Just saying hey.

  • I know my weight loss goal is probably nowhere as big as some of you,but I need some support. I am trying to lose my love handles and shrink my bust,so I guess I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. That is why I am here.
  • Welcome Lunakitty!!! you have come to the right place for support I wish you well on your journey and you can most likely find some people with similar goals to yours in the featherweights forum.
  • Just because some of us have more to lose than that doesn't make your goal any less important! Good for you wanting to make the change! We are here for you

    Also, (random I know) but xopeaceandlovexo I love the quote in your signature! "There are seven days in a week and someday isn't one of them!!!" SO TRUE. That is my new motto!
  • thanks Mrslovette
    It helps me push myself to do things today, not "someday" LOL