New Year Beach Chat 12/31-1/6

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  • Another year is coming to a close. Here’s to healthy choices, happiness and great health for the New Year!!!
  • Glad I am off this NYE as it is going to be the coldest one in a long time. DS spend the night out with the guys. Hopefully he comes home early as he has a lot to do before leaving tomorrow. Had an OP day yesterday going to try and make it 2 in a row. Nothing on the agenda for today other than the use pre work week stuff.

    I was productive yesterday. All the decorations are put away until next year. One of my projects for the year will be orangizing and purging some of the decoration bins in the basement. Thanks to yesterday’s snow I got a work out in. I can think of more enjoyable work outs though. I even enjoyed a spontaneous afternoon nap which explains why I didn’t go to be until late last night. No naps today as tomorrow we will be on our way to the airport around 4:15.

    Have a great last day of the year.
  • Good morning, Jennifer and chicks to come!

    A sunny but cold morning today. I think I will run to the grocery store in a bit since I need a few veggies and I also don't like my car to sit for too many subzero days without running. I am making shrimp and lobster tails tonight but need to figure out side dishes that are somewhat SB. Tomorrow will be full-on P1!

    Ruth, I don't think the River is frozen yet but I saw some pictures of a frozen Niagara Falls on the news! Did you see me wave as we went up the 416 to the game last night?

    Debbie, glad Kirk isn't hurt badly. Are you at work today?

    Pearlrose, how was the game? I hope you are enjoying your trip.

    Jennifer, DH like to leave the tree up for the 12 Days of Christmas. Jan 6 is conveniently on a Saturday this year so next weekend we will de-decorate. I'm also thinking about purging some of the older decorations. It's too easy to buy an extra bin and fill it up!

    Have a great end of the year, chicks!
  • Good morning,

    Had a wonderful time yesterday with the family and going to see my nephew play, the won the game too so that was fun. Eating was not so good yesterday and I doubt today it will be but I will get back on track when I am home, not so much goodies as eating out. Not sure what we are doing tonight, one of my sisters is going to a friends who is having a party but the only person we would know would be my sister and not sure I am up for that. Might keep it low key here at my other sisters house.

    Jekel I will have to put the decorations away when we get home, that was nice of you to do everyone's driveway

    Debbie I hope Kirk is feeling better

    I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable NYE
  • Happy new year!

    I'm off to work. Enjoy your holiday everyone. Rabbit rabbit rabbit.
  • Good morning and Happy New Year to us all. I can't believe how much has happened in my life the past year! Almost all of it was good too! On we go for a great 2018!
  • Happy 2018 to the chicks! May the year be full of good things for everyone.

    Today will be full of chores for me: I need to do laundry, food prep and a little schoolwork as tomorrow it is back to the grind. I am also hoping to do an exercise tape. I will NOT be spending much time outside as we have another subzero day ahead.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Happy 2018! May this year bring health and happiness to everyone

    Today I am still at my sisters house, DH has Peach Bowl tickets that game is at noon. Unless he comes back super early we will spend one more night here and then head home tomorrow. It has been a wonderful trip. One of my nieces got engaged last night as well.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning chicks!

    Funny, still the same core group of people on here. Once in south beach, always on south's a good way of eating.

    For me, I had suddenly put on about 5 lbs...ALL belly fat. Like, uncomfortable. I felt like I was pregnant. I believe it's one of my meds, since a lot of people complained about it. So last week I started doing a phase 1.5 (no grains, some starches like corn in soups I'll eat, no bread, some fruit) and...shhhh....cut my med back a bit. The scale finally went down a couple of pounds in the last couple days and I feel like I can breathe again. I expect a couple of surgeries this year which will probably make me drop the weight again (and I'm still 10 lbs down from pre-surgeries, but I think that's all muscle wasting).

    So I was on here sharing the protein cheesecake recipe with a sbd fb group. nom nom nom! I must make that again! I really want to make my winter lentil soup recipe as well, when my body will cooperate with the chopping. Not today, unfortunately. (and one of the surgeries may help me greatly, keep your fingers crossed! I have to travel 500 miles to Duke to get some things addressed....excited...but can't believe what this has come to...)

    Jennifer - WOW, what a holiday season you have had! I saw your announcement of DS on FB. How have you not gone past your goal weight is beyond me!
    Ruth - you've had quite the 2017, I hope 2018 is even better!
    Beth - I wish I was at your place for lobster and shrimp! Yum! These temps are nasty! We normally don't get this cold here, much less for this long. I am so grateful for a beautiful house and heat to keep me warm.
    Debbie - so glad I get to see you on FB. You're such a trooper and inspiring.
    Pearl - have fun at the game! Looks like you're having a great time!

    Lovely 'seeing' y'all! May 2018 be a spectacular year!
  • Happy New Year everyone!!!

