tomorrow afternoon, if the weather people are right. Gotta grab that sunshine when you can.

    My grandfather seems to be doing well after his surgery, but he has a 3 day epideral so he doesn't feel anything. That may explain why he is doing so well if he is not feeling anything.

    Leenie! I don't have to ask about the song - I know it well! When the boys were little we watched Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street alllllllllllll the time.

    Leenie - can I ask you a couple of Atkins questions here if you don't mind. I could email you, but somebody else might wanna know the same thing?? Do you drink decaf coffee or regular? If you drink regular, is the only caffeine that you get in your coffee in the mornings? on Induction it says to avoid caffeine, bec excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar which can make you crave sugar. My first thought is that 2 cups of regular coffee is not "excessive caffeine" and may not be a problem. I drink decaf at home, but we have regular here - no big deal, just deciding if I should bring my own decaf to work?

    Also about Splenda? during induction it says to limit to 3 packets a day? did you limit the Splenda like that? I know you count each packet as 1 gram of carbs, but did you only have 3 packs a day?

    And about the Davinci SF syrup, since it is made with Splenda, do you count a serving of it (2 tbsp) as 1 gram of carbs?

    BTW, I ran into my nephew yesterday. He has lost 20 lbs on Atkins since Christmas! MEN! That was all the weight he had to lose.

    What's everybody doing today? I'm trying to go walk during lunch if nobody changes my plans.

    later gaters,
  • Hello Ladies
    Today is a beautiful day out and the snow is melting again.YAY!!! But I wonder how long it will last? I am so bloated today and so very tired.I am trying to get the motivation to exercise today but its really hard.
    Tomorrow I have alot of running around to do.Like grocery shopping and I have to go to Walmart because my goddaughter's birthday is this month.

    Well I will BBL.Have a good day.
  • Hi Lynnie, sorry your feeling poopy today, my tummy is bloated too, but its from that dang lc candy bar I had.....that stuff will kill yah lol.

    Cathy SURE you can ask anything your little heart desires (BTW, I'm glad g'pa is feeling better, or feeling nothing he sounds like a little trooper).

    Do you drink decaf coffee or regular? If you drink regular, is the only caffeine that you get in your coffee in the mornings? on Induction it says to avoid caffeine, bec excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar which can make you crave sugar.

    Okay my first two weeks I had decaf and hated it, so after induction I switched back to regular...... Personally I don't think it makes me crave sugar but thats just me...... don't forget coffee has carbs, decaf or regular, it doesn't matter.

    My first thought is that 2 cups of regular coffee is not "excessive caffeine" and may not be a problem. I drink decaf at home, but we have regular here - no big deal, just deciding if I should bring my own decaf to work?

    Thats really up to you, you know different things affect people differently, so you'll have to experiment. If your going to do Atkins' Induction, then I would try to stick as close as possible to it because it gives your body a boost. Bring in the decaf for the first two weeks, Drink one cup decaf and one cup regular and see what happens ?

    Also about Splenda? during induction it says to limit to 3 packets a day? did you limit the Splenda like that? I know you count each packet as 1 gram of carbs, but did you only have 3 packs a day?

    Yes, I did limit them in the beginning b/c you are trying to stay under 20 gms of carbs a day and believe me they add up quick. 10 out of the 20 carbs would be my coffee lololol... but thats what I choose, I love coffee. Some times the Splenda wasn't sweet enuf so I would sprinkle a little sweet& low in with it...personal taste

    And about the Davinci SF syrup, since it is made with Splenda, do you count a serving of it (2 tbsp) as 1 gram of carbs?

    Divinci Syrups are made of Liquid splenda and count as "0" carbs, thats right you heard me "0" I am waiting for my order to come in b/c I usually put some in my coffee eliminating me adding powdered splenda and YUMMY. I like vanilla and hazelnut in my coffee but I just recently put in an order for Caramel, Vanilla, Hazelnut and Pineapple (for hubby) to put on his cottage cheese YUM.....

    Anything else just holler, its confusing at first, I'd say the first few weeks but you'll get the hang of it.

    Congrats to your nephew !!!
  • Cathy, Also remember this, even though heavy/light cream (for your coffee) says it has no carbs, count each tablespoon as 1 gm. Because it really does have carbs, the law is if its under 1 gm they don't have to report it on the nutritional list. Same as splenda and sweet & low, its got like .99 gm of carbs which is 1 gm.

    Also, your suposed to limit your cheese to no more than 3 - 4 oz a day.

    For your salads go with Romaine lettuce, its got the least carbs.

    Honest !!!! it gets easy lol
  • Booooooooooooooooooo
    Hi Gang
    Morning has passed too quickly.......................I am leaving for work in a few but I did get a little done around the house.

    It is sunny here in Ky and I am going for a quick walk before changing clothes for work. Lynnie.dont think about it a lot JUST DO IT! You will be so glad you did the exercise ONCE its over!

