300+ And Ready To Try Again...#427

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us on our journey.

    We share laughter and tears.

    We share what work for us and what doesn't.

    We recently started a Topic of the Day:

    Motivation Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Weigh-ins
    Thankful Thursday
    Friday Facials, Fingernails, and Fun
    Sit up Saturday: any physical activity
    Soup and Salad Sunday: receipes

    We Chat on Wednesdays and Sundays: 8:30 ET/7:30 CT

    These are not required topics...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share hearaches and fears..joys and celebrations.
  • Okay, fresh new week, new thread, new beginning! I'm going now to whip up a decent post, but I wanted to start the new thread...so come on out and post, chickies!
  • I KNEW you would have the book, Tina but I wanted to make sure everyone else was aware that this "Nascar Disease" is SO serious that there is a need for a Chicken Soup for the Nascar Soul book!!!!! It will help everyone to understand!!!!! (hehehehehehe)

    I have to watch the Vikings (football) today and hopefully get some yard work done since I goofed off all day yesterday at the craft fair.
  • Hey girls!

    Okay, I'm ready to get serious again! I almost feel silly saying that, because I've said it SO many times before, but there it is. I will never give up. I will keep starting over til I get this right! So I took my WW stuff out and recorded the points of my healthy breakfast, made sure I got my fruit and my protein and my milk in...plan on getting back on the bike later today. I know what to do...it's just a matter of doing it!

    The boys are off to the Giants/Eagles game...We went to West Point yesterday to watch Army get their butts kicked by East Carolina University...It was a nice day though, sunny, warm (when the sun was out) but not too chilly when it wasn't. It was fun, but I really need a weekend to catch up on everything around here! Maybe LUCKY will come help me rake some leaves...pretty please????

    Welcome back, Barb! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

    Michelle, I will PM you when I'm done here, so that we can firm up plans for Saturday.

    Syn...Yay for your loss! Keep going, kiddo!

    Tina...I loved the pics! You have every right to be the proud football mama!

    Andria...I just caught the last train out of funkville flats! I feel the need to visit there periodically...BTW...fondue? Gonna share any recipes?

    J-ann...thanks for the good advice! You've inspired me to take a ride to our local farm market. How do you fix your butternut squash?

    Terri...Happy Anniversary!!

    Pam, the wedding sounds wonderful and good for you for resisting not one, but two! wedding cakes!

    Thin, how was your arm in arm stroll with hubby? Nice to have that time alone together!

    Mary, I hope your weekend went well and that you lost that "gorilla" somewhere between Little Rock and home!!

    Sandy...How are things? Any word? Hugs and Prayers to you, hon.

    Okay...as usual...I've spent WAY more time here than I had planned on...To everyone that I missed, HI! I'll catch up with you during the week!

    love to all...
  • Hi everybody! I have exactly 20 minutes to post. That's when the timer goes off to run and change the laundry and then I need to be out of here. Think I can do it????

    I feel like I've been gone forever....from here and from doing anything good on WW. I skipped last Monday knowing full well I had gained and I just am having a hard time thinking about going tomorrow as well.

    I haven't eatten anything good in such a long time, except for a grilled chicken salad at the market on Wednesday. I'm feeling really horrible about myself and my eatting lately. Maybe it's the "funkville" thing that's going around, but some of you are doing so great....maybe if I get my butt HERE more often, you girls that are doing well will rub off on me.

    Honey and I had a wonderful time Thursday. We went to Greenfield Village which is about 40 minutes from here. It is actually an accumulation of old houses, workshops and factories that have been moved from various areas because of their historic value.

    The Ford world headquarters is here in Dearborn and all that property is/was all owned by the Ford family. The Village and Henry Ford Museum were all started by the Ford's years ago and it just keeps growing and growing.

    The Village has a whole loop that is the Farm. Then there's another loop that is industrial with the Edison, Wright Brothers, Ford and other workshops. Then there's a loop that is all old homes. They have a railroad roundhouse that is really cool. There is a loop that is mostly craft type workshops: glassblowing, printing, spinning, weaving, pottery, etc. It's really quite a place.

    Honey and I were only able to get through a portion of it because we got there late in the afternoon. But we had slept in in the morning and then went out to lunch, so we did spend the entire day together. It was nice.

    Sandy: Any word on the missing? My heart goes out to you and all involved.

    Pam: You are just shining in your last post about the wedding. Good for you!

    Mary: I hope your trip to Little Rock gets you out of the dumps. I'm worried about you!

    Barb: Glad to see you back from your trip. It's great that you had a nice time.

    Katrina: Good to see you getting back out of the slump. Maybe we can both pull those boot-straps up one more time. How bout it?

    Andria: You sound great lately too! I just loved doing shows for my 'favorite' hostesses. So much fun!

    2cute: I can't wait til your company leaves so we get to see you more often.

    Jen: Good to see you too.

    Joanne: The more you play with the stuff here, the better you get. You'll learn, but we don't mind even the plain stuff.

    JoeAnne: Your thankful lists are always the best!

    J-ann: How was the wine tour? I bet you had alot of fun.

    xDas7x: Nice to see you. Stop back anytime.

    Terri: Happy Anniversary! I know, a little belated, but it's the thought that counts, right??? Sounds like you had a really nice evening.

    Tina: GREAT pics, girl! You've got yourself quite a little ball player there!

