30-Somethings Weekly Chat, Feb. 28-Mar. 5

  • Hi chicks!

    Still on the mend, but at least I was able to work part of the week. Haven't weighed myself this week; I just don't think I'll get much useful or motivational information from weighing myself at a time when I'm sick and Aunt Flo's come to visit. On the bright side, I haven't felt like eating much. I do agree though, souvenirdarling, illness is a bad weight loss strategy.

    souvenirdarling - I hope your anxiety is getting better and that you've been able to sleep. Anxiety is no fun. As far as modifying diet or exercise to reach your goal - what do you think would be the most sustainable for you?

    lionessavc - Congrats on getting to 293! Congrats also on going out and still staying within your calorie limit, and for not letting one bad day derail your efforts!
  • Theox: a friend of mine jokes about going on holiday to Mexico or Cuba at resorts. All the sunshine, drinking dehydration and "traveler's sickness", she comes back home 10lbs lighter I'm glad and admire you're takingcare of yourself and not jumping on the weightloss wagon too fast, not being obsessive.

    Lioness: Thanks for your level headed advice - rereading it made me smile. I'm curious about how it went with your end of month goal?

    I had a great weekend without any exercise; Great food, some totally out of my "acceptable" zone, too many drinks, time with friends. No monday morning scale disasters. I'm looking forward to relaxing at home alone tonight! Bath and a book?

    I finished doing my "math" and had a .5 lb loss/week in the last 2 weeks. Some lousy sleep in there, not too rigid in my eating or calorie counting - I want to focus more on macro balance and portions, not counting, as a maintenance strategy. I hate the obsessed feeling of counting cals - though they make people really successful I got some compliments last week - my body is changing, less bloated, if the scale isn't.

    This week's menu involves the usual egg-spinach omelettes with plain yogurt; carrot souffles; chicken breast with tandoori spice and balsamic, roast broccoli; cottage cheese & strawberries... There will be some leftover mushroom-romano-risotto in there as well as some other variation of curried chicken later in the week.

    Do you have any goals for the month of March? I'm going to keep up my diet but work on reducing the small sweets and candies that sneak in during work hours; I'm going to bump up my "muscular" workouts - 20 min of moderate intensity as much as3x per week. (My 1 yr yoga video is long and feels intimidating, but 20 min I like. ) SLEEP is high on the list. I also want to to teach myself "Google Sketchup" by the end of the month! (I'm starting a new graphic design class in April!)
  • SW: 309
    GW: 300 - Met 2/8/16
    New GW: 295 - Met 2/17/15
    New GW: 291

    2/01: 309
    2/02: 304.8
    2/03: 304.8 UGH Move!!
    2/04: 304
    2/05: 303.6
    2/06: 301.8 new scale
    2/07: 300.4
    2/08: 299.6
    2/09: 298.8
    2/10: 298.6
    2/11: 297.8
    2/12: 297 Aunt Flo
    2/13: 297.6
    2/14: 298.2
    2/15: 298.8
    2/16: 296.2
    2/17: 295.2
    2/18: 295.4
    2/19: 295.8
    2/20: 295.6
    2/21: 293.6 dehydrated
    2/22: 298.8 retaining water
    2/23: 297.2
    2/24: 293.4
    2/25: 293
    2/26: 292.2
    2/27: 291
    2/28: 292.6
    2/29: 292.8

    So this is how I did in Feb copied from the 100 lb club group. I would like to lose 10 lbs in March.

    Theox - Hope you feel 100% real soon. Aunt Flo on top of that is JUST NOT COOL. My cycle has been way out of whack this month. Auntie has definitely overstayed her welcome. Have a dr appt tomorrow.

    Souvenir - You always have the most delicious sounding menu. And Congrats on your loss!! A weekend like you just had sounds great for the soul.
  • Thanks, y'all.

    souvenirdarling: Congrats on your weight loss. It's great that you're also focusing on the good results you're getting, like compliments, even if the scale isn't moving that much. You have delicious sounding menus. Do you enjoy cooking? I think your monthly goals sound neat. Sleep is something I am going to try to work on this month too. I don't generally like to set deadlines for personal goals; it tends to make me feel stressed. However, I am participating in the Don't be Fooling with my Weight Loss challenge, which ends the first week of April. SketchUp looks like it would be neat to learn - very cool! Are you working toward a degree, or is this just a one-off course? I keep telling myself I should learn Python, so I might start that this month.

    lionessavc: Congrats again on your February loss! And good luck meeting your March goal! I hope your doctor appointment went well. Aunt Flo overstaying her welcome sucks.

    I'm continuing to get better, and had my lowest weigh-in a while this morning, which was nice. I don't think the low weight was totally from being sick, either. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so I'm looking forward to going for some walks. What are y'all's plans for the weekend?