    Tammy LOL DS left today and the scale jumped up....way up...LOL. Are you having black eyed peas today? I remember you eating them on New Year’s Day or am I losing my mind completely which is quite possible!!
    Ruth you certainly did have a whirlwind of a year.
    Pearlrose glad you are having a nice time.
    Beth my daily grind started today lol enjoy your day off.
    Debbie hope your work day goes smoothly.

    My day started super early as I had to take DS to the airport before work. He stayed up last night getting his stuffed packed and room cleaned up. Nothing like waiting unti the last minute. We had a very quick “see you later” at the airport this morning. I’m sure he will be glad to be in FL as it was 3 degrees this morning when he left. Poor baby will be in Orlando this weekend to spend time with his wife and in-laws. They took a FL vacation.

    Luckily I was able to start my work day 30 minutes early. I will go the gym then clean the bathroom when I get home.DS actually made his bed (bounce a quarter off it style) before he left. Granted I want to clean his room but might hold off for a day or two.

    Food yesterday was not even close to SB lol That’s what you get when DS picks his last meal at home. I cant say no to pizza and cannolis. My food is prepped and packed for the work week. The house has been purged of all non SB foods. I made DS take the rest of the Cliff bars with him (sugar content way too high). Nothing on the agenda other then work this week which is fine by me. I like my boring routine lifestyle LOL

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning!

    Very good dollars at work yesterday. Maybe my best ever in eight years. We were shorthanded and I think people felt sorry for me. But I can always keep a good attitude. I find lots of gratitude for South Beach when I'm at work like that. My blood sugar is so stable now, when I need to on a day like yesterday, I can go for 10 hours without crashing, That is if I bring my smoothie. There was no time to eat yesterday.

    Got home and turned right around and took Kirk to urgent care in Denver. Everything up here was closed. He has a small fracture in his pelvis which fortunately, it does not need surgery. It will heal on its own but will be pretty painful for a while. Fortunately, his daughter is still here and will come up from Denver this morning to spend the day with him. She can wait on him hand and foot. The doctor wanted to put him in the hospital overnight, but we discussed while we were waiting and decided he would do just as well at home.

    Tammy, so nice to hear from you here! I've always been grateful we could keep up on Facebook. I know we are all hopeful for the next steps you're going to take this year. Love you much!

    Waving to everyone else! I must get in and get Kirk set up and get my smoothie made. I'm going to try to get in to work a little early this morning and get caught up at work what we didn't finish up on yesterday. I know it will be another slammer day.
  • Good morning from the Polar Vortex - lovely full moon last night and it was still out there this a.m. ... probably frozen in place!

    This seems like the first REAL day of 2018 and I'm about to shift gears into post Christmas mode. I don't completely "de-decorate" until January 6th but do have Christmas napkins, towels and tablecloths washed and stashed away. Yesterday I cleaned out the herb and spice cabinet - my annual New Year token house job.

    Lexxiss, so sorry to hear about Kirk's fracture and hope it heals fast for him. Glad to hear of stable blood sugar. That's my aim for 2018.

    Also great to hear that Tammy has popped in. We missed you, girlfriend!

    The Parson just popped out for the newspaper and says I am not to go out of the house into the extreme cold. Good luck with that, Bruce! I need to make a quick trip for milk, coffee and other essentials like dog food. This could be our first fight of the year - not!

    Enjoy your day!
  • Happy New Year!

    I finally have time to sit down and use the computer. Last week was crazy with mom in the hospital and then all the people that we have in our house. Mom is doing great, she is now in rehabilitation and she should come home on Friday. There is a few things that we need to buy to get the house ready for her, but she is improving a lot. The doctors and therapist think that she should be back to 90% normal activity with in 3 months. She does have a problem with concentration and that will take a bit more time but with therapy she will get better.

    As for me, I went off plan a day after she was hospitalized. I been eating what ever I can get but trying to make good choices, I haven't weight myself but my pants are tight so I know I have gain weight and I am also retaining liquids

    I will try to catch up with the thread later on. Now I need to get a cup of coffee and head to the hospital.
  • Good evening,

    We are back home, I already did a grocery run so I am set for Phase 1 starting tomorrow. Vacuumed up pet hair so house is good to go as I had cleaned prior to leaving. It's nice to be home even though it's even colder brrr. Nice to keep up with everyone posts will gone.

    Tammy nice of you to pop in, here's to hoping that 2018 is a good year for you

    Debbie sorry to hear about Kirk hope he heals quickly

    Isa glad to hear your mom is doing better. I think all of our pants are a bit tighter this week.

    Jekel glad you were able to spend time with DS

    Ruth you are definitely in the polar vortex brrrr....I get up decorations as well until January 6th.

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • Good evening, chicks! A very busy day as it was back to work and a meeting afterwards.

    Two days of OP eating and I'm feeling less bloated. Amazing what sugar does to you.

    Debbie, my sympathy for Kirk! Hope he heals rapidly.

    Isa, hope your mom continues to heal. Do what you can with food choices and re-group when you can.

    Ruth, I saw the moon on my way to work this morning. Truly lovely.

    Have a good evening, chicks.