Finally FRIDAY!!! SBD chat for 12/18

  • I though we were buried in snow when I first looked out this morning! But it's just a very thick fog. I should know better since it's nearly 50* outside.

    Today promises to be interesting. The kids make settlement on their new house at 10am, and then they'll start moving! They want to get their storage units emptied first to avoid paying another month's rent on them, so that will be today's priority and I'm not sure whether they'll be sleeping in their new home tonight or not. I know they'd like to be completely moved in by the end of the weekend. I can give them a hand tomorrow, but today is my day for Dad, and Sunday I'm already booked. It will all work out, though.

    So how's today and the weekend looking for you?
  • Good morning Linda and chicks to come. What an exciting day for the kids! Is their new home close by?

    Just another fun filled long day at work on the agenda. I do need to pick up P touch labels on my way in. The scale and I are on good terms. If this keeps up I may start the new year at goal. Have a great day.
  • Wow! Once it happened, it's happening fast. I hope both households are calm, peaceful and almost settled by this time next week so you and Jake can enjoy some Christmas peace.

    Yesterday was busy and I did NOT get any party cooking done. I did get major tidying done in the studio and tended to my long-neglected house plants. I also discovered about seven pair of pants that need shortening or a trip to the thrift store. Most of them are snug at the moment but who knows. Maybe by Spring?

    Today I may ignore the phone and email and just focus on wrapping and cooking. I might even put the car in the barn so it looks like I'm not at home!

    Enjoy your Friday - the next one will sure be different!
  • Hi Jennifer. What the heck is a P touch label? I hope your day is not too filled with that euphemistic "fun"!
  • It's a label maker. I think Brother is the manufacturer. I see a lot of organizing in my future at work lol
  • Good morning,

    TGIF, I am at work this morning but after my 1 p.m. meeting I am going back home and will finish up at home since I do not need to wait for DS to get off work as his work Christmas party is this evening.

    Great news DD2 won her appeal so she is done with Nursing school now just needs to get her State board test done and she will be an RN.

    Looks like my BFF is going to have to cancel skiing trip due to her son having pneumonia so I think I am changing our reservations to Denver for the week since it will be just my family going. The kids will still be able to get in a few days of skiing and we will explore the rest of the time.

    Cottage excited for you and your kids getting their house. I so want to rip up carpet in my DS room but it will have to wait for my back issue to settle down.

    Ruth I think hiding your car in the barn is an excellent idea

    Jekel hope you are able to get lots of organizing done at work.

    to everyone else

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good morning

    Linda. What a busy and exciting weekend.

    Ruth. Hope you get all done. By next friday all will be done.

    Jennifer. I know its very busy for you at work but nyc at christmas is so exciting.

    Pearlrose. Congratulations to your dd. What a nice christmas present.

    last night's dinner out was very nice. I had catfish and it was as sweet as lobster. I won't complain about the prices. We seldom eat out so its a shocker. Off to check things on my to do list.
    take care
  • Good morning, chicks! I am sneaking in while at work since i have had a couple of crazy busy days and not made it here.

    We are still having unusually warm weather and it appears to be continuing until Christmas. While some people are complaining about a green Christmas, I am looking forward to not traveling in a blizzard. I guess the I-81 corridor is getting lake effect snow this weekend so anyone who is desperately missing the snow can just go down there!

    Ruth, I hope I am only half as busy as you in my retrement! I'm glad you have such a full life.

    Cottage, how exciting for your kids! I know the weekend will be busy but a new house makes a great present.

    Jennifer, the scale and I are also friendly this month and I still credit my calorie app. I eat by SB principles and use that to keep my portions in check. Hope your work day is smooth. Does the general public get as crazy as my students at this time of year???

    Pearl, that is awesome news for your daughter. Congrats to her!

    Good morning, Sophie!

    I have been communicating with my sisters about Christmas. We will all gather at my parent's house and although we will go out for Christmas Day brunch we like to bring food for the other meals so my mom doesn't have to cook. And everyone seems to have different diet restrictions right now. I plan to have my crock pot going full blast this week.

    Got to get back to work. Who said something about the computer sucking all your time???