Steel Magnolias — #51

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  • Good Afternoon! It' another cloudy, windy, cold day in my corner of the world, but no rain nor snow. Finished getting out the rest of the very few Christmas decorations for this year and Bob put the totes away again. I must say I am amazed every year at how much "Christmas" I have and no longer use or display. I need to go through the boxes and get rid of the excess . . . someday. I've picked up the clutter again, written a couple church cards, and now need to get psyched for Monday tomorrow. Beth wants to celebrate Christmas the weekend before so will see how that works for the rest of the family. We have always had Christmas on Christmas so will seem a little strange I'm sure. I know other families celebrate holidays on different days so we can too. I need to get busy on gift buying!

    ”Gma,” it must be so scary to hear what you think might be gun shots. I notice them when it is duck hunting season here. I have seen several brussel sprout recipes on FB lately. Ian just turns green when he hears the name. I know my mom fixed them and I’m sure I had to eat at least one. I’ve asked Bob about having them and he always says, “corn,” I must admit if I don’t care for something I don’t fix it. Football is on the tv here too. Jason is a huge Cleveland fan so that one was first, they lost. Now it’s Kansas City and “somebody.” It’s nice Jack can get bonus days! When I was still teaching, the middle school principal would tell his teachers to take a mental health day. I assume they either called in sick or arranged for an out of town doctor’s appointment. I always figured I would get caught is I tried it. I wish they would reward employees for not “skipping” but I suppose that would be hard to prove.

    Ceejay, I’m glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with your family. Holidays are always more fun when there are children around. I miss those days! It was nice your bil gave up tv time to his granddaughter. I hope he was able to enjoy the day too. Most alcoholics are much nicer and more reasonable when they are sober. I don’t think I’ve ever been around a true alcoholic but have been around some who drink way too much on occasion and get stupid silly or obnoxious.

    Guess I will finish looking at the Sunday ads. Football is on tv so then I will play on my iPad. Enjoy the rest of the day and have a marvelous Monday tomorrow!
  • Jean
    Hadn't thought about getting out Christmas decorations. I'm like you and just put out a few. Think I've become a scrooge in my old age.
    Choir practice yesterday morning was off key for some reason. Think everyone is tired of the cantata. I'm going to go drive out Wednesday night a bit early to practice my part but I cant hit those higher notes. I'm not sure if I can stand for the thirty minute program either. I'm going to rethink this for next year. I hate driving in the dark that far.
    Went to my sissy's for lunch yesterday. She had ham, broccoli and mac and cheese. It was so good. But the sodium in the ham shows up on me the day after. I've decided that I'm going back on my diet plan from MRC but not going to the weigh in's. I can do that at home. I've been using an app but think this time I will use my blog.
    It's time to start my day.
  • Good afternoon! It is chilly but not really cold here. I am heading out in about 45 minutes as I have a waxing appt. Jack came home at 10 as he has a problem with his eye and got an afternoon appt for today. He said it itches and is scratchy so we’ll see what he finds out. We’re going to just go out to dinner then. Think we’ll go Mexican tonight. I won a contest a few months back where I win queso dip for life. They sent me this rubber cheese wedge that I put on the table and then don’t have to pay for it.

    I sent the blanket and hat to my bff’s step daughter. I finished just in time as they’re going to induce her the 14th. Vicki said she loved it.

    I am not putting up Christmas stuff. There’s not room, you can’t see it from outside, we don’t have people in so it’s not worth the trouble. I don’t really care about the holidays anymore. I send the boys money, usually get something for my sister and her husband and my bff and ship them and that’s it. I don’t enjoy it, it’s not fun anymore so to heck with it. I know it sounds bah humbug, but it’s easier than sitting around being upset about it. Jack and I don’t even buy each other gifts because we put that money into our cruises. I just want to get it over with.

