Weighing every day and calorie problems?

  • I've been counting calories now for 4 1/2 weeks. I know that is not a long time in the big picture of everything, but why is it that despite working hard to stay at 1,200 calories a day, I am often the same weight for many days or I don't lose anything? Is it possible that I really am eating too little?
    Yesterday I did have one of those prepared dinners (sweet and sour chicken with rice), but it was within my calorie range at 378 calories. Today I woke up and weighed myself and I GAINED 3 pounds! Why? Is it because of sodium? What am I doing wrong?
    That brings me to my last issue. If I weigh myself every single day, I find that it makes me too focused on what number will come up on the scale. If I don't lose weight or I even gain some, then I begin to have thoughts like, "Why am I bothering with counting calories? I should just forget it and eat whatever I want because this obviously isn't working!" It makes me angry and moody and I feel like quitting.
    I know the point of weighing in every day is to stay on track and to keep yourself from going wild, but I am beginning to think that I might be the type of person who would do better with weekly weigh-ins and instead focus every day on my calorie count or exercise (which I am starting to add in this week). What do you think?
    I could just really do with some advice about everything. What do you do if nothing budges on the scale or you gain weight despite sticking to your plan? Should I be trying something else, like eating more calories and seeing if that jump-starts things again? Should I change to weekly weigh-ins?
    Thanks for reading me ramble on and on!
  • Quote: I've been counting calories now for 4 1/2 weeks. I know that is not a long time in the big picture of everything, but why is it that despite working hard to stay at 1,200 calories a day, I am often the same weight for many days or I don't lose anything? Is it possible that I really am eating too little?
    Yesterday I did have one of those prepared dinners (sweet and sour chicken with rice), but it was within my calorie range at 378 calories. Today I woke up and weighed myself and I GAINED 3 pounds! Why? Is it because of sodium? What am I doing wrong?
    That brings me to my last issue. If I weigh myself every single day, I find that it makes me too focused on what number will come up on the scale. If I don't lose weight or I even gain some, then I begin to have thoughts like, "Why am I bothering with counting calories? I should just forget it and eat whatever I want because this obviously isn't working!" It makes me angry and moody and I feel like quitting.
    I know the point of weighing in every day is to stay on track and to keep yourself from going wild, but I am beginning to think that I might be the type of person who would do better with weekly weigh-ins and instead focus every day on my calorie count or exercise (which I am starting to add in this week). What do you think?
    I could just really do with some advice about everything. What do you do if nothing budges on the scale or you gain weight despite sticking to your plan? Should I be trying something else, like eating more calories and seeing if that jump-starts things again? Should I change to weekly weigh-ins?
    Thanks for reading me ramble on and on!
    Sodium can definitely play a part of a weight gain.. My advice (I'm definitely no expert) would be bump the calories up to 1400 and then exercise more and flush your system with more water.
  • I'd agree on the water and adding exercise. I have found for myself weighing everyday got frustrating for me. So I now to try to do it every other day. If I don't weigh a few times a week I get a bit lax on counting. I do tend to weigh a bit more after TOM as I fluctuate a bit much then. You'll start to find something that works for you so you don't get super frustrated or feeling like your micromanaging. Good luck!
  • Goldana
    I too struggle with calories and scale and if number isn't down I am so angry with myself and is a vicious cycle.
    First I f you don't mind a little pep talk,tell yourself YOU are more than a number on the scale,GOD doesn't make junk.
    Second, exercise for the health of it and the endorphins it creates.
    Third play with the calories a bit,it will take sometime.
    fourth,if you have too much sodium and not enough water it can change the scale 3lbs or more,been there done that.
    Hang in there put one foot in front of the other and don't give up
    My Best to you
  • Goldana, sorry for the frustration I have been a daily weigh-er so long it drives me nuts if I forget (which is rare). When I was at 197lbs I ate at least 1600 calories ... I think your calories are too low (just my opinion) because when you get close to goal or to goal what will you eat during maintenance? Just a thought also most if not all prepared meal has a crazy amount of sodium (I use to eat them daily) it kept me on track but I was also walking after I ate them. Definitely change how often you weigh in. We surely don't want you to give up ... this is definitely a process as you well know ... I have given up and come back so many times. You can do it and we can all do it together also try caloriecount.com or some other calorie count sites to give you an idea of the number of calories based on height, weight, age and level of activity. Hope this helps oh you can't gain 3lbs of fat over night unless you eat a crazy amount of calories so it is just water. Up your water intake to flush it out and hopefully you will be smiling at that scale in a couple of days
  • It's sodium. Eat clean (less processed and low calorie).

