~~Golden Girls~~

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  • There is Value in us
    There is Power in us
    There is Wisdom in us
    And Laughter....
    We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
    We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
    We are the Golden Girls...
    We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
    There is love in us.
    (poem by Dorothy Holmes)

    Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you when you turned 50? 60? 70? Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
  • Thank you Bobbi ~ I was gonna ask you to do this ~ you're on the ball
  • Good evening GG's,

    Wow, checking back to my last post, 6 days have gone by. Where do the days go? It doesn't seem like that many days went by.

    I guess I haven't had much exciting to tell about.

    We did have a nice day on Sunday. The weather has been real pleasant temperatures lately. Not the blistering hot stuff we usually have. So, we decided to goenjoy the zoo. Steve, Sara, Maddie, Corbin and I went. It was a nice surprise that Corbin could go with us. He is between jobs, so didn't have anything else to do. It was nice to get a chance to visit with him. Beautiful day.

    The scale is up (and up and down). I do pretty good for a couple days, then not so good. Sometimes I feel like I am never going to make much progress. But I know I need to get down to business.

    I read somewhere that for diabetes, walking for 10 minutes after each meal ~ you get in your 30 minutes a day, and that 10 minutes after a meal helps lower your blood sugars. I thought I would do that, but failed right off on the first day I had planned to try that. My other plan was to walk 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes in the afternoon (on the treadmill). I like outside better, but it seems that I actually get around to doing it inside on the treadmill more often than walking outside. I guess it is easier ~ don't have to get dressed ~ I can do it in my PJ's if I want to. So, today, I did the 15 minutes in the morning. Then, Maddie had a school thing in the afternoon, and I got my walking in ~ walking to where that was being held.

    Mary ~ sounds like your new pressure cooker worked well. Glad it made the meat tender so Joe could enjoy it. Are you feeling any better? My mom had a pressure cooker she used when we were growing up. I don't remember now what kinds of things she fixed in it. I don't remember being afraid of it. Well, I wasn't actually the one using it and I was a kid and didn't know anything about the dangers of one blowing up or anything like that. Now that I have heard those things, I am a little afraid of it and so I have never gotten one for myself.

    Carol Sue ~ I got some of the frozen salmon you told about back along. Can you refresh my memory and tell me how you cook it? Glad you had a walk in the store without the cart ~ and that you did well that way. Maybe the walking you are doing on the treadmill and the weight machine and the leg lifts, are strengthening you up. Keep up the good work.

    Guess I will get this posted. Hope you have a nice evening.

    Here is a picture of the kind of pressure cooker my mom had

  • Good afternoon GG's,

    It is a nice sunny day here today ~ not too hot. Just right.

    I have been trying to do better with the exercise. I think about it a lot and come up with different versions of how and what to do. My thinking usually takes place in the evening when I have let yet another day slip by without following through on my resolve to do better. It is easy to think and plan what I want to do when I am not going to have to do it in the next little while. Then morning rolls around and I put it off and put it off ~ and there goes another day. Or, I do part of what I thought up but not the rest of it. I guess a little is better than none.

    I think I had told that I read about walking for 10 minutes after meals ~ that sounded good. I never did that. I have done 15 minutes on the treadmill in the morning with plans to do another 15 minutes in the afternoon. I get the morning chunk done, but then don't get the afternoon chunk done. So, my thought was ~ I can't even get it done twice, I probably won't have any better luck making myself do it 3 times (the 10 minute after meal plan).

    My latest plan is to do the 15 minutes on the treadmill in the morning and then ride my bike for 15 minutes (now that the weather is cooler) in the afternoon or evening. If it is too hot, or rainy, I can do another 15 minutes on the treadmill instead of something outside. I really enjoy my bike, so I am hoping that the afternoon part is something I will look forward to and not skip it. I did the morning chunk yesterday and today. I was gonna do the bike ride in the evening. My tires needed pumping up, so I did that and then the ones on Steve's bike needed to be pumped up also, so I thought I might as well do it while I had the pump out. By the time I got done with those I was pooped and never did go on my bike ride. Tonight is trick-or-treat, so I may not ride the bike again tonight. Oh well, a little is better than none.

    Mary ~ I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly. Hope you can kick that cold soon. Thankfully the Halloween candy Steve got for the kids is mostly stuff I don't care about. I might get into it, but not as bad as if it was something yummy. We don't turn on the light ~ we only give candy to Maddie and what ever friends come along with her. I just don't like doing it, but want her to stop by so we can see her costume and take some pictures.

