Weekly Chat 1/18--1/24

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  • Hey ladies!
    How has everyone's weekend been? Mine is, thankfully, not over 'till tomorrow night, due to the MLK, Jr. holiday! It's times like these that I'm glad to be a teacher.
    Has anyone seen either of these movies: "The Good Girl" (with Jennifer Aniston) or "Two Weeks' Notice". DH & I watched both of those last night & today....the nice perk of his video 2nd job. Anyway, I was just wondering what any of the the rest of you thought of these movies. I thought they were both a bit weird--especially "The Good Girl." Wow. Would love to hear anyone else's take on these!
    Well....hope ya'll are having a good night!
  • I had a long weekend, but it was great! I spent Saturday and Sunday learning how to scuba dive so I can go in Fiji over spring break. It was so amazing to be hanging out, breathing, on the bottom of a 15 foot deep pool.

    Jen - I've seen both of those movies. I did not love Two Weeks Notice, when I saw it I thought that I had been cured for my love of chick movies, but I think that one just didn't appeal to me much (even though Hugh Grant is cute and I am studying to be a lawyer). The Good Girl was kind of depressing, I can see how some of the people in it did a great job making it, but I just was not in the mood for it when I saw it.

    I saw Girl With a Pearl Earring and 21 Grams in the theater last week. I liked Girl... a lot, I'm becoming a huge fan of Scarlett Johanson (sp?). 21 Grams was way more depressing than I realized it would be, it wasn't a bad movie, but I need to realize that when I see Sean Penn in a movie, it's probably not going to be some light-hearted sort of thing.

    I hope everyone else had a great weekend!
  • Jen, I haven't seen either movie. I've been wanting to see "The Good Girl" though.

    I work every day except Saturday - so my weekend ended yesterday! LOL

    Tomorrow I have to brave the downtown area (where there will be a MLK Day parade) and get to the music store - I have a rehearsal with my pianist, Stephanie. We are putting on our first professional recital (flute & piano) a week from Friday! Ack! (That music store has a recital space they are letting us use for free, and Stephanie gets to play on the Steinway they lend to Steinway artists who come to town, wow!)

    Fluting burns a calorie a minute according to FitDay - LOL!
  • Katia - really cool about the scuba diving! It's soooo going to be worth it when you go to Fiji! (Maybe you can take an underwater camera and share your piccies with us)
  • I really enjoyed The Good Girl, but it's definately not a feel-good movie. I was really disappointed with Two Weeks Notice. I usually enjoy a good "fluffy" movie like that, but it wasn't for me.
  • Yeah, Two Weeks Notice wasn't how I thought it would be--and I'm usually quite a sucker for "chick flicks." (-; I guess I'm sick of seeing Sandra Bullock in the same, macho-girl role. It seems like she plays that type of role in nearly every movie. I thought The Good Girl was depressing--plus all the men in it GROSSED me out! Seriously! Definitely NOT a comedy.
  • I haven't seen either.Don't know if I want too. But I do want to see Mona Lisa Smile...
  • I've seen "Two Weeks Notice." It was alright. Not the best. I haven't seen "The Good Girl" -- it just doesn't look like my type of movie...

    We rented "SWAT" and "Anger Management" this weekend. I really liked "SWAT" for an action-type movie. Plus, Collin Ferrell is just adorable! I love Adam Sandler -- I think he's hilarious, but I thought "Anger Management" was a little slow in some parts. But, overall is was pretty funny, and I love the fact that part of it took place at Yankees stadium, along with Yankees players (I love baseball!! ).

    Lynnie: I've seen "Mona Lisa Smile." It was pretty good. It wasn't my choice to see, but I ended up liking it. I really like Julia Roberts.

    Am I the only one that has to work today? Our company doesn't recognize MLK Jr. Day. They are kind of stingy with our vacation days...

    Katia: Very cool about the scuba diving! I would love to be able to do that! How was the class? I'd love to be able to scuba dive.

    Formia: Wow! Your first professional recital -- that sounds like a major event! Good luck with it!

    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Take care,
  • Hiya ladies!

    I've seen Two Weeks Notice and the Good Girls. Two weeks notice sucked.. too predictable. Good girl was ok... but not really great. At least 2 weeks notice is happier

    Mona Lisa Smile rocks. Its not as predictable as most movies out there. I would highly suggest seeing it. Even my fiance liked it (and its supposed to be a chick flick!).

    Other movies to see: Lord of the Rings Return of the King. Its the best of the 3. But they are all good. I actually recently saw Xmen2 and American Wedding. American Wedding was pretty gross but funny. Xmen2 was really good.. much better then the first one.

