Superbowl Snack Ideas

  • I need superbowl snack ideas. I want to be able to nibble all throughout the game. So if anybody could post several "non-boring" snacks that are low in points that would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
  • Hi
    flavored popcorn, but maybe that's too boring for you. We LOVE it. How about a shrimp ring and seafod sauce. These are both low on points.
    I'll keep thinking,
  • I do not have any really low snack ideas, but I do have a plan. Why not promise yourself that you will eat all 5 servings fruit/veggies before you eat any higher calorie snacks? Let your flex points go for a wonderful snacking day. Plan on what your REALLY want to eat, count the points and eat it. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT TASTE GOOD! I would rather have one of 5 things I really want 10 things that are so-so.

    Have you ever had a quesadilla made with high fiber tortillas? My leader says they are 1 point for 2 of them. They are 9 grams of fiber each. No one in my family knows they are low in points. They look like regular flour tortillas.

    Is the appetizer section.