644 days to go....the saga continues

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  • 644...

    This is a continuation of the "1520 days to go..." thread.

    I started the previous thread because I was a bit frustrated at that time. Based on the calorie deficit I had made that day, it would take me 1520 days to get to my goal weight.

    For the month of June, I was able to show a two pound loss. It is still part of the six pound regain though. Only three more pounds to go for the regain weight.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6.5

    --One year ago...
    Quote: 613...

    So I've been thinking about eating better so I promptly bought 2 bags of candy and Popsicles at the grocery store. That is how annoying my subconscious is. I ate some but not as much as I wanted. I was able to make my original calorie deficit target and a little bit of my add-on calorie deficit. Unfortunately, I ate so poorly yesterday, I wiped out 2/3 of my add-on plan progress. I did hit my regular plan target though. It is highly unlikely my magical thinking will come to fruition and that I will have a favorable drop on the scale tomorrow morning.

    I wanted to really rein it in this week because I am going on vacation on Friday. It is a proper vacation that some would label me as stupid and foolish for unnecessary travel during the pandemic. My response is simply life is too short and the risk can be minimized by following the basic recommendations. Trying to rein my eating in has lead to some adverse behavior so I will return to my add-on plan.

    In addition, my appetite is out of control again. I ate breakfast late and then went right to lunch. I had a lovely lunch with good company and plenty of yummy food. My tummy felt physically full but my brain was telling me to eat more, replete with extra saliva production. So strange, it took about two hours for my appetite to calm down. Then when I realized it finally shut off, I started thinking about food again. Definitely no clear guidance on how to get that under control. I spent the majority of the day thinking about food.

    3 walks
    calorie deficit

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride
    additional calorie deficit

    Off add-on plan
    additional calorie deficit was smaller than planned
  • 643...

    LOL- I thought I was going to return with a brilliant and riveting post for yesterday. Instead it was the ramblings of an insomniac. I think I got about four hours of sleep last night and hope to sleep better tonight.

    For those new to my countdown, it is pretty simple. My plan is to create a calorie deficit of 250 calories a day. I would like to lose 46 more pounds. So I multiple 46 times 3500 calories/pound and divide it by 250, the target calorie deficit per day. That gives me the theoretical number of days left in my saga. I say theoretical because there are always curve balls.

    Did well today though, I exercised and created a calories deficit.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 4

    --One year ago...
    Quote: 612....

    Well, we all know it will take me more than 612 days to reach my goal. ~Sigh~. The more I think about working harder, the more my subconscious rebels. The internal battle has been rough. I am making bad choices. While internally, part of me is objecting, I still do it (e.g. purchasing four types of candy in the last two days). So, I have done some ciphering. Ultimately, doubling my efforts should eventually pay off. Doubling is nearly impossible- I only made it twelve days before it backfired. Now it looks like I need to do my best to continue it. Really not sure what happened between April (second best weight loss month) and May to cause this need to double my efforts.

    Long story short, I'm giving myself until the end of July before I recalculate the end date or update my side bar. Hopeful that I can get some traction!

    3 walks

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride

    Off plan
    calorie deficit was tiny (at this rate would take me 31 years to lose the weight)
  • 642...

    I got a lot of sleep last night. Doing well with the exercise and calorie deficit. The scale was reasonable today. Hoping it will all pay off on Sunday. I weigh everyday, however, I count Sunday as my "official" weigh-in day. I use a weekly weight with the hopes it irons out the natural fluctuations. Too bad for me though, I picked a day where my weight is usually a little higher. It will balance itself out eventually.

    Last summer, I had added in a bike ride in the evening. I want to do that again but I don't quite have the energy. Currently, for six days a week I walk an hour and do an additional 20 minutes of a high intensity exercise.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 9 hrs

    --One year ago...
    Quote: 611...

    I admire those people who know exactly why their weight goes up (e.g. it went up 0.2 lb because I ate an extra orange yesterday). So yesterday, I created the tiniest of calorie deficits but the keto test strip still turned pink. This means at some point during the day I was burning fat. In fact quite often they are pink. I am really confused as to why it is measurable on the keto stick but it never translates to the scale.

    I am still struggling through this plateau. Interestingly, my weight is not showing a lot of fluctuation. It stays the same weight for 3 or 4 days. Unfortunately, the ultimate trend is upwards. I've added an extra bike ride in the evening but I'm not sure if I am getting anything from it. I feel like it causes me to eat more so it becomes a wash.