    Otherwise.. I am not at work today but doing research. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • oooh, movie discussion! my favorite kind!

    the good girl - i really liked it! =) yeah it's depressing, but well done. i agree about two weeks notice. not what i wanted. american wedding - good. x2 - VERY good.

    i just rented once upon a time in mexico (comes out to rent tomorrow). it was very, very cheesy. but maybe people who liked desperado will like it?

    i also rented le divorce. still haven't watched it (it comes out a week from tomorrow).

    i haven't seen mona lisa smile yet. i want to. i chose to see something's gotta give instead.. and it was GREAT. really, see it.

    and i'll end with my two girly movie reccomendations for the day -- alex & emma, and uptown girls. RENT THEM NOW!!

    brought to you by your friendly blockbuster employee,
  • Hey all, I've been lurking a lot lately, just not chatting...but here I am!

    Jina: no worries - all of us north of the border are working! Although I wouldn't be against the idea of getting us some more holidays up here. Too bad we can't share. Just think, we could have two thanksgivings!

    Jen: I've seen neither of those movies. This weekend though, I saw half of Big Fish (fire alarm, had to leave the theatre, but got two free tickets...haven't decided yet if I'll return and watch all of Big Fish) and I also saw the Last Samurai and it was booooring. Weak story line. It's too bad, because I can see the samurai as having a very interesting history and I'd be interested in learning more about them and their thoughts on honour in battle etc. Or maybe the movie was just too long and I wasn't in the mood for it. I could be largely biased though, because I am definitely NOT a fan of Tom Cruise. But that was what my friends wanted to see, so I went...with my free pass of course, so no real harm done.

    Tonic - I second the rec for Return of the King. Loved it. Seen it more than once. I'm actually listening to the sound track at the moment, I've been repeating it all morning. I love the soundtracks from all my 'geeky' movies...Star Trek: Next Gen, LotR, Apollo 13... some great music there!

    katia: do you get certified for scuba diving? sounds like fun, in any case!

    Formia: I'd be so nervous about a professional recital! Good luck preparing for that!

    Hi jenicra, lynnie!

    I finally got my skates sharpened so I'm all ready to head out to do more skating some time. The last two weeks have just been too cold...I just couldn't justify going out into the horrid weather. But at least, thanks to the big freeze, every rink is frozen up really well...hopefully this weekend I'll get down there.

    Can't decide if I want to go to Toronto this weekend or not...I have lots to do, but I really want to get there to visit my friends...unfortunately it's about a 4.5 hour drive...what to do, what to do...maybe I'll leave it up to the weather and make it a last minute decision.

    Talk to you later!

    p.s. popped in there ahead of me, Holly ... just wanted to say hi and thanks for the recs!
  • Holly--you are in the KNOW, girl! (-; DH & I are getting that way with his video job, as well. We loved Alex & Emma, too! I think I'll have him get Uptown Girls for me one night soon.
    I want to see Mona Lisa Smile & am contemplating going to it by myself tonight! I've never done that before, guess it's about time.
    Well, it's time to stop procrastinating on working out....better get changed & get to the gym.....time's a wastin'. (-;
  • Mona Lisa smile was really good... I enjoyed it. My husband went along (definitely not his choice for a movie) and he ended up liking it, too.

    Lekker, that's great you get to go skating, I wish I could. No ice down here, waaah. Even though it'll be in the 20's tonight - that's tropical compared to what you all are getting, ha!
  • Happy Tuesday to all! I'm *trying* to get myself motivated for going back to work--you know, I appreciate a holiday so much, but unfortunately they just make it that much harder to go back. )-; Know what I mean? I really am such a homebody--I just want to STAY HERE! Instead of going out to face the rest of the world every morning. Something I've obviously got to get over! Hee hee.
    Anyway.....ugh. Had somewhat of a sweets binge again last night--I did the same thing LAST WEEK this time. Eeeeeee. I don't think it was as bad as last time, but it definitely wasn't good either. I guess I need to do some self-searching--am I possibly at that point in weight loss where you get freaked out by your success, and start to self-sabotage? Because I REALLY don't want to go there. )-; Any insight from the rest of ya'll would be so appreciated!
  • hi guys! long time no see. well, I officially applied for graduation last week, so things have been pretty crazy. I will be walking with the spring term class of 2004...scary. with that in mind I am taking 22 credits this term and probably 23-25 next term, but I am to the point where it's well worth it. Jen I know what you mean about being a home body, that's all I wanted to do this morning. it's kinda weird, but I almost forgot what it was like to have a life where you include someone else into your scheduling (the new bf). luckily we have similar schedules, and he doesn't mind going to the gym in the evenings with me...even though he's already seeing results the little weasel- very nice abs! I guess I should also add that I ended up quiting my job at the coffee shop, kinda bitter sweet. they weren't really happy with me only being able to work fri,sat,sun because of my school schedule. I guess I'll just suck it up and figure something else out to do in the mean time. still haven't done an official weigh in I'll do it this friday after body-buff!