    Jean: We’ve had a lot of rain, but thankfully no snow. I am surprised that Jack likes them and he likes asparagus too, but won’t try broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, peas and several others. I’ve tried to get him to try osso bucco, which is like very tend roast beef, but he won’t but he’ll eat salmon, scallops, and other seafood. He’s just weird. I guess the celebration day isn’t important. After all Christ was actually born in the spring. We just get caught up in what is familiar.

    CeeJay: Sounds like you had a nice dinner. For us ordering it works. I like not having huge clean up to do also. I’ve always like honey baked ham and love the apples and augratin potatoes so adding another veg and some rolls and nice Christmas dinner. Ham makes for good sandwiches for awhile too. I’d never be able to stand and sing in a choir anymore let alone a cantata.

    Everyone have a good week this week.
  • Good Afternoon! We have sunshine again today! The wind is blowing and the thermometer says it is 40 degrees, still cold imo. I went to get my nails filled first thing this morning, then to WM, and the Hallmark store. There were two live checkers at WM and I'm guessing at least 25-30 employees moving big loads of merchandise around to stock shelves. I asked one guy where I might find something and he had no more clue than I did. Zowie has a necklace on her wish list and the link took me to a $2-5 range of jewelry. I'm thinking her neck would turn green almost instantly! I did find one in the jewelry display at the Hallmark shop. Sunday my stepmom fell on her face trying to get out of her chair. She broke her glasses and has a couple cuts on her face which they "glued" together. She has had no interest in much of anything for quite some time nor eating since being in the hospital. Her daughter met with the nursing powers to be and put her in hospice. We're not sure she knew us at first when we saw her on Thanksgiving. It is sad but she is 93 and has enjoyed life until the last couple years.

    Ceejay, did your sister put the ham, broccoli, mac and cheese all together in a casserole dish or serve them separately? Either way it sounds good to me! I don’t like driving at night, out of town, either. Bob is not a good rider and prefers to drive so that is ok with me. I can’t sing so there is no danger of me singing any where. I’ll sing the familiar hymns at church but that’s about it. You have the MRC information so you can do it, I know you can!

    ”Gma,” I noticed the snow is disappearing in the yard where the sun shines on it. I know we will get more and it will get colder but have to admit I am ready for spring. I used to decorate the whole house for all the holidays but not any more. I play cards with a couple gals who have color specific floral/greenery/candles and decorative items for every season. All I can think of is that’s a lot to dust and store in the off season. We put up the skinny tree we bought last year, an elf sitting in the octagon window, and a lighted/glitter sparkle reindeer and sleigh sitting on a table. They all fit in the tv area so we can enjoy them. Bob will hang the lights outside and plug in Santa to call it good. We had a small reindeer that had lights but Bob found a burned bulb socket so that was pitched. The kids don’t come home any more so I have gotten lazy. Holidays were more fun when the kids were little.

    I have some dishes waiting to be washed and then need to vacuum so better get busy. The sunshine helps motivate me to keep moving. Hope you both enjoy the rest of the day.
  • It's been a busy week. Bil was taken to the hospital Monday night. After test the doctor's found that the tumor is growing and sitting on part of his stent. It's causing it to bleed. He is schedule for 15 radiation treatments starting on Monday. He and sis will be with me those days, plus nephew here again is going to be a trying time. Sis may be admitting me to the loony farm I've been thinking about converting the shed into a tiny home.
    Went to the hand doctor for a follow up appointment and told her that the other thumb is doing the same. I told her no injection so she gave me voltarin gel to use. I've used it before and it works great.
    Nephew's vehicle has taken out on him so I'll be playing uber in the morning and night.

    sis had the ham, broccoli, mac and cheese separately. I've gotten to the point that I do like to decorate for Christmas and I don't think I'm going o this year. I'm not in the mood.