    Carol Sue ~ I would be worrying too about the kids and guns. My grandpa had them and my dad too. They were hunters and it was just part of life ~ I didn't feel scared of them, but neither was I curious and never tried to mess with them. When they get your driveway patched up ~ are they all done then on your street? Bet you are glad if they are.

    About the holiday baking and meals ~ I didn't do a lot of baking. I did make fudge that Steve took to work ~ the people there liked it and asked for it every year. Now, I don't even keep stuff on hand for baking. Well, not stuff to make things from scratch ~ if we have things it is just mixes in a box. Maddie was always wanting to make brownies back along, but she hardly ever asks for them lately, so we don't buy those mixes much anymore either. When I was up home, my sister took me to a drug store (not one of the chain ones) and they sold home made fudge by the pound. So, we each bought a piece ~ yum. I hadn't made any fudge for a long time ~ my recipe makes a 9 X 13 pan full, and I knew what would happen to it if I made some ~ I'd take care of it ~ LOL. One day, I wanted some, so I played around with the recipe and figured out how to half it, then quarter it, then 1/8th it. That made just a few pieces, so if I really want it ~ I can make just a little bit. To me, my fudge is just as good as the stuff they sell at places like the drug store we went to. And like you said Carol ~ things are different now ~ Jason usually has to work. Sara does the holidays with her ex ~ for the kids, so we don't end up doing anything for the holidays. And with this diet ~ a lot of the yummy holiday foods aren't on it, so I don't even make that stuff anymore.

    I too, will keep on posting if you guys want to. I like what we have here. It is maybe even a little easier now that there are fewer of us. I like FB too, but that is a different style of posting. I don't post here as often now-a-days. I just don't always have much to tell, or feel like it would be boring stuff for you all to read. I have been coming here so long ~ I sort of feel like I would be lost if I didn't come here. I enjoy visiting with you all this way and hearing about what you are doing. I like being able to ask a question or exchange ideas.

    Hope you all have a nice evening.
  • Good afternoon GG's,

    It has been a dreary rainy day here today. The thunder storm just kind of hung over our area ~ with thunder and lightening booming and flashing. It is still raining gently. Guess I will have to use the treadmill for my afternoon chunk of walking.

    Today was the weekly quilting group, but I have been battling with myself to make myself go. And the self that doesn't want to go has won out the last couple times. I don't know what is wrong with me. I enjoyed it and the ladies are so nice and welcoming to me. When I don't go, then I feel guilty because I stayed home. I guess I am more of a homebody ~ for the most part, I don't have any big desire to go anywhere. Moslty I go out to a store if I need something. I hope I get over this not wanting to go to that group ~ I think once I get there I will enjoy it and I might learn some stuff from the other ladies.

    My project for the day was to put away 7 flats of different kinds of beans that Steve got at Aldi while out shopping on Friday. I had made boxes for each kind of bean. I was trying to make them like those things that you put soda cans in and they roll out a slot in the bottom. But it didn't work as smoothly as those things. I still use them, but just wait until the supply of beans gets low and then I load them up again with the newest ones on the bottom and the older ones on the top.

    Now taking a rest ~ those flats of beans are a little heavy. Next ~ make a bean loaf.

    Hope you all are having a good afternoon.
  • Good afternoon GG's,

    It is a nice sunny day today ~ nice temperature. I feel guilty ~ I should be at church, but I just couldn't seem to make myself get ready and go. I've got some things to do ~ a couple more weeks and I should be able to get back on track with other stuff.

    Had a nice time Friday evening. Sara, Maddie, Steve and I went to this thing ~ The Lights Festival. The gates opened in the late afternoon ~ people could bring their lawn chairs and sit and listen to music and just relax. The cool part didn't begin until it got dark ~ about 7 pm. They passed out to each person as they came in, a paper lantern. Everyone was supposed to light the lanterns all at the same time and then when an announcement was given everyone was supposed to release the lantern into the sky. Some got released too soon, but it didn't matter. It was really neat to watch them float up into the sky ~ the sky filled with these glowing lanterns.

