New to the site and to the atkins diet!

  • Hey, everyone! My name is Erin and I'm new to this whole website. I've finally hit that point in my life where I really don't like who I have become and I want to do something about it. I've also just started the atkins diet three days ago. My biggest struggle is always maintaining motivation. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!

    If there is anyone else starting this atkins journey, or even anyone who has been doing this for awhile, I would love to hear your advice, stories, or anything else!
  • I have been doing Atkins for about a month now. I haven't had all good days, but i have lost 9 pounds. I still try every day so it's better than where I was at.
  • 9 pounds for a month is great! Do you have any favorite recipes or snacks that follow the diet? Right now I'm relying heavily on zucchini recipes and pork rinds.