Halloween Challenge: Let's spook the pounds off together!!!

  • Hey everyone,
    Well now that I'm back at it, I need me some goals. And since it's fun to go holiday to holiday.....and it's more fun with friends, let's do it together!!!
    I'm at 220.5 right now as of today, and Halloween (my fav. holiday by the way) is a tad over 8 weeks away.....so my goal is to lose 15 lbs by then.....putting me at 205.5. I plan to work out atleast 3 times a week, post daily, drink all my water, and stay within my pts!!!
    I want to not obsess, but not forget either why I'm doing this!!! For me!!!! And this time I WILL STICK TO IT!!!
    So let's all post together, share our goals, and tips and WWpoints secrets, and by Halloween we might not be dressing up as playboy bunnies or Elvira, but we'll be smaller however much smaller......any smaller is great!!
  • Sure didn't take long to get back in the hang of things.....countin points....seeing how much I can eat in a day for my points....it's all like a fun game!!
    New fav. is the WW 0 pt soup...mmmm good...and I don't even like cabbage, but when I'm hungry it's nice to have something hot, and if you get it really hot, it takes a while to scarf it all down....so even better.
    Come on ladies....and gents....let's get at it!!!