    Carol Sue ~ I like the time change. I had kind of fallen into a pattern of staying up later and waking up later than I liked to. So, the time change helps me get back to the hours I prefer. About the being a home body ~ it is hard when we go visit our daughter in SC. She has us running somewhere every day when we are there. Steve doesn't mind, but I don't enjoy that so much. She says that if she doesn't keep the kids busy they will be bored. I think it is her that would be bored if she couldn't be running somewhere all the time.

    Mary ~ glad you felt well enough to get to attend your little grandson's basketball game. Every time I go to Costco now, I think of you and that slice of pizza. Hope you can find a new doctor you like. Doctors don't stay put like they did years ago. In 2015, my endocrinologist left her practice and I had to find another one. Then a couple months back, the one I found left her practice, so I am again having to find another one. The first one had sent out letters, and has joined a new group, so I will go back to her. I am thankful for that at least ~ that I don't have to start over with yet another one.

    Sleeping positions ~ it is interesting to read about how you sleep. You guys talk about sleeping on your back. I toss and turn and roll around ~ so I am amazed at how you can sleep all night and not move.

    About the beans ~ yes, they are the canned ones. I don't have the patience to do the dry ones. I drain and rinse them ~ I think that helps wash off some of the sodium. I use several different kinds in the stuff we make. Dark red and light red kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, great northern beans and cannellini beans.

    Just kind of relaxing, crocheting, football games and Christmas movies on the TV.

    Hope you guys are having a nice weekend.
  • It's a pretty day, dh is working on his fishing gear and I only got up about an hour ago. I ordered a carry on for dh...he chose cobalt blue. Here it is:
    We got $30 off the stated price. I hope he likes it as much as he thinks he will. I would like one too however I'm waiting to see his first. If I like it I may order the red one. With these bright colors we should be able to see our luggage when it comes down the chut..that is if we check them. Dh plans to use his as a carry on...I can't lift it overhead though so I am not sure about mine. I hate to have to depend on him all the time and people get impatient. So if I can truly pack 1.5 weeks worth of clothes in this bag I may just check it and then carry my squishy bag with one change of clothes, a few toiletries and meds on the plane. It fits very easily under the seat ahead of me at my feet for handy reach.

    Nothing else to share..no change in how I feel physically but I am excited about the election.

    Hope you are having a good start to your week..
  • If it is only your browser, go to the browser settings and you can change it there. If it is everything on your computer, go to the computer settings...don't remember what windows version you have but go to the control panel and you should be able to find it from there...it will in the place where you can set your display etc. Win 10 is different so I'm trying to remember what the others are like.
  • Carol do you remember Karen3 from FL? I just got word that she passed away today. I thought you might remember her.
  • Another nice fall day. We stayed up late for the elections and it was very exciting. We had a bottle of champagne that our sil had given us a year or so ago and told us to open it for a special occasion. We had never opened it..and last night (or rather early this am) it seemed the perfect occasion, a new president, so we did and it was very good. Only had a few sips and now we have the rest of the bottle to drink! LOL Since we don't drink often/much, it will take a while...

    Nothing has changed with me except my throat is slightly sore..I think just from all the coughing. It's been a week since I saw the doctor but think I'll wait until tomorrow to call since I made that mistake at first with the Flonase. Can't tell it has helped at all. Dh was going to a VA thing today but I was coughing so hard early this morning, he decided to stay home with me. He would have been kinda far away and might not have heard his call if I'd called. I went with him last year (he was in the program that time), and it was crowded and noisy. They do serve good Filipino food though. I'm sure I would have been ok, but thankful for his thinking of me.

    Last night he brought home Chinese food...it was ok, I just don't have much taste for anything right now. Now I need to buy groceries so we can have some new dishes. We've been getting a long but not eating very healthy.

    He's fixing a leak under our kitchen sink...the pipe just wore out I guess..has a crack in it so he left to get a new part. He's always busy with something. When he's done I'm going to clean out under there. Seems like it's always a mess.

    Just got an invite for a Dec performance of the Nutcracker and my gs will be in it. I didn't know he was taking ballet but knew he had expressed some interest. My dd just told me he's been taking it for over a year now. Of course now we have to go to the coast to visit them but in some ways it is actually easier than going to Portland r/t the traffic. Will discuss with dh before buying tickets though.

