I Am So Tired!!

  • DAY 2 & I am so tired, i can barely raise my arms. my bed is calling me!
    does this sluggish feeling stop? about how long should i expect this?
  • Everyone's different, but I think you should feel better within a couple of days. It sounds like a couple of things are going on: detoxing from sugar/carb overload, as well as your body adjusting to getting energy from non-carb sources.

    Make sure you're consuming at least 1000 - 1200 calories a day! And drink lots of water!

  • Yes, our bodies become lazy, getting its energy from sugars and carbs. It does work harder during its adjustment time. Make sure your taking your vitamins and drinking water......it will pass.
  • Hi Lisa
    I know what you mean, Day 2, 3 and 4 sucked for energy. But I'll tell you, today is Day 6 and I'm so glad I've hung in there. I have great energy this morning and feel as if I've turned a corner.

    The neatest thing is waking up and feeling so proud you've made it through another day without giving in to temptation. I don't have any idea what my weight loss may be, really hate to be controlled by a scale. As a matter of fact, we don't own a scale and when asked to step on the scale at the doctors office I get on backwards and beg them not to tell me. I really want to be driven by health, energy and fitting comfortable into my clothes.

    Hang in there, you will be so glad you did. Let us know how you feel as the days go by,

  • Hang in there, Lisa! I think all of us went through at least a couple of days of feeling sluggish at first. It DOES pass...I now have more energy than I have had in a long time! Everyone already gave you great advice...drink lots of water, make SURE you are eating enough (you really NEED those snacks at first) and to be patient. You'll get through it!
  • Lisa, I agree with everyone. Most people experience exactly what you are experiencing now. The first few days are usually the worst, and it will get better. I'll echo everyone's advice....drink your water and make sure to eat your snacks. Hang in there!
  • Isn't it a good feeling to know that we are changing. Right now it is hard, but later the benefits will put a on your face and you will be like the energizing bunny......you keep going and going and going and and and.

    Good luck

  • Hello friends! Day 2 on the beach for me. I'm still waiting for my SBD book from Amazon, and I'm wavering on whether or not this way of life is going to work for me or not. I am still feeling good, but I'm wondering how long I can keep both my SBD self and my carb-loving husband satisfied.

    Has anyone *not* experienced the lack of energy? I can remember when I tried Atkins a few years ago, I felt totally sapped the first couple of days. I'm just wondering if it is possible that I might be lucky enough this go-round to miss that lack-of-energy phase. I'd be interested to hear if there are people out there who didn't go through that stage.

    Went to the gym last night and it felt great. Did 30 minutes of intense cardio and about 15 minutes of strength training. Ended up losing 1.5 pounds of water weight, too. I keep telling myself I-don't-care-what-I-weigh, but then I give in to the urge to want to know and I step on the scale. I've gotta kick that urge so as to not be discouraged when I don't lose overnight!!!

    Kudos to all of you who are sticking with the program!!!!! Can't wait to have a nice piece of fruit on day 15!