Boot Camp 11/6

  • Good morning ladies

    It seems that some of us are in dire need of motivation, myself included. So let's try to be a good example for the other chicks.

    I have slacked off the past 2 days, just feeling down between the winter blues and all my hormones bouncing around with this menopause c##p. But I WILL exercise today..

    So, come on ladies, let's get our butts moving

    Daily or weekly is fine with me, but how about Friday being the weekly day. This way I will be able to post a total by Friday nightand get us started Saturday morning before I leave for work (just while Franny is gone).

    So far this week we have 420 minutes!
  • Well, I did 60 min Tues. and will have 60 more tonight (swim class)
  • Put me down for 30 today, please, Sil.
  • Whah! My foot is still bleeding and very sore so I didn't walk today. (Don't nag! I have a Dr appt tomorrow morning!) BUT
    I did 20 minutes with hand weights. Maybe I can fix my poor buggered up shoulder and wrists. (I think I am falling apart!)
  • Way to go Ellis, Ruth, and Busymama

    I did 30 minutes of cardio today but no weights (I pulled a muscle in my back ). It is feeling alittle better this afternoon so I plan on getting it done tomorrow.
  • My exercise today was in not killing anyone

    maybe a nice walk for 20 minutes when I get home. Take out my aggression.
  • Hi chickies. I have done 60 minutes so far this week on the treadmill. M, T, W. for 20 , minutes each time. I posted this, this morning but I guess I must have done it on yesterdays.
  • Hi: Yesterday 30 minutes at Curves. Tomorrow 30 Minutes at Curves. i haven't been aable to walk on the inbetween days or ride my bike, as we have been having rain.
    Hope to better on the weekend, when our Fall Festival is over. Lizzie