    We have three gc's birthdays this month. One is over...I sent her a GC, then the gs in the ballet will be ten in a few days...I haven't yet gotten him anything and don't know what their plans are. Then the next one is grown up so he'll get a check or GC in the mail. We have 12 gc who have birthdays in 8 months of the year, keeps me busy. That doesn't count in-laws who I normally don't buy gifts for and us nor extended family. And Christmas is coming! So far I have only got 2 ornaments. Hopefully I can start doing more soon.

    Well, will stop rambling...you have a good day.
  • This morning I updated my doctor on my condition...nothing really has changed although I may feel a little more energetic this morning. I always try to sleep with meds, using cough drops but end up having to take cough syrup and last night I still coughed for an hour or so after taking it. With the cough syrup though I do eventually sleep pretty well. My throat feels kind of tight at times and a little raw ..the rawness is probably from the coughing. At times I feel like it (whatever "it" is) is going into my right side now up into that ear. I hope not.

    Yesterday I took the Corriceden and went grocery shopping. I coughed a little but not too bad. Still need to shop for a birthday gift for my gs however I may not be able to give it to him until Thanksgiving.

    I like quesadillas, but mostly I just like ones with cheese, no meat. In fact I intend to fix them tonight. Got some pepper jack cheese for them. I hope dh will like them, haven't had them for a while. I wanted ww tortillas but he doesn't like them and I like both. I will also serve a salad.

    Are you having the demonstrations/marches in the streets and freeways in your areas? Both Seattle and Portland did and the streets and freeway was blocked for quite a while. I headed for bed about 11 so not sure how long it lasted. I think President Obama and Hillary ought to come out strongly against this. People just wanted to get home but because of the the streets being blocked they couldn't. Praying for unity.

    You all have a good day..
  • Up earlier this morning. I didn't cough much last night so thought I'd go to the gym. I'm awfully weak and my body does not want to go but know it needs it.
    Even tried to eat a different breakfast. Ate some grits with a little pepper jack cheese melted in it and a dash of pepper. Had to force it down but I ate 1/2. Now trying to eat a few grapes. Still fighting the urge to stay home in bed.
    My weight is still up and so my bs was higher this morning too....so got to change my ways.

    Nothing to talk about. Maybe I'll check in later.
  • Good morning GG's,

    It is a beautiful sunny day here today. It is a tiny bit chilly ~ 50* this morning ~ supposed to get up to 84* by the afternoon. I am enjoying that it is not quite so hot/humid as it was.

    We went to visit our daughter Jennifer and her family in South Carolina. Got back last evening. Enjoyed getting to visit with them, but glad to get back home too.

    Tired. Jen is a goer. Gets bored if she is stuck at home. She says the kids will be bored, but I really think she is the one that gets bored. She feels like she has to take us somewhere every day. What makes it hard is that she kind of keeps on a strict schedule. Have to be up and out to get Evie (kindergarten) off to school. Then what ever we do, we have to be back in time for Colin's (2 ˝ yrs old) nap time. Again I say ~ TIRED.

    The kids were fun ~ said and did some cute things. Jen said that Evie asked her if she was alive when the dinosaurs were living. Colin was pushing the button on a snowman that sings a Christmas song. I was singing with it ~ he didn't want me to. He said “stop”, but it didn't click in my head, so he put his little hand up to my mouth to silence my singing. Evie put lip gloss on the cat ~ the kitty didn't seem to mind.

    I do like the time change. I wake up ~ probably the same time as before ~ but looks like an hour earlier because of turning back the clock. I can get out and do some errands on my own.

    Carol Sue ~ When we had to put our kitty to sleep, we decided not to get another one. Our son came to feed her, but it made extra traveling for him. We didn't want to put her in a kennel ~ worried that she would be confused and unhappy there. So, when we travel it is just easier not to have to worry about a pet. When I make tuna salad for a sandwich ~ I just put a little sweet pickle relish and miracle whip in.

    Mary ~ I'm glad you are starting to feel better. It sure has been hard for you to shake it. We weren't bored with your telling us about how you are doing. Like Carol said ~ we were concerned for you. Forgive me for asking ~ I have never understood why ~ now that your son has his own place ~ Halo still has to stay with you. If you truly enjoy her that is one thing, but it just seems that with her there ~ you aren't always able to get a good rest ~ having to get up for her in the night. I'm sorry ~ I just wish for you to be able to get enough rest so that you are ok.