    Syn: CONGRATS on the BIG loss! You're really showing us how this is done lately!!! Good for you!

    Michelle: That WAS a really good price on the pork. Don't ya just love it when someone stickers something wrong and we get to profit by it??? I love when that happens.

    Lucky: I just love craft shows and this is definitely the time of year for them. I just don't have anyone to go with so I haven't been in a long while. Do you want to come by one day and we'll go together??? BTW, I actually bought that Chicken Soup for the Nascar Soul for honey for Christmas.

    Ok, I think I'm caught up. If I missed you, I'm terribly sorry. It wasn't on purpose. I really have to run. My timer for the wash has gone off and then I need to get out of here. It's time to put together goody bags for all the 'Frat' boys for Halloween and I've got to pick up a couple more items for them.

    I'll talk to you all later. Love ya bunches.
  • Quote:
    Originally posted by thinthinker

    I feel like I've been gone forever....from here and from doing anything good on WW. I skipped last Monday knowing full well I had gained and I just am having a hard time thinking about going tomorrow as well.

    THIN: I want you to go to your meeting tomorrow. It never helps to stay away, even on a gain week. You can go with me (cyberly) if you want. I try to go on Monday afternoon. I skipped last week cause I was on vacation and ended up spending the afternoon gabbing with friends and really, truely forgot to go. We CAN do this if we all help each other.
  • I'm back Check in later
  • Hi ladies!

    Good to see so many great posts. Sure brightens my day. Mom has headed home and I've had a short nap. I'm downstairs now with the laundry going and trying to work on paperwork. Geez, that stuff never ends.

    Its a gorgeous day. I'll have to get a dog walk in for sure. Mom and I had a great visit. I'm so glad that she wanted to come up and go to church with us. She's been through so much since dad's passing and she is wanting something and she knows its from taking that step towards faith. It breaks my heart to hear her talk of regret about things that happened between her and Dad in the past. How if she were able to understand his insecurities and his emotions, maybe she could have felt differently. The message today ended with the Pastor talking about how as parents, aunts, uncles, etc that we have to give kids our blessing - that they want our acceptance; to know they are understood; to know that someone cares. He talked about how kids that don't get that and how they will grow up continually striving for that acceptance in all the wrong ways. That hit home very hard to mom and I because none of us kids, nor her, ever felt like we did things right for dad - he just didn't know how to show us that we were okay, that he did know of our achievements. That he loved us. I think back to the years of wanting someone to accept me for me; to see me for me and being so afraid to put myself out there in fear of being rejected and hurt. Mom said that Dad never felt accepted by his own father and that his mother was a demanding, controlling woman. What really touches my heart is that I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about why I have the problem with food and with accepting of myself - and to have that as our church message has helped me to understand so much. Maybe now I can heal that part of me.

    Barb - Waiting anxiously to hear about your vacation and see pics!

    Tina - Congrats to the up and coming football star! Great pics!

    Kat - Good to see you back and kicking the funk out of town!

    Thin - You too - No time for funk either!

    Pam - You had it right - Terri is my name. The wedding sounds lovely and good job with all that cake around. You rock!

    Mary - Also, waiting to hear about your trip.

    Syn - I think it was you that was down 7 pounds. Great job!

    J-Ann - You're so right about facing the scale no matter what. I'll get back on track and going every other week again.

    Lucky, Andria, Connie, Joanne, Joeanne, 2Cute, Natalie, and everyone else - have a great weekend and be strong!
  • Hey there girls,
    Sorry I have been lax on the posting, but just so much going on here, and on top of that I caught the kids cold and have been miserable for last 2 days, then TOM decided to add insult to misery. Things can only go up from here I would think.
    Food is so/so, but plan on being back on Plan tomorrow. There is always a new start, and like Kat....I will start and start till I get it right. Thanks in advance for letting me restart with you KAT.
    Tina: What great pic's of Treys team and the one of you was great too. Good job on the food.

    I am not doing personal replies to everyone, cause I just can't remember it all, I will pick up from here and hope that you will all understand. With this blonde head all clogged up, it's hard to remember who said what. But Congrats to all those who have been OP and those who have lost and those who have stayed the same. Hugs to all that need it and all that don't for that matter, I just love hugs.....

    I'm off to check chat out.


    PS) No word on the missing men, they gave up the search and have listed them missing at sea. My mom went to visit the mom of the man that is my husbands cousin and she was doing pretty good, and still hanging on to hope that they are at an island or something? But, the more days that go by and the colder it gets hope seems to be dwindeling. I pray for her that she is right, but I fear the worst. But like even the mom said, we have to live for what we have to hold on to and not to what we have lost. We can't live in the past, it does us no good.
  • Hi Girls,
    The day has just flown by and I still have tons to do. I wanted to at least try to share a few of my favorite pictures with you....
  • And another....This is at dinner the first night on board.
  • And this is one of our Formal Night portraits....
  • I am just starting to go back and read the threads I missed...

    I just had to tell Tina that the picture of Tony winning cracked me up...If you look at it (back on # 424) It looks like he is wearing Mickey Mouse ears.

  • Just for giggles

    and PS) Had to go back and check out the Mickey Mouse ears....that is just too cute.
  • If you are interested...here is the link to a little cruise review I did for a cruise message board....
    Barb's Cruise Review