  • Bil was released from the hospital yesterday so that is the good news.
    It's cold this morning at 27 degrees but the sun is shining.
    Got a lot done in the office yesterday and am going to clean the living room today. I've decided that I have to many odds and ends pieces of furniture plus some over sized pieces. I've had one metal book shelf for 50 years that needs to go but still am not ready to part with it. I may put it in the garage for shelving purposes.

    Have a good Saturday.
  • Good Afternoon! The sun is shining but the breeze is cold. We have lost most of our snow but the parking lots around town still have it piled pretty high. It's been a "spin my wheels" kind of day. I've done some laundry, written gift shop checks, ironed church clothes for tomorrow, and found my missing Christmas candle and ring. We went to Kolby's concert the other night and Beth mentioned having Christmas the Saturday before the actual day. Jason called today and in talking with his dad indicated he thought we would celebrate the Saturday after. Bob told him to check with Beth and let us know so we would all be there on the same day. We did a little shopping before the concert but have more to do. Maddy is the gift card queen this year so she is easy. Bob is watching football and just asked if I had anything snacky hidden away. Nope, if I did I would eat it!

    Ceejay, I’m sorry your bil ended up in the hospital but glad he is back home again. Maybe you could stay at your sister’s while bil is doing the radiation. Is that every day? I have heard it makes one very tired but I suppose it depends on each case. I agree on decorating! I have a Christmas luncheon Monday and the hostess has a gorgeous home. Her husband is a retired college professor who took students on safari type trips all around the world. In retirement he makes fishing lures (?) with tiny feathers, etc., depending on what he will be fishing for. He goes all over to fish for certain fish. She decorates for Christmas in every room and it is beautiful! Makes me tired to think of the time involved. I have a hard time getting rid of sentimental things I’ve had for a long time; I would hang on to your book shelf.

    I have towels to fold and put away so better keep moving. Hope you enjoy the rest of the day!
  • Morning
    Had an early start today as I picked up bil from getting his lab test done. Sis brought him in on her way to work. He acted like he felt better this morning. I'm just now getting back home. Had breakfast from MCD.

    I'm getting used to nephew being here again and so far this has been good. He's not been drinking and that's a plus. Told sis yesterday she may have to help buy groceries cause he has an appetite. But I fix for him like I fix for myself and the good thing is he's not a picky eater.
    I had a salad for lunch yesterday and that wears off quicker than I like so I started eating junk food later in the afternoon and was miserable last night. I didn't sleep well and got up several tmes during the night to check the time. Think I had picking up bil at 8 this morning was on my mind to
    He was ready when I got there. 8 o'clock traffic in Springfield was tough. We saw 2 dead deer along side of the road as I was driving bil back to Ash Grove. Told him he better call me or call 911 the first sign of throwing up or not feeling well.
    I did go to church yesterday. The crowd was short. We sang Christmas carols during the sermon portion of the service since bil was sick and fill in was sick. I enjoyed it but throat was hoarse afterwards. Went by sis's house cause she wanted me to bring her a small Christmas tree. I have two but was not using either of them this year. After that we ate lunch at Subway and then went to see the new house that nephew and his wife bought. I think she may let him come back home soon rather than later if he keeps progressing. She is being more opened minded about his condition. He also has let it be known that he has diabetes and another medical condition. Got to hold the baby before sis got there and give her a bottle so that was nice. She actually smiled at me. The house is brand new and is beautiful. It is a split level. I like that.
  • Been busy cleaning what I call hot spots today. Getting a lot done.
  • Morning
    I'm still deep cleaning and getting a lot done. I'm getting myself a new bed for Christmas and having to rearrange some things.
    It's cold this morning at 23 degrees with a heavy frost.
  • Good morning. I may have to set an alarm to come in and post. I think it’s because I have nothing going on. I am pretty housebound these days unless Jack is off work.

