Friday, Sept.26

  • Good morning to you all,
    Quick note before I go off to work,
    All is well in my world. I am still at 160 trying to be 155, haha.
    Still at tops and still trying to do some carb watching.
    At the moment I am trying to collect mushrooms????
    Anyone know anything about matsutakes???
    Well the grandkids are growing and a lot of fun.
    I have a new job in Liverpool, same thing cleaning at the hospital.
    All for now,

    Have a large slice of TGIF,

    It is 5:am, on my second cup of coffee, trying to catch up a bit. What happened to Tammy Fancy??
  • Morning taz, welcome back!

    Same routine today, coffee after the gym and then off to the movies and it looks like a lot of chicks going.
    In laws in....till who knows when and 45 for dinner tomorrow!


    PS Nasus, step away from th food and the tub!
  • Good morning.

    Brisk weather here. I think fall is trying to nose its way into Iowa. This is my favorite time of year.

    It's Friday!!! DH and I are going to the cabin tomorrow. I was going to go up tonight, but I have to get my mid-trimester grades in. They're due Monday and since Jim and I are going to the Rams/Cardinal game on Sunday I won't have time to finish them up then. Most of my chickies are doing very well. I have one that is failing three core classes, but he's been sick a lot. He came in yesterday looking like Bart Simpson. His skin and eyes were yellow. The substitute school nurse finally sent him home ( after he'd been to her office twice). I tried to call home to see if they had gotten him a doctor's appointment, but didn't get an answer. I'll try again today. I'm really worried about the little scooter. Is there anything but liver problems that can turn a kid yellow?

    Other than that things are going swell here. Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • Quick good morning - waving through the fog.

    Taz, thanks for the slice. I'll try to track down Tammy Fancy for you - and you KNOW I'm good at that!

    L144S - try not to wear yourself out over the Holidays. Let your Father's lovely bride do some of the stuff. (We need a picture of her.)

    Tippurr, poor little kid with yellow skin. I hope you find out that his parents have got him some help. Have a cozy weekend at the cabin.

    Gotta go get Harry his breakfast. That man is getting spoiled!
  • good evening all! late checking in today. ruth, come on over any time you want. should be ready for company on monday! have a great day!
  • Morning all!

    My first work week on Atkins - I'm down 5 pounds in 5 days. I'm just floored. I hit exactly 280 this morning and am really happy about that.

    I am banking on this working for me.

    Thanks for the slice of TGIF - I need it. I kept thinking all day yesterday that it was Friday so to have to come to work this morning was a challenge.

    Playing Bunko tonight and Baby Shower tomorrow... that's my weekend!

    Have a great Friday!
  • Hi Tazcat. I hope you had a good summer. I'm still bouncing around at 220 lbs, but that's still an improvement from where I came from. Just have to get back on track and quit eating stuff that is off plan.
    Tippur, I sent you a PM. We have some things in common. Nikki