How to weight loss?

  • Hello,

    Here are 6 simple steps to lose 10 kgs in a month.

    Do more aerobic exercise.
    Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates.
    Start counting calories.
    Choose a better drink. Eat slowly.
    Add fiber to your diet.
    Get enough sleep every night.
  • actually you're not supposed to be hungry.
    making your self hungry is making your body adjust to that hunger. means your metabolism will crash, so what you actually want to do is eat. but pick carefully what you eat.
    a high fat mid protein low carbohydrate diet will make your body think your primary source of fuel would be your fats cuz its what you consume. your body then breaks down your stored fat in a process called ketosis. you will feel dizzy not hungry, since you get a sudden change in fuel source. your body will no longer ignore those stored fats and burn it all. and its faster to burn that sugars/carbs. cuz every lb of fat has lower energy than a lb of sugar/carbs it will burn more to sustain your body functions.

    also most overweight people aren't really over eating. let's be honest some here eat normal like others yet get a lot of additional weight.
    the problem roots in your heart. pituitary gland. thyroid. and liver.
    try this breakfast according to all the articles i read.
    about some shrimp for breakfast. and oysters.
    nori or seaweed you can find at any asian store its a japanese food.
    have yogurt and egg. for your breakfast too. you could be low on iodine hence why your thyroid isn't as active.

    next before a run pick a drink from any store. that's high on l-carnitine. your liver works with your thyroid. you need this l-carnitne for your liver.
    next your heart. eat some tuna for dinner. you need a good amount of omega-3

    do some running this will trigger your pituitary gland to tell your thyroid to produce more hormones t3 and t4 and your liver to convert fat into energy using l carnitne. what your heart has to do with this is. well a healthy heart also has a regulated consume of energy. the unhealthier your heart is the more dead it is and low on energy consumption.

    make your body like those energy powerplants. put all on maximum. youll see great results in just 30 days this i can promise.
    if youre over 2 times your own normal BMI youll reach it normal in 100

    things to avoid:
    -too much fruit is too much sugar
    -dont be vegan when it comes to eating an egg, egg is a relatively cheaper way to get the right amount of iodine, protein, fat.
    -doubts, doubts on yourself are powerful that it can weigh you down. tell yourself you can do it.
    -do not overeat.
    -stop looking at the scale. muscle is heavier than fat. the more muscle you build under your skin the better muscle to fat ratio you have the more energy you burn
    -stop putting yourself down.
  • Tanks for advices