    Looks like Jack’s bad knee has deteriorated some more. He is limping pretty badly and says it hurts all the time. He has trouble getting out of his recliner too. He has to wait to go see ortho dr until after first of year, but if dr wants to do knee surgery it will have to wait until after the cruise in April. I hate for him to put up with it that long, but he’d not be able to fit the surgery and rehab in before the cruise. I guess knee replacement is only solution and that’s a good 3-4 months.

    I have all the Christmas presents done and mailed. I just sent my sister and husband, sil and bil, and our Kansas friends Harry and David baskets this year. Since I have gifted my best friend jewelry, handbags, clothes, shoes, wanted something different. Since she is in a walking boot, but still off work until after January, I bought a big container of snack mix, 2 paperback books of one of my favorite authors, a spiral bound word search puzzle book and a package of mechanical pencils. Next year I’ll have to really work at it.

    CeeJay: Aww that’s awful news about your bil. I hope radiation helps. Hoping your nephew really takes it to heart. I can’t imagine even having a perfect family member moving in with us. I think you work hard at everything you do and it’s tough when you’re taken advantage of sometimes.

    Jean: Did you get the super cold weather and snow that just moved through? Our temps bottomed out and it’s pretty cold here today. I have often told Jack if we ever get rich I’ll pay someone to decorate our whole house then pack it up and take it with them at the end of the season. I enjoyed it when I was younger, but not now. I don’t even put up a Christmas wreath. Jack’s solution to when I drive going to FL is to take a nap. With his knee like it is, I may have to drive more in April.

    Everyone have a good day.
  • Nephew put his vehicle in the shop Wednesday and got it yesterday afternoon. He was going to borrow his fil's truck so I drove him out to a town called Clever to get that but that truck over heated about a mile down the road. so he had to return. I'd forgotten my purse and cell phone so he couldn't contact me. When I got home I saw that he had called. so I returned that call. And then returned to Clever to pick him up and take him to work. I didn't do much yesterday after that. I also picked him up from work yesterday afternoon. He was a happy camper this morning cause he had his vehicle and was getting paid today. He told his mom last night that he was liking his freedom. But his wife told him that he could spend the week end with them so I'm not sure what he will do. His wife is extremely controlling.

    Sounds like you have your shopping done.
    I haven't even mailed out Christmas card yet.
  • Good Afternoon! This has been a crazy, busy week and I am glad it is Friday even though it is Friday the 13th. We spent 3 1/2 hours sitting on bleachers for Ian and Zowie's concerts. We had our stadium seats for which we were very thankful.The weather was good (cold) so no problem going. My gift shop supervisor had a TIA during the sale on Wednesday. She is in Sioux City for testing and so far results have been good but they can't figure out why it happened. So I am in charge of the daily paperwork until she comes back to work. A church lady died so will have her funeral on Monday. She was 76, very overweight, confined to a wheelchair and in the nursing home. She had pneumonia and they sent her to Sioux City where she died. Her husband, who isn't in the best of health, is the main usher for funerals so I suppose it will be my Bob in charge. I haven't written any cards, wrapped any gifts, nor finished gift shopping. We are having Christmas the Sunday before so I need to get in gear! My once a month coffee friend brought over cookies yesterday; there are eight different kinds of "fancy" cookies and four different kinds of candy. Her church has a cookie walk and I'm sure she is the queen cookie contributor! She likes to bake and has the time. I need to put in another load of laundry, maybe vacuum, and go pick up gift shop money and do the end of the week paperwork.

    Ceejay, you are so good to your nephew and bil! You have earned many stars for your “glory” crown! Cooking and being a taxi is sure time consuming for you. I wish you could come and deep clean here! I’ve been searching for my spritz cookie maker thing; it’s in it’s own box but not where I thought I had put it. I was determined to make spritz cookies this year, may have to be for Easter!

