Water question?

  • I was looking to see how members do not over drink. I notice as soon as I start eating better I guzzle water. I drink 4 liters a day (total liquid) when eating right I do not know why. When I'm not eating right it's under 3 and mostly pop and juice.

    I also notice I pee over 10 times a day and it's 100% clear and I know it's not suppose to be 100% clear.

    The think is i have high blood pressure and I notice when i eat better and guzzle water my bp acts up. So I googled it and found some people who drink more fluids there bp will rise as more fluid in body but some people's don't. I also found out that if you drink lots of water you should increase salt a bit as to not throw off your electrolytes and I think that is my problem.

    My question is, is 3 liters enough liquid I know most say drink when thirsty but I sit and drink from a big bottle all day I would not even know how to tell if I'm thirsty anymore(I know sounds weird).

    Thanks for any advice and maybe you could share how much total fluids you drink daily.
  • That is too much water for me! But you are listening to your body, and your body is craving that much water so it must be right for you. I wonder if it's really the water that's making your bp rise and not something in your diet?
  • Honestly, I've never heard of this problem. Most people struggle to get their water in. I usually drink about 100oz of liquid altogether, usually about 1/2 is unsweetened tea. I don't think you are anywhere near a danger level of water consumption, so I'd not worry about it too much.
  • Maybe see your family doctor and have your blood and urine checked. Fluid overload can cause high blood pressure and swelling. Normally, you should only drink, 1/2 of your body weight in pounds. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you can drink 90 ounce of water. Hope that helps!
  • Drink water is too good. If you drink more water your body always hydrated and that is good for health.
  • canadacatman that is very interesting. I also had never heard of that.
    Did you talk to your doctor about it? I'm interested in how you are doing now.
    Please share what you have learned as it may help others.
    Does anyone else have any experience with this?