Hump Day Chatter- Sept. 10 th

  • Good early morning chickies! Coffee's hot and strong. There's creamer and splenda if you'd like.


    I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. I've been reading posts since 4:15 a.m.! And I still have more to read but after reading Ruth's post about Harry, I got a bit freaked. Now am just scanning for an update!

    Things here are great mixed in with the usual and natural craziness. DS (Stephen) moved to another town with some old friends. A smaller town atmosphere and I'm hoping it will be good for him, tho I miss my "good" son. I went up and did the mom thing, filled up the fridge with 'bout $400 worth of groceries, checked the place out, new sheets, pillows, etc.. I'll prob be taking a mattress set up there this week or next.

    DS, Michael, turned 17 on 9/6. I can't believe my baby is actually 17!

    Spoke to DD, Kudos, a couple of weeks ago. She and the grandbabies are doing wonderful in England. The pictures of the wedding were wonderful.

    And me.....well, I'm OP though I did have a five day Off Program eating binge. Actually it could've been much worse. It was a combination of Hormone **** week, stress and a bit frustrated that my body seems to have settled at a comfortable weight. I thought, heck with it, I've been eating salads and chicken for so long let's shock it with some CARBS !! lol Since the competition Robin started I know I lost at least 5 or more pounds as tho too small shorts fit very comfortably.

    Trying to reduce some of the stress out of our life. It's tuff. We're being sued personally and company for the accident that Stephen was in 7/31. I'm having the maintenance records on the traffic lights looked into as they were not operating correctly, but it's still the added stress of it all. And then there's dealing with a state taxing agent that mistakingly froze a bank account, umm, let's see.....well anyway, you get the drift of the kind of craziness I'm speaking of. DF, Susie, says that if she didn't know me so well she'd never believe anyone could have such major things happen in their life continuously!! lol We will survive!

    Off for more coffee and a bit more reading. Be back later! Have a great day!


    Ruth ~ Just read yesterdays thread! So glad that Harry is okay and that you're a "perfect match"
  • Morning Mama and all to come.
    Off to take the kids to school. Drop the laundry at the wash and fold. I am still behind from company and it is starting to stink to the gym and then some housework.....
  • Checking in
    Yesterday was very strange but I'm coping. Some details in my journal but they are depressing reading.

    I'm trying to look at the bright side of life and methinks my Girls are going to be my saviours! This morning I cleaned out the fridge and dropped a bag of lemons and limes on the kitchen floor. There was instant joy and an impromptu game of floor hockey which got me laughing. They are so silly!

    I'll be popping in and out to get a glimpse of sanity (THIS is sanity?) but won't be posting too much until I get my life re-structured.

    Once again, thanks for all the support and good stuff.
  • Glad to hear you at least had a good laugh Ruth

    Life is trudging along, work is terribly busy, it's at that point where I can barely figure out what I should start doing because everything needs to be done at once, ugh. September is always like this though, you'd think I'd get used to it by now,

    Drank another diet coke yesterday, **slaps own hand** but I'm done with this now. Nasty habit that I don't need to find roots again. So back to water. Little bummed out today too but hoping this black cloud of blah is going to go away soon, I just feel very unmotivated in everything, but hanging on to the food side just fine so far, I guess it's become a habit which is fabulous, not nearly so hard to do it everyday. Still exercising too but wow, it sure is hard when you just want to lay in bed.

    **Ok doing a lot better now, did some taebo and it turns out all I needed was to punch the heck out of something, ahhh much better.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Great day to all.

  • Good Morning Everyone

    Very enlightening moment for me yesterday.....

    ... I came home from work, hubby had to stay late and finish up some sign work. There was a message on the answering machine.....never in my life has such an innocent message caused such a blow to my self esteem. I wont go into details, but I was so out of it, that I called the number given (I have no idea what I was doing) instead of calling hubby at work to give him the message. I felt dumbstruck, I couldnt speak properly and I didnt know why it wasnt hubby's voice on the other end! I finally got myself together enough to call him and give him the message, of course with chocked back tears that he heard (I cant hide anything from that man) He told me stay put until he called me back. I was suppose to go for my walk. Thank god he told me to sit still. It took me until he called back to start thinking straight again. It was just the strangest thing to feel like that.

    Of course I made it to my walk, and had thoughts of very dangerous diet sabotage. Very serious damage! I was going to give up, I was even going to cut across the track, and not finish my walk. What for? What was the point? Im always going to be like this! I'll never look the way I want to look. I'll always be fat! No matter what I do!

    Well.........something took hold about 3/4 of the way thru my walk. I quit crying or rather, I quit trying NOT to cry and I realized that Im doing this for me. Not for hubby, not for the ex, not for anyone but me! I want to be thinner, healthier, and if ppl around me keep trying to sabotage it, then f*ck em! I am going to do this for me. I put my blinders on during my walk. I can see where Im going, and why Im going there.

