First Day

  • Hi, its my first day on this blog and am looking for a way to stay accountable! I'm 46, 168 lbs, 5' 8" and am tired of procrastinating about my weight! I'm using my fitness pal to track calories and will check inhere daily. Thanks for your support and stay strong everyone!
  • Welcome!! First day! So exciting! Best of luck on the rest of your journey!!
  • new member looking to share, keep accounability in a helpful support group.
    I just joined hoping to find support from others. I am an over weight mom who is turning 43. I am 5'3'' weighing in today at 196 pounds. I am confident I can gain back my body. I am confident that making wise choices with food and becoming active will in turn change my life around. Last week, I wasn't too sure I could snap out of my self loathe, sadness, and personal jail (my body) I placed myself in but today I feel positive. I feel I can. So I joined the gym which I feel nervous about because everybody looks fit. I am leaving the sedentary lifestyle I have fallen into and replacing it with activity. Today I started with a breakfast of eggs zucchini and onions sauteed. A cup of coffee. I will start planting my flowers instead of hiding in my sleep and comfort. I will walk around the block with my son instead of dreading social interaction. Can anyone relate?
    I can help anyone with support and accountability.
  • Good luck to both of you! I'm new too
  • How's it going everyone?