    So yesterday, I created the tiniest of calorie deficits

    3 walks
    calorie deficit
    started fast

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride
    additional calorie deficit
  • 641....

    Another lousy night of sleep last night. I went over a bit on calories but ended with a calorie deficit. That counts in my book.

    So far, I have put in 775 days on this wellness effort. I use the first day of the first month I was actually able to take some weight off (June 1, 2019). I get an A+ for tenacity.

    In reality, it is actually much longer (1291) if I count back to when I took a year long wellness course with a focus on healthy eating and a weight loss goal of 10%. It was a whole year (starting Jan 2018) and I lost nothing. In fact I may have gained weight in there. I struggled at the start of 2019. Then I started taking supplements to address my symptoms- mostly the fatigue. I think it is important to note that none of the supplements are for weight loss and none of them have any listed side effects. About 3 months later, I finally started seeing results on the scale. All was well for seven months then I hit the skids and started my countdown thread. It certainly didn't help that there was a pandemic going on. I clawed my way through 2020 and was ultimately showing good results. This included getting through my personal barrier in November 2020. As you all probably know at this point, I bounced up. Only six pounds came on but it has been a struggle to get rid of it again.

    My fatigue is severe today- probably the lack of sleep. It would be really nice to feel better from eating better and exercising. It is hard to carry on with this weight loss effort with so little positive reinforcement.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 4.5

    --One year ago...
    Quote: 610...

    Maybe, maybe, maybe....the scale was more cooperative today. Will it stick? Only the Shadow knows! Today the keto strip was dark pink. Tomorrow should be interesting. I feel a bit hopeful- with luck it won't be in vain.

    In the weight loss blog I am reading, the woman was stuck at the same weight for nine months. I don't think I could last that long. She was right at the weight recommended by her doctor though. I have nearly 50 pounds to get there.

    3 walks
    calorie deficit
    ended fast (19 hr)

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride
    additional calorie deficit
  • thanks for the note . i see you are stringing together a whole bunch of calorie deficits; nice work !
  • I appreciate the support!~


    The scale was very kind this morning and proclaimed it "a new low weight". It is not really since I am still working off the regain. My scale has no numbers and only goes in 10 pound increments. Once it hits a 10 pound increment (up or down) it resets. Unfortunately during an unofficial weigh-in, I hit the 10 pound mark going up in April so it reset. Officially, I only regained six pounds. My unofficial weight today puts me at a total loss of -26.5 pounds. -27 pounds is my personal weigh loss barrier I have been lamenting about. We'll see what happens. I feel like I have been really consistent lately. As an added bonus, my appetite seems to be under control. Plus I am super tired and feel awful- for me that is a sign I am doing the right things (i.e., eating better and exercising).

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 9 hrs

    --One year ago...
    Quote: 609...

    The scale was definitely more cooperative today. It was at my second lowest weight. Seems like the extra push may finally be paying off. I am holding my breath though because I feel like it is a delicate balance. Tomorrow is a fasting day. Usually, the day after a fast is a good reading on the scale.

    Another thing to add to my list of things that work for other people but not me.
    • With extended fasting, you do not need to count calories
      • I was really happy when I read this in a book about fasting by a doctor who is considered an expert in fasting. Unfortunately for me, it simply isn't true. I still need to tally what I eat.
    3 walks
    calorie deficit
    started fast

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride
    additional calorie deficit
  • 639...

    And just like that, I gained two pounds. It's just a fluctuation. So a couple of posts ago I was talking about a woman's blog and she was stuck at the same weight for 9 months. I said I don't think I could last that long. Well, apparently I can. I've been doing my best to stay on plan and I've been stuck at the same weight for eight months now.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6 hrs

    --One year ago...
    Quote: Definitely some food for thought- LOL


    Today was really busy. I thought I was on top of things but I am really behind on pretty much everything. Will be off of posting for the next week. Cheers!

    3 walks
    calorie deficit
    ended fast (19 hr)

    Add-on plan
    1 bike ride
    additional calorie deficit
  • 638....

    If the scale reads tomorrow the same as it did today, I will be very happy. Fingers crossed! I've gone ice skating three days in a row. I have been really stressed lately and skating is helping with that. I still need to do one last walk today and will get that done after I post.

    Overall although I feel lousy, it seems like I am sharper mentally. I have an account with an app that let's you play brain games (memory, attention, flexibility etc...). It keeps track of your scores over time and will tell you if you have a new high score with a game. I have had four new high scores in the last week. Some of these games I haven't had a new high score since 2019. In addition, my total score is going up. It has been staying the same or declining for quite a while.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 8 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 637...

