Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Nicky I have pcos

  • Hello ladies,

    I'm happy to have found this website. I'm a long time lerker but finially decided to make an account.

    Last week was my ' enough' moment. During the normal scans on my face before work, my hair growth got so bad on my neck ( due to pcos) I had to shave it or risk being extremely late to work. Then I tried to put on some jeans, and they wouldn't fit.

    I felt pretty terriable for the next two days but wouldn't let me brain logical deduct any rational reasoning. I blamed my job. I blamed my husband. I blamed the weather.

    I blamed everything else instead of my own choices.

    It hit my today. I got up. I went to the gym. I couldn't do a whole lot.

    I managed 10 minutes on the exercise bike with level 7 resistance. 10 minutest

    Hopefully Tommorow I can do some more. I can be more healthy, and stop being in denial of my lack of fitness and bad food habits.

    It's nice to meet you and can use a few friends. Thanks.
  • Hello I'm new too. I'm doing Slimming World for the first time. I am a pensioner and aren't just losing weight for vanity. I too have health issues
  • Hi Nicky! Good luck to you. Remember that everyday you get a little bit stronger and your body will love the exercise!
    I'm just getting started too and do Pilates in my apartment...I have a long way to go before I can handle the splits! haha
  • Hi Nicky, you've taken the first and the biggest step - realizing the need for change. I think thats most important. As you go along you'll find your stamina increase, and you will become more aware of what you eat and how you exercise. I put my foot down about 4 weeks back that I am the only one who can bring change in my life. Ever since, I've taken up the challenge. I attend resistance training classes. In fact I went with a friend a few days back and I could do all of the exercises while he was panting (and also skipping a few). So that felt great! And progress isn't compared to the person next to you, it is compared to yourself! Keep up the good work and I hope you and I can both be victorious in our journeys!


pcos weight loss