Freshman 15

  • Hey. So this is my first time posting something on a site like this ever, but I figured I may as well try and see if it could help me a little bit. I am a 19 year old girl who has just started her second year of university, and can unfortunately and regrettably say, she has gained the Freshman 15. Before starting university, I had struggled a lot with my self-image and was pretty much always unhappy with my body. I've always had thicker thighs and bigger hips, but my stomach was still flat and I was involved with sports. It was fine.
    Now that I am into my second year, I have gained a lot of weight and it is noticeable, at least for me. I can't wear a lot of the jeans and shorts that I used to because my hips overflow the waistline ridiculously, and my stomach has grown a pooch. My legs are a bit bigger, as are my upper arms.
    I don't really know how to cook, and I don't spend time at home during the days which means I have to get lunch out all the time - usually supermarket foods. I snack a lot, and munch on many unhealthy things when it gets later at night. I'm not involved in any physical exercise because I don't have time due to my studies, and I feel like absolute ****. I can't look at myself unless I'm fully clothed, I suck in my gut 24/7, and I don't like my boyfriend seeing me in daylight without clothes on. If I am not standing or lying flat, all different parts of me get bunched up and the fat just scrunches up and makes me look even bigger.

    I know I am not struggling with the same kinds of things as many others as I am at a starting weight quite lower, but the fact that I have changed so much in a short amount of time has shocked and scared me. I am really uncomfortable and I don't know what to do. My self-control is lacking in terms of cutting out bad food, I'm self-conscious to begin cooking because all of my flatmates have made it into a running joke that I can't cook and just laugh when I try to, and I don't have time to immerse myself into a team sport, which is the only way I enjoy exercise. What am I going to do? I am spiralling down so quickly and I want to feel happy again.


college, freshman, hips, pouch, uncomfortable