    Take Care gang

    I had yummy 2 pt potato soup and FF bologna sandwisch with mustard for lunch
  • Cathy I am waiting for the downpour too. I know it will hit as soon as I get home. I would really like to take the dogs for a walk but they will not be dragging me around in the rain. I just feel so bad for them being in their pen all day. They do have plenty room to play around but I would really just love to have them roaming the back yard. There are some very low spots under our fence and they love to get out under there. Heck, I can crawl under it if I scoot on my tummy. They know there is some construction too so they head straight for the red dirt over there. That is always fun to have to give them a bath when they get out. (ok, I don't know where that long post came from sorry lol )

    Lynnie you sound like you are in better spirits today. It must be the sun.

    Cin did you guys get a big surge of new members since the begining of the year?

    Nothing much going on here. I just finished a magazine and now I am looking for something else to read. I feel kind of bad doing that here at work but hey, if there isn't anything to do I can't make my self do something.
  • CinI did just do it and actually today I increased the intensity to moderate for 30 mins.I feel alittle better since I workedout.
    KempyIt is the sun and I love it...I just wish it would stay like from now on.
    Leenie tsk tsk on the candybar...

    For lunch I had a great big salad and it was so good because I ate after I exercised.
  • Wow this is great! lots of activity on the boards this afternoon! So good to see everybody

    Leenie - thanks for all the info on Atkins. I'm trying to get rid of all my questions before I get started. I used the SF Davinci Vanilla syrup in my coffee and it was ok, but I beat the caramel flavored would be yummy good. I found another brand of favored syrups at naturesflavors for less. have you tried that brand? wonder if they taste as good - they have a zillion flavors to choose from.

    You know what about the cheese leenie - I think I'm gonna lay off of it for awhile and see if it helps with weightloss. I was reading in Atkins book last night about Candida albicans (and also read it last week in that Woman's World Magazine that has something new (and crazy) about weightloss every week. But I'm wondering if I could possibly have a build of this yeast in my digestive track (as both of these talked about) due to taking birth control pills and some other things that rang a bell with me but that I can't remember now. anyway, I think I'm gonna lay off the cheese awhile and see.

    Romaine lettuce for salads is great - that is all I eat anyway! finally - something that comes naturally! LOL

    Cin Cin Cin - hey girlfriend! good for you walking before your meeting! YOU GO GIRL! how cold is it over there today? potato soup is my favorite soup in the whole wide world! you must have done something special to make it only 2 points???

    Kemp - I'm afraid it will be storming my the time we head home! did you and hubby get to work out yesterday? do you have lab dogs for duck hunting? or some over type of dogs? every lab we have ever had drug me the whole 2 or 3 miles when I walked them and just about pulled my arms out of their sockets. They didn't walk like that for hubby tho.

    Lynnie - GOOD FOR YOU! isn't it funny how we can be feeling yucky, and then if we make ourselves exercise - SURPRISE - we just feel so much better! isn't that great! our bodies (and our brain chemicals) really do need exercise! YOU GO GIRL! you are just a movin and a grovin all over the place! I always have to eat after I can do eating first!!! yuck!

    a lot of somebodies did change my plans so I didn't get to walk during lunch - gonna have to figure out a way to do when I get home.

  • Cathy I had to do my own thing yesterday. I got in 45 mins though. Joe got here to early for me to workout with him. I think he will be here early today too. So, I will just get on the eliptical by myself. It is better than nothing. One of our dogs (Echo) is the hunting dog and the puppy (Rhea) is my dog. (both Labs) Joe talks about training her but he is crazy if he thinks he is sending my baby away for 6 months. They do drag me all over the place and your right they do not do it when Joe is walking them. It is rather funny though. i don't yell at them to much because they are making me go at a faster pace and I am sure I need that.

    One good thing about all of the rain coming, Joe is in town right now.
  • Cathy, just make sure when you buy something sugar free, if its not made with splenda it not only has carbs, it will also affect your weight loss, thats why they suggest you don't drink diet soda w/nutra sweet. OY i know.

    Lynnie.....the candy bar was Low Carb
  • Hi everyone

    Just dropping in......been on the go is almost 2 P.M. I have to go have lunch now....sort of late....see you later.

  • Hey April! that was a late lunch you were having. must have been a busy day!

    Hey Leenie - I noticed you had some tofu and flavoring for lunch today? can you tell me about that? how do you fix it? and whatever you do, do you fix it at work, or make it ahead of time and bring it all ready to eat? I don't know much about tofu.

    After work I ran up to the hospital and stayed in ICU with my pawpaw for almost an hour. By the time I finally got home, I decided to just cut myself some slack and admit that I'm tired and not up to exercising this late today. Tomorrow is another day, and all I can do is all I can do. We will see what tomorrow brings.

    hope everybody has a nice quiet peaceful restful evening.

  • Bravo Lynnie!
    Go girl! You are on the right track...stay there!

    I had a member reach Lifetime tonight. She lost 85.6 pounds in 50 weeks!
    She shared she didnt eat a bite before first writing it down.She weighs and measures everything and writes it down! Awesome..she looked beautiful! Then she shared she may start exercise now but hasnt yet! All the "non- exercise" members sure enjoyed hearing that! And naturally the topic this week is exercise! I have many members hot goal before tackling exercise................................does that surprose you all?

    Yes.Kempd.............had 96 in tonights meeting !

    Later gals
  • opps
    Hit goal...............surprise?
    ha ha ha............................