    I have a wonderfully supportive hubby who helps me everywhere and any way he can. Fat or thin, he wants be by his side for the rest of our lives. I have a beautiful daughter who loves me unconditionally.

    What more could a woman ask for? Ive banished the inner ghosts! For how long I dont know, but if I stay strong, for a very very very long time.

    Thankyou so much for listening, you ladies are the best!!

  • Morning all! I am having a difficult morning since I woke up with a horrible sinus headache. We are under an ozone watch today. I think it was the level that was right below the absolute highest possible, so that probably has something to do with it. My head feels way to heavy to sit ontop of my shoulders.

    Robin..banish those ghosts forever!! How wonderfully blessed you are to have such a loving and supportive husband and I'm sure that he is equally as blessed to have you. We all should be doing this for ourselves, and ourselves alone. My hubby and I have had quite a roller coaster ride lately and I wondered if I was doing this for me or to hang on to him. But the more I do this, the more I know it is for me. And the better I feel about me, the better things have gotten between DH and me. Besides, the outer shell does not define who we are. Out ghosts!! Never to return.

    MamaJ...your life sounds similar to mine. I don't know if I would know how to live if there weren't some crisis to deal with for DH, or on the DD or DS's! As my DH says "It keeps life interesting" , myself I could deal with a little boredom!!

    Tummy, you always inspire me with your dedication to exercising. When I'm done with the posting I'm going to go walk some stairs! Thanks

    Ruth, take joy wherever you can scrap it up! I'm glad you have your girls to make you laugh!

    Everyone have a great day!!
  • ruth, glad to hear you are laughing.

    tummy, you are doing extremely well. i have enjoyed watching your progress.

    mamaj and robinh, sorry y'all are having the problems that you are. just keep on keeping on.

    turtle, hope your headache goes away

    as for me, i'm down 10 lbs since 9/2. i've just got to finish unpacking. ugh. have a great day!
  • Gosh, it must be the full moon. Everyone seems a bit out of whack today.
    Robin I think we can all relate to what you went through. Our self esteem is so fragile when we've had to deal with enormous weight gain and all the trauma that goes with it. It sure doesn't take much to crack through our thin shell of confidence after we've lost a few pounds. I can remember being so proud a few years back that I'd lost about 75 lb until I met someone I hadn't seen since high school. They made a comment about my weight GAIN and I was devastated. It put me on a two week food orgy. We just can't let thoughtless remarks get us down. We know how hard we're trying and our main reward should be pride in our accomplishments, not in other people's reactions.
    Fullfig you are doing great. At the rate you're losing, soon you'll have to change your name to Thinfig.

    Ruthie, if you're looking for some sanity, I doubt if this is the right place but if you're looking for support and a few laughs, you can count on us. Glad to hear those poochies of yours can help lighten your heart.

    Well, I went to the pool this morning and got in over an hour of deep water jogging. When I came out, the skies had opened and we are having a nice soaking rain today. We sure do need it here. Tomorrow morning I will do the Body Flex again. I'm inspired by some gals on another thread who claim it has helped make their clothes fall off them. (I thought it would just take Tom Cruise for that to happen. )

    I'm not going to make any more jello/whipped cream/cream cheese fluffy type desserts anymore. Just a small piece of it gives me the worst heartburn. Yuck. Of course, Iwill finish the batch I made.
  • Good evening Everyone!

    Sheesh it feels like Ages since I posted. Yesterday was a crazy day for me. I never got close to my computer!!

    I am doing well with exercise. 3 for three days! WOO HOO! I am really loving my gym now too! I have a great routine going and the staff is so helpful! I am putting in 1 to 1.5 hour workouts in everyday now!

    Robin - Hang in there! You are doing so well and have come so far already! And what a great hubby! What a keeper! I have one too! DH has seen me at my thiniest heavy weight and my worst.. and he loves me anyway! Arent they great!

    Linda - Dont you love this rain we are getting finally? I was so happy to drive to pick up the kids in the rain today! Just thrilled to death! And I have been so ready for it too!

    Turtle - I hope your headache is gone by now!

    Fulfig - WTG on the loss! You are doing so awesome!!

    Ruth - I have been thinking of you! There is always laughter to be found in life somewhere isnt there? You hang in there too!

    Tummy - YOu are doing so well with the Taebo! I have the beginners set. I need to get a few more pounds off before my knees will let me do it! But I want to do it one of these days!!

    MamaJ - You hang in there too! SOmetimes life just gets in the way and we cant see our way clear. It always gets better and the light at the tunnel shows itself eventually!

    Well, I am going to run. Got a ton more stuff to get done before Bed time!

    Hugs to all