Monday, Monday...Da Da Da Da Da Da!

  • I love that song by the Mama's and Papa's! Morning all! BBTP!
  • Well it is MOnday and I am feeling it. DH and I could not get up this morning. I think I get to leave a little early today though so I am excited about that. My wknd was pretty hum drum how bout yours? We watched a couple of movies and ate out with some friends.

    How did everyone do on the food and exercise front. I did well FINALLY, this was my first good wknd in 2 wks. I rollerbladed and did the 45 minute pilates tape, which BTW kicked my butt. It was tough. Oh I did end up losing 2 lbs last week which was good so now I am back to 7.5 down. I would love to hit the halloween goals but that would mean I would have to lose 10lbs in 3 wks. This seams pretty unrealistic but I figure If I reach for the stars I may achieve more than if I change the goal. How is eveyrone else doing on the halloween challenge?????

    Well I will BBL ladies!
  • Hi Becky...just time for a quickie post here.

    THings are going well, busy. I just finished stamping, stuffing, and addressing 120 shower invitations (can we say out of hand???). Now I gotta get to work on stamping and addressing 120 thank you notes for the mom to be as her gift...I SO wish someone had done that for me, so I am making it a point to do that for every family member having a baby shower.

    I'm glad you got your butt kicked by those rollerblades Miss Becky -- because, as we all know, a kicked butt is much firmer than an unkicked one, right?

    Come out and play, everyone -- I'll come back later and do some chit chatting!!
  • Hey Becky -
    For a Monday you sound pretty upbeat - I'm impressed. And I agree with that 45 minute Pilates workout- it kicks my butt. I'm trying to work it in once a week though at least.

    Had a good weekend - one of my good friends from high school got married on Saturday, so that was a long long day that I paid for yesterday. whoops. It was a very good time though, she and the bridesmaids and everything was beautiful - sunny, warm day for October. sigh.

    As far as the weight loss... I'm not doing too badly. Last week I was up, and I've got over 10 pounds to the Halloween challenge too... somehow, the numbers on the scale have bounced up and down every week so I'm not really down at all on the scale overall. I'm going shopping tonight though for good food - I haven't had any fresh fruit at home which hurt me last week. And I didn't bring any of my mom's cookies back with me when I came back, which is definitely a good thing, considering they'd be gone in about two days. So I will join you on reaching for the numbers becky - even if we don't make it, we can try!

    okay now that this novel is over, gotta get back to work!
  • Jayne~ That is the best shower gift that I have EVER heard of!!! I cannot wait to do it for one of my sisters or friends!!

    Angie~ I am kind of upbeat just because I am leaving in 3 hours!!!! Ok so can you do all of those pilates moves? There are a couple that I just cannot manage! Glad you are joinng me on reaching for that number for Halloween.

    Well back to work I go!
  • Hi Girls!

    I had last Friday off of work and really enjoyed my 3 day weekend. I spent Friday working around the house and Saturday I steam cleaned the carpets. Went to a friend's wedding Saturday night - the reception was so much fun. I worked a bit on Sunday but found time for a 90 minute weight work-out - yippee!

    I have WI tonight and am nervous. My scale has been going steadily downhill all this week. This morning it was back up (and I tried to be so careful about sodium yesterday). I know by this evening it will be higher still (always weigh more at night than morning). I really want the scale to show a loss tonight. It is so frustrating to be OP all week, see the home scale drop and have WW WI be maintain or gain.

    I wanted to thank everyone for their advice last week regarding CB's nephews. You really helped me out and gave me some good constructive ideas. We were able to assist his sister in getting a working vehicle this weekend. She'll be able to drive the boys to and from school and herself to work now. Plus CB's younger sister is home from vacation so we are hoping she'll be able to assist with the overnight babysitting as we need to touch-up paint at the house and finish packing CB's apartment for the move on Friday.

    Jayne - I'm so thrilled that Noodle danced for you. What fun!! How kind of you to pre-address thank you note envelopes. CB's youngest sister will be getting married in the spring - I might steal that idea from you!

    Becky - way to go on the exercise this weekend! You're kicking butt!

    Hi Angie! Glad you enjoyed the wedding. Get fruit. Fruit is good for you. Fruit is your friend. Go shopping for fruit!

  • Becky- there is no way I can do all of those moves! I just laugh at them sometimes- like the can-can deal. How the heck can those girls on the video do that!!?? I've got all the moves on the 20 minute down though, or at least pretty close to what they do.... and that's only taken all summer!

    Jayne - that's awesome that you're doing that for the mom to be. At the last (bridal) shower I went to, instead of signing in at the door, they just had all the thank-you envelopes for everyone to write their own address in. It seemed to work fairly well.

    Laura - keeping my fingers crossed for you at weigh-in - good luck!