    “Gma,” it has been colder here the last few days and we did get more snow. Our yard was pretty clear but now is covered again. If the wind would just go away the cold is more bearable. I would think Jack’s knee would rehab by April if he had the surgery right after Christmas. My good friend walked her driveway and went to therapy on a schedule. I think she also did the pool exercises. Anyhow, she was moving easily and without a cane within a month. I know every case is different. She’s had one knee and one hip done, the other hip is next spring when she can walk outside, then the knee in the summer. She is the cookie maker I talked about earlier.

    It looked like it was going to be politics on tv again this morning so I switched to the Christmas music channel! I’ll be so glad when the election is over! Have a nice weekend!
  • Good morning ladies. We are in for 24 hours rain starting this afternoon. Jack has to go and pick up our grocery order today and I want to give the living room a good cleaning and get the kitchen mopped today sometime.

    Looks like one of the Christmas gifts has stalled in FEDEX’s delivery system. It is supposedly in the system and on the way to post office so I hope they deliver on Monday as it’s food from Harry and David’s. My sister sent me pictures of two grandkids she babsits for on the weekends eating some of the pears so they got theirs as did our friends in KS. The boys should have their Christmas money too.

    We went out to Raffertys for dinner last night and had prime rib. It was really good but my problem raised it’s ugly head so had to bring most of my dinner home. I know the minute I cramp a little to just stop eating. At least I was back home before it gave me real problems. Have to say it’s a pain in the neck to deal with.

    Looks like our friends from KS may go on the cruise too. They are talking about it anyway. The nice thing is they aren’t pushy. We usually have breakfast and dinner together and go to the shows together at night, but afternoons usually just do what we want. My focus though will be giving my bff a great trip. I booked the two of us for a cupcake decorating class. The last one I went to was terrible. It was too hot and the frosting wouldn’t stay firm. Anyway, though she might enjoy it. She and Jack are booked for an all access tour of the ship. I can’t do it because of my limited mobility.

    CeeJay: Round and round you go. At least your nephew is mobile on his own now so that’s one less thing you’ll have to do for him. Are you doing Christmas at your sisters? I hope your bil is feeling well and can enjoy the holidays. As I said, I am having honey baked ham ship dinner frozen to us so at least I don’t have to deal with trying to cook. Standing for any length of time with my back is a real issue nowadays. I bought frozen yeast roll balls so I’ll make some roll and add a veg and we’ll be good to go. We’ll probably watch a dvd movie or two and that will be it for us.

    Jean: This surgeon stays booked up so it’s likely he couldn’t get Jack in for at least a month maybe two so Jack said he’ll just wait until after the cruise. Not sure the surgeon can do much for Jack in the meantime. He’ll go and see him beforehand anyway. I saw on FB one of the ladies from my church in IN had dozens of different cookies laid out on her tables and wondered if maybe she was having a cookie exchange. They are a great way of getting a variety for the holidays without making them all yourselves. I wonder why Christmas is the only time this is ever done. Before I read the sentence about stadium seats I thought, “Oh my aching back,” about sitting on benches for 3 1/2 hours! I’d like to go to one of Memphis University’s games as I would take my scooter but Jack says he’d rather be warm and watch them on tv.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

  • Evening

    Glad that you are able and willing to do he job while she does recover. Hope she recovers quickly. Those stadium seats do come in handy sitting on the bleachers. Yum on the cookies.

    Nephew is not bad to deal with and i told him if he came in here drunk again I would put him out on the front porch like the Flinstone cat.

    Sis has decided to have a Christmas brunch on the Saturday following Christmas. This way her married children with kiddo's can have Christmas at home with their children.
    Church was great this morning. The sanctuary was full and the choir performed the cantata. We did a very good job for such a small group.
    Bil had enough energy to practice and sing with the choir this morning.
    Nephew had lost his suitcase when he returned home the last time he went to rehab. Today we went to the bus station and it was finally there. Whew. I'm happy too as I let him take one of my better carry on luggage with him.
    The weather is not to good outside right now. It's raining and the roads are icing over. The low will be in the 20's over night. I'm so glad that I don't have to get out tomorrow.