    I am not up on the news ~ being away from home. Saw a little of it on the computer. I feel sad about all the rioting. If it was peaceful ~ that is one thing, but it makes me sad when people are hurting each other.

    Think I am gonna just rest a bit. I am kind of sore. I fell yesterday at my daughter's place. Had a klutz attack ~ my fancy footwork I call it ~ LOL. I came out of the bedroom to go downstairs. She has a big open area in the hallway upstairs, then there are two steps (no rails to hang onto by those two steps) and kind of a big landing before you get to the stairs that go downstairs. It was early morning ~ I guess maybe I was still kind of sleepy. I was headed to the stairs to go down. I was just walking along and got to those two steps and totally forgot they were there ~ took another step and there was no floor there ~ as I went down ~ I'm like ~ oh yea ~ this isn't flat floor ~ there are those two steps here. I guess that is one time where my extra padding comes in handy.

    Hope you are having a nice day.
  • Good morning GG's,

    Kind of overcast right now. Supposed to maybe have thunderstorms later today.

    Going with Jason to an appointment this afternoon.

    Head is aching ~ hope it will get gone. I know it is probably mostly because of my bad eating yesterday.

    I am disgusted with myself. Eating has been out of control (again) the last couple days. I know what I am doing is not good for me, but I do it anyway. Weight is up, blood sugar is up. I do good for a couple days, then mess up again. I almost hate to get up in the mornings because I feel like ~ here we go again ~ the battle with food and exercise. It seems never ending. I don't know what the answer is. I pray about it and God is probably trying to help me and I still do the wrong things. And I know I need to move more, but I don't do good with that either. Being consistent with that has always been a struggle too. I wish I liked it better. Grrrrrrr

    Carol Sue ~ your quesedilla things sound yummy. I made one with mashed avocado and diced tomatoes. It was pretty good. I don't have one of those machines ~ I used an omlette pan ~ folded the tortilla over then just turn the pan over. The pan is half circle shaped and you close the lid, then just turn the whole pan over after half the time and cook the other side. Also made one for Maddie that had bananas and chocolate bits.

    Mary ~ are you feeling any better? Hope so. I understand now about Halo. Hope your son is able to find a place so that you can do the traveling you'd like to do. Glad you got to enjoy some time with your son.

    Probably nothing happening here for Thanksgiving. Since Sara's divorce, holidays just aren't the same. I guess for the sake of the kids ~ they do the holidays with her ex. We all used to gather at her place, but don't want to be around him. It's her choice ~ she feels sad that it is not the same ~ but she can't make people who don't want to be together ~ be together. Maybe Jason can come be with us. I don't know if he has the day off from work or not.

    Hope you both have a nice day.

    This is what the omlette pan looks like ~ it's non stick.

  • I didn't sleep much last night so didn't go to the gym. Figured I was just to sleepy to accomplish much. Dh went and is resting now. I'm still coughing but so far not too bad today. Only a few more capsules of the antibiotics left. The fluids keep coming but no longer feel like I'm choking on them. So that's not why I couldn't sleep...just the coughing and itchiness I guess. Also my hot flashes are really getting to me, day and night. They are not always this bad...seem to kinda go in cycles, worse, then not so bad, then worse again. I'm very tired of them! Halo was also restless. She came in whimpering at 1:20 am but after a couple tries did go back to her bed.

    I feel like my life has been suspended by this bug for so long now. I want to get more done and do other things but the energy is just not there. I hope I can regain it. I also want to feel good for Thanksgiving. Sure glad I don't have to cook everything but I usually do prepare a dish or two...so far I haven't decided what I'm contributing. I'm sure there will be enough even if I don't do anything although this dd doesn't do the huge spread some do. She's a very disciplined eater and usually just serves a very adequate and healthy meal. I could take some tips from her as when I'm the hostess I always overdo.

    I started out well on my eating yesterday, but I didn't feel like cooking and dh said he was fine with leftovers, but I just snacked too much. At least I maintained my weight at the 2# over sig mark, but I really want to drop down. Except for my belly I feel smaller even though my weight hasn't dropped any more but I don't know how to budge it...think I'd have to eat very little and be very persistent. Doc keeps reminding me I need to lose weight but he is good about mentioning that I have lost some. My previous doctor did not do that. So I'm the same as you two...every day I plan on doing better and start out well but then it falls apart. Same with my plans for doing housework.

    Getting tired so going to rest a few minutes.