Weight loss coffee?

  • Hi! I'm new here. Glad to "meet you". In my desperation to lose weight (with the challenge of medications causing weight gain), I decided to order weight loss coffee. It arrived today so I'll start tomorrow. Has anyone else tried this type of thing? I got mine from coffee for weight loss dot com and all fingers and toes are crossed. I'm fairly active despite having rheumatoid arthritis in my 30s, and I eat lots of veggies and fruit. So I'm at the point of trying anything because gaining 40 pounds in the last few months has made me very sad.
  • Hi Sandras,

    I know that a lot of caffeine can jump start weight loss. I don't know if it's good for you though. Could be a little scammy and/or dangerous (??). Weightloss pills over the counter have/had tons of caffeine in them. Me? Our family has pots brewing all day anyway.

    What does the doc. say about gaining 40 pounds in a few months? Something else is going on.
  • Never heard of that before lol.
    I will look into it but I doubt it would work o.o
  • Well I started taking it today. The coffee in the morning and an "energy" thing this afternoon. I certainly have more energy. It does have Garcinia Cambogia, green tea, ginseng, etc etc etc... not just caffiene. I expect the caffiene is just to act as a diuretic and energy? Anyway, so far I haven't even felt hungry today and it's 1:15 pm. This is strange because I was quite skeptical. Will see how it goes. I see Dr.s and specialists on a regualar basis and noone is concerned about my recent weight gain - but I agree with you - - what else is going on?!?! In case anyone recognizes it or knows someone that uses it. I'd like to hear results other than just from the seller, ya know? . It's a new company - only 2 years old. Thanks for your thoughts!!
  • Having surgery in Mexico very soon.
    So I was told that after having weight loss surgery we half to stop drinking coffee for a great while. I am very much a coffee drinker and that is what I live on. I hope not to struggle to with much with putting down the coffee cup,hahah. Has any body else had or felt this way?