Can't get over it..

  • I don't know if this is the best place to get support for this issue of mine, I'm also in therapy and that helps but they just do not get the connection to eating that my depression and relationship issues bring to my life. I have always had very low self-esteem, I've been overweight my whole life. 2 years ago I lost 60 lbs... and was making great changes in my life. Then last year I was sexually assaulted, and my way of coping, eating, led me to gain back all of that weight. Recently Ive lost 10 lbs of it again, trying to move back in that direction. Then unfortunately had a really hard situation with a guy I thought I could love going back to an ex girlfriend instead of me. My main trigger, and I don't want to let it overcome me. I don't want to be the same person, and be affected in the same way I have been. I don't want to be depressed. I don't want to rest my entire future and how I feel and what I can do on getting back attention from a guy. I don't know how to change it, and I don't know how to have a different relationship with my depression and food. But I want to.
  • Well being in therapy is just part of recovery. After two years of anxiety and depression I went on a low dose of Zoloft. Once I leveled out and could actually have happy days, it allowed me to start working on myself mentally and physically. I haven't dated in 15 months. I need my life to be settled and in smooth sailing before even thinking of bringing a relationship into the mix. Take time for yourself and don't even bother with men at this point. It really complicates things, imo.
  • Are you open to alternative therapies? Mediation is a wonderful tool to help you calm your mind and overcome problems. It isn't the only tool available to you by any means, and therapy and/or medication can also come into play, but it can help a lot. Hugs to you!
  • Quote: Are you open to alternative therapies? Mediation is a wonderful tool to help you calm your mind and overcome problems. It isn't the only tool available to you by any means, and therapy and/or medication can also come into play, but it can help a lot. Hugs to you!
    I just started this and LOVE it! Depression sucks; I've been depressed the last 2.5 years. I'm not on meds (cause there are way too many side effects for me). I think my depression is two fold; one from change of life and the second from going through a very, very painful divorce. So.....for me, depression was cured by exercise when I lost over 100 pounds 3 years ago. That is my Prozac.

    So...instead of sitting around stuffing my face, I started to work out again and add meditation into my routine. It works
  • I exercise and do yoga to deal with anxiety and mild depression. I tried meditation, but have a really tough time "clearing my head of all thoughts."
  • Hey girl, that boy ain't worth poo. ;p

    I know how you feel, it's hard to go through a rough time without binging as a means for feeling (temporarily) better. The best revenge is moving on and looking hot while doing it! If you ever need to talk, feel free to send me a message. =)