
  • 2Sexy, that is so wonderful that you went to the meeting! And for sure you will have a loss next week, if you stuffed yourself full before WI- good thinking! I feel a little sad about my huge gain, but I am for sure back on track, and am going to give it everything I have instead of screwing around! Do they supply slippers for you to wear at your meeting if you have no socks on, or how does that work? They just toss a paper towel on the scale at my meeting! I don't have any of the books from WW, old or new. I look on the internet for restaurant pts, and use my slider to figure other things out. But it IS nice to have new info and things, its a motivater! To add a signature to the bottom of your messages, go to PROFILE and you can make one for yourself! I made sure to add my evil gain to mine, I figure it might motivate me to get moving! Well, its work time- I will be looking for messages today, I have to be in the damn computer lab for a long time! Have a good day!
    how is your 1st day back on the plan going, 2 Sexy? and how much do you hope to lose?
  • Saskie, Its very possible some of your gain might be water weight gain. I once had a 5.6 gain in a week.I think it was a combination of high sodium content foods I ate. That exact 5.6 was gone by the next week I am having a super lazy week. I am ok food wise I just have been so tired. I have no ambition. Work has been kind of crazy. I hope chasing after a room full of 14 toddlers counts for something I have one aid that helps but we are alone until 10:00. 2Sexy, I think thats great that you are going to meetings. I did buy the new resturant points book,but I dont think I will buy the other because I am pretty sure I will stick with the old points program. I feel more deprived on the new one because I am used to the old way of tracking.
  • JustMe, I hope I am lucky and the gain was mostly water weight, but I am definitely not counting on it! I really need to learn to do all those cute little faces- I only know a couple of them!
    I am sure that chasing kids around all day counts for LOTS of activity! I did not get a lot of activity in yesterday either, too much homework and not enough time in the day! I tried to make up for it on Tuesday nad today, though.
    I have a test right away, and then a paper due in the next class...then I get tomorrow off work and school both!! I am very excited, although I have tons of work to catch up on in that time. Oh well, school is almost done, then I will have that little (very expensive) piece of paper that says I did it!
    I hope you find the motivation to do just a little bit of exercise, it will make you feel so much better! Good luck!
    2Sexy, where are you? how are you doing back on the plan????
    see ya later!
  • Saskie, I had a class for my job after work today so I didnt exercise today either. I plan on starting regularly again starting on sun. I really want to loose this last 5 pounds. Possibly 5 more, I was less flabby last time I was at this weight. probably because I was more faithful with my exercise. Since the weather is getting nicer I hope to go on more walks. I like that better than the treadmill. To make the smiley faces just click on where it says smiles to the left under forum rules,(when you are typing your post) and it will tell you how to make them. It sounds like you are really busy. What are you going to school for? I cant rember if you ever said. 2Sexy how is the program going for you?
  • JustMe,
    Great to hear from you, although that's too bad that you haven't been able to exercise lately- sometimes there just is no time, though! What type of class did you have for work?
    I am just finishing up my bachelor of education, in elementary education. in less thaan one month i will e done classes, as well as finals! And yes, I am really busy, I have school 4 days a week and work the other three. Makes it hard to find time for exercise, my fiance, and homework- but leaves less time for snacking!! That is what I am scared of today, since I will be home doing homework/housework all day. I AM going to my first bridal show tonight, with one of my bridesmaids and my mom. I am kind of excited, although I don't have time to plan much until after school is done!
    I hope you are having a good day! Oh- and I know what you mean about not being as firm as last timee you were that weight- last time I was at this weight, I had a totally different body!!!
  • Hey you guys I think I messed up or I am confused. I made a post earlier today on the other thread. Im not sure what happened. I thought I posted it on this one
  • I just started this new thread because the other one is SO long, my old computer takes a long time to load it up! Can't talk much right now- gotta shovel down some oatmeal that is way to hot aand get to work! Cograts on your loss, JustMe- thats so great!!!