    And when you are ready, start to exercise more.
  • Goldana - you might want to change up the carbs you are eating. Things like pasta made from white flour and white rice burn quickly and very little nutrition. Whole wheat products and other carbs with fiber burn slowly, make you feel fuller longer, have more nutrients and needs the help of your body to burn them. So you use calories digesting them. Here is a good article explaining the process - https://8fit.com/blog/smart-carbs-glycemic-index/
  • Goldana, I know it can be frustrating. I am a daily weigher too. A couple things came to mind when I read your post and the followups.

    -Weightloss isn't always linear. Sodium and excess processed carbs will both cause fluid retention but it doesn't always show up the next day. The 3 extra lbs could be because of something you ate 2 days previously!

    -Weekly weigh-ins work for some people. I'm not one of them. It isn't odd for me to lose 2 lbs in a week, then put on 3 lbs overnite due to fluid. I'd be frustrated if the scale told me I had gained a lb over the week even if I knew I'd eaten in a healthy way for most of the week. For me, daily works best and I just look at trends in weight AND what I'm eating to find what works best.

    -Don't let calories and scales be weapons. They're nothing more than tools. Evaluate them - use them in different ways and let your information work FOR you rather than make you angry and upset.

    -Find a way to UNfrustrate yourself. I know that sounds simple but it really does help. When I first started changing the way I eat, I decided that my ultimate goal was to eat good nourishing food that I liked with the occasional treats. If I ate the way I needed to, the weight would take care of itself. Yes, I do find that weeks and sometimes months have gone by with little weight change. I have to remind myself that regardless of the weight, I've eaten nutritious food and I've improved my overall health.

    -Eat the best food you can within your budget. Fresh tasty veggies (LOTS of em!) fresh fruit, lean meats, small but delicious treats. Enjoy eating healthy and know that the number on the scale is going to decide to join the party eventually. Also, you'll be setting yourself up for a way of eating that will keep you healthy and happy for many years to come.
  • It's a combination of quite a few things:
    Water weight and stress.

    Don't weigh yourself every day. Seriously. Once a week. If you can't possibly do that, wait three days in-between weigh ins. You're going to drive yourself crazy. TRUST.ME.
  • I'm agreeing with all of the above - and I recognize and feel your frustration!

    My (strictly amateur) view would be to:

    * Limit the salt/sodium you take in - it won't make you fat but it may make you retain water, which is heavy. It can mask what you may have lost in fat, and then you get discouraged and fall off the waggon.

    * Think about the carbohydrates you're eating. I know there are all sorts of views about how "good" carbs are, or not, but you can choose healthier options, like wholemeal/whole grain breads and pastas, and ditching the heavily processed ones like white bread, and cookies.

    * Make sure you drink plenty water.

    * Consider upping your calorie budget - but increase them with fruits and veg, not candy and cookies!

    * Make sure you get plenty of exercise - just plain, ordinary walking is free, and easy to do.

    My evidence/experience:
    I began dieting (this time) on June 1st 2015.
    On June 8th 2015 I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
    I was completely overwhelmed by the diagnosis (had a crappy couple of years healthwise, here was Something Else....) and got very, very strict with what I ate:
    I had a budget of 1200 calories but regularly underrate that amount. I cut out all starchy carbs. I was quite frightened to eat the wrong thing, however, I lost weight, and my blood sugar dropped significantly.
    I saw a diabetes dietician in September 2015, and she advised eating up to 1300 calories, and including more starchy carbs. I thought she was insane but I did what she said, on the basis that you can't complain about something unless you've tried it.
    I've continued to lose weight, and blood sugar points; and cholesterol too.
    I saw the dietician again yesterday for a review, and she was very pleased - and also suggested eating 1400-1500 calories. I'd already started on 1400 ish, of very "clean" calories, and my weight, which had been stuck still (my fault for having "just a bit" too much food and "just a bit" too little exercise since Christmas) has begun to move again.
    I've lost 75lbs now since June last year. My blood sugar has dropped from 61 to 30; I don't know if we use the same measurements in the UK as the US but in any case, I've halved it, and it's now so low as to not be on the diabetes nurse's chart at all.

    Sorry for the long blurb, I just wanted to show evidence to back up my suggestions.

    Good luck x