    Today, I was able to confirm a half pound loss. I've updated my sidebar from -24 to -24.5 pounds. In addition, I have a half pound loss waiting in the wings for confirmation. I am very happy with that and would like for it to continue!

    I took a look at the the National Weight Control Registry today. It is run by researchers to investigate long-tern successful weight loss maintenance. I stopped by their website to see how much you needed to lose and for how long you needed to keep it off to be considered a successful loser. If it was 20 pounds or more for 1 year or more, I would have met the criteria. Alas, it is 30 pounds or more (same time frame though).

    My personal weight loss barrier is -27 pounds which is very close to -30 pounds. Because of this, it makes me wonder why -30 pounds was selected and if there is a specific reason. If there is, maybe if I understood the reason I could permanently get through this barrier.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6.5 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 636...

    Whoops! Almost forgot to post- was doing a very difficult task I hate for someone I love dearly. Did well today and had double the planned calorie deficit!

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6.5 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 635....

    LOL- I do all of this math to find my calorie limit each day. I subtract this and that, multiple, add in this and that. When really it is just about equal to my current weight (in pounds) time 11.

    I am not sleeping well. I am okay once I fall asleep. However, it takes me a really long time to fall asleep.

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6 hrs

    +One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 643...

    Life at the weight loss barrier is hard. I can almost feel my metabolism slow down to prevent weight loss. Even though I am really tired, I have trouble falling asleep at night. Today, I still had a calorie deficit but it was smaller than planned. The energy seeking behavior started up and I was too tired to resist.

    I have what I think could be a NSV. My fat hurt today when I was on the elliptical. I could feel the fat pads on my hips sliding up and down. I'm thinking I am less bloated. Such a strange thing to call a victory...

    Gosh- I really want to win this war....

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 6.5 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 642...

    So tired....

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 7 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 641...

    The scale is not budging. To me this, coupled with my fatigue, means my metabolism has likely slowed. There is no clear data that I can find on how to break through this barrier. Mathematically, I should reduce my calories more. I'm doing okay with my calorie goal right now but not great. I'm nearly always right at the magic number I have set for the day. It would be tough to go below that. The ketone test strips are showing that I am burning fat.

    I do feel, for lack of a better word, squishier. Part of me is holding out hope that maybe a whoosh is in my near future. I read somewhere that as you empty fat cells they fill with water. This makes you feel squishier. Then your body releases the water and it leads to a loss. Not sure on the source on this information though, so it may just be someone's musings.

    Even though I am really tired, I did an extra skate session tonight. Now I am really, really tired. The rec center tomorrow morning...hope I sleep well!

    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 7 hrs

    *One year ago... no post- on vacation
  • 640...

    Today was a struggle. My fatigue was so bad, I needed to lie down after two of my walks. And rats, I've just realized there is still one that needs to be done. I will go out after this post.

    I managed to pull myself up by my bootstraps, just barely, and went skating. I was so hungry when dinner rolled around that I had trouble figuring out what to eat. Then I ate too much! Calorie wise, I can still create a deficit but will have to basically fast until dinner tomorrow. In addition, I will have to use the extra calories I was hoping to bank.

    Despite being on-track yesterday and today before dinner, the ketone strip was negative. To me, it is confirmation that my metabolism has slowed. The body resists weight loss by slowing metabolism and increasing appetite. This was true for me today.

    I've been here before and lost the battle. Continuing this tired is not realistic. All I do lately is work and exercise with maybe a little bit of laundry thrown in. This is not sustainable. Previously, I would just give up. I don't want to give up. I want to find a solution to my problem. I've tried doctors. They just shrug and point to the next specialist down the line. No solutions though.

    I have a couple of things to try but if they don't work there is no way I will have a loss this month. I've been on-track pretty much everyday all month. Earlier scale readings were looking good. It has all changed even though I am doing the same thing. Therefore, the change is internal.
    __________________________________________________ __
    EDIT: I went on my last walk. Hope it is worth it in some way.
    __________________________________________________ __
    Calorie Deficit
    Sleep 9 hrs

    *One year ago...
    Quote: So I was on vacation for the last week. When I weigh in on Sunday, I will re-set my count down since it has been off for a while. I intended to healthily while on vacation but had trouble. In many cases, I planned ahead but then it would hit a snag.