New here and struggling

  • Hi. I'm a 47 year old wife, mother, worker, and general mulit-tasker I have been battling both depression and my weight for the better part of 25 years. I'm not really sure which of my issues is the real problem. I have been part of a really great (and really expensive) gym for the last 3 months. The trainers are great, the groups of women are amazing, and the workouts are hard but exhilarating. A reasonable meal plan is provided. And yet, I have made zero progress. I can't stay on the meal plan because I'm a compulsive eater. I made a deal with my husband that I would quit smoking to pay for the gym. So now I'm fighting both of my addictions at the same time. I'm in such a funk that I haven't been to the gym in 10 days, my house is a disaster, and I'm not interested in Christmas which is normally huge for me. I have a host of motivational tools and resources at my fingertips but I can't seem to get to a place where I care right now. I'm self-destructing.
  • I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a struggle. It must feel really terrible especially so close to the holidays.

    I have been where you are. I will probably be there again. When I am in this spot what I try to do most is offer myself 100% compassion. People get tired. People eat junk. People want to make a change and find it difficult. What I try to do is take a nice deep breath. Go outside, even if it is cold, raining etc and really look at the beauty of nature. And then I try to stop beating myself up.

    This may or may not work for you. But offering yourself the compassion that you would readily give to any person you ever met might be a good start. And once you stop beating yourself up and putting pressure on yourself you can start to look at the journey you chose to make with fresh eyes. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    I hope that helps and I certainly hope that you can offer yourself kindness, because as a wife, mother and worker you are definitely offering it to other people. You deserve it too. x
  • I always considered myself a compulsive and/or emotional eater, as well. I have never been able to stick to a meal plan dictated by a trainer. What has helped me succeed in losing weight is looking at what I eat and why I eat. I ask myself if I'm really hungry before I reach for food, I log my food/beverage intake, do my best to make better choices with what I eat, find healthier ways to make my favorite meals, try to limit my portions, and stay under a calorie goal for the day. I let myself have treats as long as they fit in that calorie goal, and every once in a while, I'll let myself have a cheat meal.

    Hope that helps!
  • Thank you , ladies, for your suggestions and support. I will do my best to put thoughts into action and let you know how it is going!
  • Welcome! Congrats on kicking the cigs. That is huge !!!!

    I hear you about being in a bad space. Been there.... If you haven't already, please consider a check up both mental health and physical health to make sure all is ok. And, here's the deal though. You are not that big in relative terms. The good news is you have caught it early enough that the weight loss, while perhaps feeling overwhelming right now, is very doable and you are still young that you can most likely easily add exercise to your weight loss. Perhaps shoot for #150 first? For me, smaller goals really helps.

    There are many people here to offer support and to cheer you on your way. I sound like a broken record - but check out a challenge.
  • I'll check that out, thank you.
  • Just to check in today... I did some housework and went to the gym. I have to say those are big things for me today because I haven't been able to do anything except go to work for the last few weeks. Still have quite a bit to do before
    Sunday as a result but what gets done is what will get done. I'm not going to stress over what I can't accomplish. Hope you are all having great days and happy weekend!
  • Quote: I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a struggle. It must feel really terrible especially so close to the holidays.

    I have been where you are. I will probably be there again. When I am in this spot what I try to do most is offer myself 100% compassion. People get tired. People eat junk. People want to make a change and find it difficult. What I try to do is take a nice deep breath. Go outside, even if it is cold, raining etc and really look at the beauty of nature. And then I try to stop beating myself up.

    This may or may not work for you. But offering yourself the compassion that you would readily give to any person you ever met might be a good start. And once you stop beating yourself up and putting pressure on yourself you can start to look at the journey you chose to make with fresh eyes. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    I hope that helps and I certainly hope that you can offer yourself kindness, because as a wife, mother and worker you are definitely offering it to other people. You deserve it too. x
    That was well written, I myself am inspired by nature and the intriguing challenges it beholds, it doesn't matter who or what you are, there is something inspiring out there for everyone, you just need to find it !